forked from shadowfacts/Tusker
Onboarding view controller needs to set the account info object on the mastodon controller before calling getOwnAccount since getOwnAccount will upsert the user's account into the persistent container, which requires the account info to exist to create a unique-per-account identifier.
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158 lines
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// LocalData.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 8/18/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import Combine
class LocalData: ObservableObject {
static let shared = LocalData()
let defaults: UserDefaults
private init() {
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment.keys.contains("UI_TESTING") {
defaults = UserDefaults(suiteName: "\(Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!).uitesting")!
if ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment.keys.contains("UI_TESTING_LOGIN") {
accounts = [
id: UUID().uuidString,
instanceURL: URL(string: "http://localhost:8080")!,
clientID: "client_id",
clientSecret: "client_secret",
username: "admin",
accessToken: "access_token")
} else {
defaults = UserDefaults()
private let accountsKey = "accounts"
var accounts: [UserAccountInfo] {
get {
if let array = defaults.array(forKey: accountsKey) as? [[String: String]] {
return array.compactMap { (info) in
guard let id = info["id"],
let instanceURL = info["instanceURL"],
let url = URL(string: instanceURL),
let clientId = info["clientID"],
let secret = info["clientSecret"],
let accessToken = info["accessToken"] else {
return nil
return UserAccountInfo(id: id, instanceURL: url, clientID: clientId, clientSecret: secret, username: info["username"], accessToken: accessToken)
} else {
return []
set {
let array = { (info) -> [String: String] in
var res = [
"instanceURL": info.instanceURL.absoluteString,
"clientID": info.clientID,
"clientSecret": info.clientSecret,
"accessToken": info.accessToken
if let username = info.username {
res["username"] = username
return res
defaults.set(array, forKey: accountsKey)
private let mostRecentAccountKey = "mostRecentAccount"
private var mostRecentAccount: String? {
get {
return defaults.string(forKey: mostRecentAccountKey)
set {
defaults.set(newValue, forKey: mostRecentAccountKey)
var onboardingComplete: Bool {
return !accounts.isEmpty
func addAccount(instanceURL url: URL, clientID: String, clientSecret secret: String, username: String?, accessToken: String) -> UserAccountInfo {
var accounts = self.accounts
if let index = accounts.firstIndex(where: { $0.instanceURL == url && $0.username == username }) {
accounts.remove(at: index)
let id = UUID().uuidString
let info = UserAccountInfo(id: id, instanceURL: url, clientID: clientID, clientSecret: secret, username: username, accessToken: accessToken)
self.accounts = accounts
return info
func setUsername(for info: UserAccountInfo, username: String) {
var info = info
info.username = username
func removeAccount(_ info: UserAccountInfo) {
accounts.removeAll(where: { $ == })
func getAccount(id: String) -> UserAccountInfo? {
return accounts.first(where: { $ == id })
func getMostRecentAccount() -> UserAccountInfo? {
guard onboardingComplete else { return nil }
let mostRecent: UserAccountInfo?
if let id = mostRecentAccount {
mostRecent = accounts.first { $ == id }
} else {
mostRecent = nil
return mostRecent ?? accounts.first!
func setMostRecentAccount(_ account: UserAccountInfo?) {
mostRecentAccount = account?.id
extension LocalData {
struct UserAccountInfo: Equatable, Hashable {
let id: String
let instanceURL: URL
let clientID: String
let clientSecret: String
fileprivate(set) var username: String!
let accessToken: String
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
static func ==(lhs: UserAccountInfo, rhs: UserAccountInfo) -> Bool {
return ==
extension Notification.Name {
static let userLoggedOut = Notification.Name("Tusker.userLoggedOut")
static let addAccount = Notification.Name("Tusker.addAccount")
static let activateAccount = Notification.Name("Tusker.activateAccount")