``` metadata.title = "JSON Item Models" metadata.date = "2016-05-07 16:32:00 -0400" metadata.series = "forge-modding-112" metadata.seriesName = "Forge Mods for 1.12" ``` Models for items and blocks are created using Mojang's fairly simple JSON format. We're going to create a simple item model for our copper ingot. Before we do this, we'll need to add our copper ingot texture. Download the copper ingot texture from [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/shadowfacts/TutorialMod/1.11/src/main/resources/assets/tutorial/textures/items/ingot_copper.png) and save it to `src/main/resources/assets/tutorial/textures/items/ingot_copper.png` so we can use it from our model. Now we'll create a simple JSON model and save it to `src/main/resources/assets/tutorial/models/item/ingot_copper.json` ```json { "parent": "item/generated", "textures": { "layer0": "tutorial:items/ingot_copper" } } ``` Let's go over what each bit does: - `parent`: specifies which model to use as the parent. We're using `item/generated` which is a code model that is part of Minecraft that generates that nice 3D look that items have. - `textures`: specifies all the textures to use for this model. - `layer0`: Our model only has one texture so we only need to specify one layer. - `tutorial:items/ingotCopper`: There are two important parts of this bit. - `tutorial` specifies that the texture is part of the `tutorial` domain. - `items/ingotCopper` specifies what path the texture is at. - These are all combined to get the entire path to the texture `assets/tutorial/textures/items/ingot_copper.png` Now our item has a nice texture and nice model in-game! ![Copper Ingot Model/Texture Screenshot](http://i.imgur.com/cup7xwW.png)