package net.shadowfacts.shadowui import com.mojang.blaze3d.platform.GlStateManager import net.shadowfacts.kiwidsl.dsl import net.shadowfacts.shadowui.geometry.Rect import net.shadowfacts.shadowui.geometry.Size import net.shadowfacts.shadowui.util.Color import net.shadowfacts.shadowui.util.RenderHelper import import class View { lateinit var solver: Solver // in the coordinate system of the screen val leftAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "left") val rightAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "right") val topAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "top") val bottomAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "bottom") val widthAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "width") val heightAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "height") val centerXAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "centerX") val centerYAnchor = LayoutVariable(this, "centerY") // The rectangle for this view in the coordinate system of the parent view. lateinit var frame: Rect // The rectangle for this view in its own coordinate system. lateinit var bounds: Rect var intrinsicContentSize: Size? = null set(value) { updateIntrinsicContentSizeConstraints(intrinsicContentSize, value) field = value } private var intrinsicContentSizeWidthConstraint: Constraint? = null private var intrinsicContentSizeHeightConstraint: Constraint? = null var backgroundColor = Color(0xff0000) var parent: View? = null val subviews = mutableListOf() fun addSubview(view: View): View { subviews.add(view) view.parent = this view.solver = solver view.wasAdded() return view } fun wasAdded() { createInternalConstraints() } fun createInternalConstraints() { solver.dsl { rightAnchor equalTo (leftAnchor + widthAnchor) bottomAnchor equalTo (topAnchor + heightAnchor) centerXAnchor equalTo (leftAnchor + widthAnchor / 2) centerYAnchor equalTo (topAnchor + heightAnchor / 2) } } private fun updateIntrinsicContentSizeConstraints(old: Size?, new: Size?) { if (old != null) { solver.removeConstraint(intrinsicContentSizeWidthConstraint!!) solver.removeConstraint(intrinsicContentSizeHeightConstraint!!) } if (new != null) { solver.dsl { this@View.intrinsicContentSizeWidthConstraint = (widthAnchor.equalTo(new.width, strength = WEAK)) this@View.intrinsicContentSizeHeightConstraint = (heightAnchor.equalTo(new.height, strength = WEAK)) } } } fun didLayout() { subviews.forEach(View::didLayout) val parentLeft = parent?.leftAnchor?.value ?: 0.0 val parentTop = parent?.topAnchor?.value ?: 0.0 frame = Rect(leftAnchor.value - parentLeft, topAnchor.value - parentTop, widthAnchor.value, heightAnchor.value) bounds = Rect(0.0, 0.0, widthAnchor.value, heightAnchor.value) } fun draw() { GlStateManager.pushMatrix() GlStateManager.translated(frame.left,, 0.0) RenderHelper.fill(bounds, backgroundColor) drawContent() subviews.forEach(View::draw) GlStateManager.popMatrix() } fun drawContent() {} }