``` metadata.title = "Advanced Creative Tabs" metadata.date = "2016-06-15 11:42:00 -0400" metadata.series = "forge-modding-1112" metadata.seriesName = "Forge Mods for 1.11.2" ``` ## Searchable Tab Let's make our creative tab searchable, just like the Search Items tab. There are two main parts to this: 1. Returning `true` from the `hasSearchBar` method of our creative tab class. 2. Setting the texture name for the background image of our creative tab, so the search bar appears. ```java package net.shadowfacts.tutorial.client; import net.minecraft.creativetab.CreativeTabs; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.shadowfacts.tutorial.TutorialMod; import net.shadowfacts.tutorial.item.ModItems; public class TutorialTab extends CreativeTabs { public TutorialTab() { super(TutorialMod.modId); setBackgroundImageName("item_search.png"); } @Override public ItemStack getTabIconItem() { return new ItemStack(ModItems.ingotCopper); } @Override public boolean hasSearchBar() { return true; } } ``` As you can see, we are returning `true` from `hasSearchBar` so Minecraft will allow us to type in our tab and filter the visible items. We're also calling `setBackgroundImageName` with `"item_search.png"`. Minecraft will use this string to find the texture to use for the background. It will look for the texture at `assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_BACKGROUND_NAME` where `BACKGROUND_NAME` is what you passed into `setBackgroundImageName`. `tag_item_search.png` is provided by Minecraft, so we don't need to do anything else. ![Searchable Creative Tab](http://i.imgur.com/C34Nh4R.png) ## Custom Background As explained above, we can use custom backgrounds for our creative tabs. > Minecraft will use this string to find the texture to use for the background. It will look for the texture at `assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_BACKGROUND_NAME` where `BACKGROUND_NAME` is what you passed into `setBackgroundImageName`. By passing a different string into `setBackgroundImageName` and adding the texture into the correct folder of our `src/main/resources` folder, we can use a custom background. In our constructor, let's call `setBackgroundImageName` with `"tutorialmod.png"`. This will tell Minecraft to look for the texture at `assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_tutorialmod.png` Download [this](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shadowfacts/TutorialMod/master/src/main/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_tutorialmod.png) texture and save it to `src/main/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/gui/container/creative_inventory/tab_tutorialmod.png` in your mod folder. That's it! When you open up the creative tab, you should now see our nice custom texture! ![Creative Tab with Custom Background](https://i.imgur.com/pP2W6h0.png)