``` metadata.title = "Introducing Mirror" metadata.category = "java" metadata.date = "2016-07-28 16:45:00 -0400" metadata.oldPermalink = "/java/2016/07/28/introducing-mirror/" metadata.shortDesc = "Allow me to introduce my latest project, Mirror. Mirror is a reflection library for Java designed to take advantage of the streams, lambdas, and optionals introduced in Java 8." ``` Allow me to introduce my latest project, Mirror. Mirror is a [reflection][] library for Java designed to take advantage of the streams, lambdas, and optionals introduced in Java 8. The source code is publicly available on [GitHub][source] under the MIT license and the JavaDocs are viewable [here][docs]. ## Installation All version of Mirror are [available on my Maven][maven]. ### Maven ```xml shadowfacts http://mvn.rx14.co.uk/shadowfacts/ net.shadowfacts Mirror 1.0.0 ``` ### Gradle ```groovy repositories { maven { name "shadowfacts" url "http://mvn.rx14.co.uk/shadowfacts/" } } dependencies { compile group: "net.shadowfacts", name: "Mirror", version: "1.0.0" } ``` ## Usage A couple of simple examples for getting started with Mirror. For more complex examples of everything possible with Mirror, you can look at the [unit tests][tests]. ### General Overview The `Mirror.of` methods are used to retrieve mirrors on which operations can be performed. The types of mirrors are: - [`MirrorClass`][class] - [`MirrorEnum`][enum] - [`MirrorConstructor`][constructor] - [`MirrorMethod`][method] - [`MirrorField`][field] The `Mirror.ofAll` methods are used to create mirror stream wrappers for a given stream/collection/array of reflection objects or mirrors. These examples will use the following classes: ```java public class Test { public static String name = "Mirror"; public static String author; public static String reverse(String str) { return new StringBuilder(str).reverse().toString(); } } public class Test2 { public static String name = "Test 2"; public static void doSomething() { } } ``` ### Getting Fields ```java // get the field Optional optional = Mirror.of(Test.class).field("name"); // unwrap the optional MirrorField field = optional.get(); // get the value of the field // we pass null as the instance because the field is static field.get(null); // "Mirror" ``` ### Setting Fields ```java // get the field Optional optional = Mirror.of(Test.class).field("author"); // unwrap the optional MirrorField field = optional.get(); // set the value of the field // we once again pass null as the instance because the field is static field.set(null, "Shadowfacts"); ``` ### Invoking Methods ```java // get the method using the name and the types of the arguments it accepts Optional optional = Mirror.of(Test.class).method("reverse", String.class); // unwrap the optional MirrorMethod method = optional.get(); // invoke the method method.invoke(null, "Mirror"); // "rorriM"; ``` ### Class Streams ```java Mirror.ofAllUnwrapped(Test.class, Test2.class) // create the stream of classes .unwrap() // map the MirrorClasses to their Java versions .toArray(); // [Test.class, Test2.class] ``` ### Field Streams ```java Mirror.ofAllUnwrapped(Test.class, Test2.class) // create the stream of classes .flatMapToFields() // flat map the classes to their fields .get(null) // get the value of the fields on null .toArray(); // ["Mirror", "Shadowfacts", "Tesst 2"] ``` ### Method Streams ```java Mirror.ofAllUnwrapped(Test.class, Test2.class) // create the stream of classes .flatMapToMethods() // flat map the classes to their methods .filter(m -> Arrays.equals(m.parameterTypes(), new MirrorClass[]{Mirror.of(String.class)})) // filter the methods by which accept only a String .invoke(null, "Shadowfacts") // invoke them all on nothing, passing in "Shadowfacts" .toArray(); // ["stcafwodahS"] ``` [reflection]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reflection_(computer_programming) [source]: https://github.com/shadowfacts/Mirror/ [docs]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/ [maven]: http://mvn.rx14.co.uk/shadowfacts/net/shadowfacts/Mirror [tests]: https://github.com/shadowfacts/Mirror/tree/master/src/test/java/net/shadowfacts/mirror [class]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/net/shadowfacts/mirror/MirrorClass.html [enum]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/net/shadowfacts/mirror/MirrorEnum.html [constructor]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/net/shadowfacts/mirror/MirrorConstructor.html [method]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/net/shadowfacts/mirror/MirrorMethod.html [field]: https://shadowfacts.net/Mirror/net/shadowfacts/mirror/MirrorField.html