
209 lines
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package net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.button
import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.Window
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Axis
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Point
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Rect
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.MouseButton
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.NinePatchTexture
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.Texture
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.NinePatchView
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.StackView
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.TextureView
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.View
import net.shadowfacts.kiwidsl.dsl
* A button that provides a dropdown for the user to select from a list of values.
* The button itself shows a [ContentView] representing the currently selected [Value] and an image indicator that serves
* as a hint for the ability to click the button and display the dropdown.
* The dropdown list itself is displayed by presenting a new [Window] at the front of the window stack.
* Each possible value is represented in the list by a button containing a [ContentView] for that value, with the button
* for the current value being disabled.
* @author shadowfacts
* @param Value The type of value that the dropdown selects.
* @param ContentView The specific type of the [View] that represents selected item in the button and each item in the dropdown list.
* @param initialValue The initial value of the dropdown button.
* @param allValues List of all allowed values for the dropdown.
* @param createView A function that creates a [ContentView] representing the given [Value].
* Positioning of content views is handled by the dropdown.
* @param updateView A function for updating the view used as the button's 'label' that's visible even when the dropdown isn't.
class DropdownButton<Value, ContentView: View>(
val initialValue: Value,
val allValues: Iterable<Value>,
val createView: (Value) -> ContentView,
val updateView: (newValue: Value, view: ContentView) -> Unit,
padding: Double = 4.0
): AbstractButton<DropdownButton<Value, ContentView>>(
) {
companion object {
val DROPDOWN_INDICATOR = Texture(Identifier("asmr", "textures/gui/dropdown.png"), 0, 0)
private val stackView: StackView
get() = content as StackView
private val contentView: ContentView
get() = stackView.arrangedSubviews.first() as ContentView
private lateinit var dropdownIndicator: TextureView
* The currently selected [Value] of the dropdown.
var value: Value = initialValue
set(value) {
field = value
updateView(value, contentView)
override fun wasAdded() {
dropdownIndicator = stackView.addArrangedSubview(TextureView(DROPDOWN_INDICATOR))
solver.dsl {
dropdownIndicator.widthAnchor equalTo 9
dropdownIndicator.heightAnchor equalTo 9
override fun mouseClicked(point: Point, mouseButton: MouseButton): Boolean {
return if (mouseButton == MouseButton.LEFT || mouseButton == MouseButton.RIGHT) {
} else {
super.mouseClicked(point, mouseButton)
private fun showDropdown() {
val dropdownWindow = window.screen.addWindow(Window())
val dropdownBackground = dropdownWindow.addView(NinePatchView(DEFAULT_BG).apply {
zIndex = -1.0
val stack = dropdownWindow.addView(StackView(Axis.VERTICAL, StackView.Distribution.LEADING))
lateinit var selectedButton: View
val buttons = mutableListOf<Button>()
val last = allValues.count() - 1
for ((index, value) in allValues.withIndex()) {
val contentView = createView(value)
val button = stack.addArrangedSubview(Button(contentView, padding).apply {
background = null
hoveredBackground = DropdownItemBackgroundView(index == 0, index == last, HOVERED_BG)
disabledBackground = DropdownItemBackgroundView(index == 0, index == last, DISABLED_BG)
disabled = value == this@DropdownButton.value
handler = {
if (value == this@DropdownButton.value) {
selectedButton = button
dropdownWindow.solver.dsl {
stack.widthAnchor greaterThanOrEqualTo button.widthAnchor
dropdownWindow.solver.dsl {
// constrain to the DropdownButton anchor's value constant, because we're crossing windows and
// therefore solvers, which isn't allowed
stack.leftAnchor equalTo this@DropdownButton.rightAnchor.value
selectedButton.centerYAnchor equalTo this@DropdownButton.centerYAnchor.value
dropdownBackground.leftAnchor equalTo stack.leftAnchor
dropdownBackground.rightAnchor equalTo stack.rightAnchor
dropdownBackground.topAnchor equalTo stack.topAnchor
dropdownBackground.bottomAnchor equalTo stack.bottomAnchor
dropdownWindow.solver.dsl {
buttons.forEach {
it.widthAnchor equalTo stack.frame.width
private fun valueSelected(value: Value) {
this.value = value
private class DropdownItemBackgroundView(
private val first: Boolean,
private val last: Boolean,
ninePatch: NinePatchTexture
): NinePatchView(ninePatch) {
// Corners
private val topLeftDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(0.0, 0.0, ninePatch.cornerWidth.toDouble(), if (first) ninePatch.cornerHeight.toDouble() else 0.0)
override val topLeft by topLeftDelegate
private val topRightDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(bounds.width - ninePatch.cornerWidth, 0.0, topLeft.width, topLeft.height)
override val topRight by topRightDelegate
private val bottomLeftDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topLeft.left, bounds.height - ninePatch.cornerHeight, topLeft.width, if (last) ninePatch.cornerHeight.toDouble() else 0.0)
override val bottomLeft by bottomLeftDelegate
private val bottomRightDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topRight.left,, topLeft.width, bottomLeft.height)
override val bottomRight by bottomRightDelegate
// Edges
private val topMiddleDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(ninePatch.cornerWidth.toDouble(),, bounds.width - 2 * ninePatch.cornerWidth, topLeft.height)
override val topMiddle by topMiddleDelegate
private val bottomMiddleDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topMiddle.left,, topMiddle.width, bottomLeft.height)
override val bottomMiddle by bottomMiddleDelegate
private val leftMiddleDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topLeft.left, topLeft.bottom, topLeft.width, bounds.height - (if (first && last) 2 else if (first || last) 1 else 0) * ninePatch.cornerHeight)
override val leftMiddle by leftMiddleDelegate
private val rightMiddleDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topRight.left, topRight.bottom, topRight.width, leftMiddle.height)
override val rightMiddle by rightMiddleDelegate
// Center
private val centerDelegate = ResettableLazyProperty {
Rect(topLeft.right, topMiddle.bottom, topMiddle.width, leftMiddle.height)
override val center by centerDelegate
private val delegates = listOf(topLeftDelegate, topRightDelegate, bottomLeftDelegate, bottomRightDelegate, topMiddleDelegate, bottomMiddleDelegate, leftMiddleDelegate, rightMiddleDelegate, centerDelegate)
override fun didLayout() {