import express, { Router, Request, Response } from "express"; import { Page, PostMetadata } from "../metadata"; import { Article } from "./activity"; import { Database } from "sqlite3"; import uuidv4 from "uuid/v4"; const domain = process.env.DOMAIN; export async function setup(posts: Page[], db: Database) { for (const post of posts) { const postMeta = post.metadata; const articleObject = { "@context": [ "", ], "type": "Article", "id": `https://${domain}${post.metadata.permalink}`, "published": (, "inReplyTo": null, "conversation": `https://${domain}/ap/conversation/${uuidv4()}`, "url": `https://${domain}${postMeta.permalink}`, "attributedTo": `https://${domain}/ap/actor`, "to": [ "" ], "cc": [ `https://${domain}/ap/actor/followers` ], "name": postMeta.title, "content": post.text };"INSERT OR IGNORE INTO articles(id, article_doc, conversation, has_federated) VALUES($id, $article_doc, $conversation, $has_federated)", { $id: postMeta.permalink, $article_doc: JSON.stringify(articleObject), $conversation: articleObject.conversation, $has_federated: 0 }, (err) => { if (err) console.log(`Encountered error inserting article ${postMeta.permalink}`, err); }); } } export async function toFederate(db: Database): Promise<[string, Article][]> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { db.all("SELECT id, article_doc FROM articles WHERE has_federated = $has_federated", { $has_federated: 0 }, (err, rows) => { if (err) reject(err); else { let result: [string, Article][] = []; for (const row of rows) { result.push([, JSON.parse(row.article_doc)]); } resolve(result); } }); }); } export function route(router: Router) { router.use("/:category/:year/:slug/", (req, res, next) => { const best = req.accepts(["text/html", "application/activity+json"]); console.log(best); if (best === "text/html") { next(); } else if (best === "application/activity+json") { const db ="db") db.get("SELECT article_doc FROM articles WHERE id = $id", { $id: `/${req.params.category}/${req.params.year}/${req.params.slug}/` }, (err, result) => { if (err) { res.status(500).end(err); return; } res.type("application/activity+json"); res.end(result.article_doc); }); } else { res.status(415).end("No acceptable content-type given. text/html or application/activity+json are supported"); } }); }