package net.shadowfacts.cacao.util /** * Helper class for Cacao colors. * * @author shadowfacts * @param red The red component, from 0-255. * @param green The green component, from 0-255. * @param blue The blue component, from 0-255. * @param alpha The alpha (i.e. transparency) component, from 0-255. (0 is transparent, 255 is opaque) */ data class Color(val red: Int, val green: Int, val blue: Int, val alpha: Int = 255) { /** * Constructs a color from the packed RGB color. */ constructor(rgb: Int, alpha: Int = 255): this(rgb shr 16, (rgb shr 8) and 255, rgb and 255, alpha) /** * The ARGB packed representation of this color. */ val argb: Int get() = ((alpha and 255) shl 24) or ((red and 255) shl 16) or ((green and 255) shl 8) or (blue and 255) companion object { val CLEAR = Color(0, alpha = 0) val WHITE = Color(0xffffff) val BLACK = Color(0) } }