package import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.block.entity.BlockEntityClientSerializable import net.minecraft.block.BlockState import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntity import net.minecraft.block.entity.BlockEntityType import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag import net.minecraft.util.Tickable import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.PacketSink import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.PacketSource import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.Interface import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.NetworkComponentBlock import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.frame.EthernetFrame import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.frame.PacketFrame import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.packet.Packet import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.util.IPAddress import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.util.MACAddress import import import import import java.lang.RuntimeException import java.util.* /** * @author shadowfacts */ abstract class DeviceBlockEntity(type: BlockEntityType<*>): BlockEntity(type), BlockEntityClientSerializable, Tickable, PacketSink, PacketSource, Interface { companion object { private const val ARP_RETRY_TIMEOUT = 200 } var macAddress: MACAddress = MACAddress.random() protected set var ipAddress: IPAddress = IPAddress.random() protected set private val arpTable = mutableMapOf() private val packetQueue = LinkedList() var counter: Long = 0 override fun getIPAddress() = ipAddress override fun getMACAddress() = macAddress abstract override fun handle(packet: Packet) override fun send(frame: EthernetFrame) { findDestination()?.receive(frame) } override fun receive(frame: EthernetFrame) { println("$this ($ipAddress, ${macAddress}) received frame from ${frame.source}: $frame") when (frame) { is ARPQueryFrame -> handleARPQuery(frame) is ARPResponseFrame -> handleARPResponse(frame) is PacketFrame -> { if (frame.packet.destination.isBroadcast || frame.packet.destination == ipAddress) { println("$this ($ipAddress) received packet: ${frame.packet}") handle(frame.packet) } } } } private fun handleARPQuery(frame: ARPQueryFrame) { println("$this ($ipAddress) received ARP query for ${frame.queryIP}") arpTable[frame.sourceIP] = frame.source if (frame.queryIP == ipAddress) { println("$this ($ipAddress) sending ARP response to ${frame.source} with $macAddress") send(ARPResponseFrame(ipAddress, macAddress, frame.source)) } } private fun handleARPResponse(frame: ARPResponseFrame) { arpTable[frame.query] = frame.source println("$this ($ipAddress) received ARP response for ${frame.query} with ${frame.source}") val toRemove = packetQueue.filter { (packet, _) -> if (packet.destination == frame.query) { send(BasePacketFrame(packet, macAddress, frame.source)) true } else { false } } packetQueue.removeAll(toRemove) } override fun sendPacket(packet: Packet) { if (packet.destination.isBroadcast) { send(BasePacketFrame(packet, macAddress, MACAddress.BROADCAST)) } else if (arpTable.containsKey(packet.destination)) { send(BasePacketFrame(packet, macAddress, arpTable[packet.destination]!!)) } else { packetQueue.add(PendingPacket(packet, counter)) println("$this ($ipAddress) sending ARP query for ${packet.destination}") send(ARPQueryFrame(packet.destination, ipAddress, macAddress)) } } open fun findDestination(): Interface? { val sides = (cachedState.block as NetworkComponentBlock).getNetworkConnectedSides(cachedState, world!!, pos) if (sides.size != 1) { throw RuntimeException("DeviceBlockEntity.findDestination must be overridden by devices which have more than 1 network connected side") } return NetworkUtil.findConnectedInterface(world!!, pos, sides.first()) } override fun tick() { counter++ if (!world!!.isClient) { val toRemove = packetQueue.filter { entry -> val (packet, timestamp) = entry if (arpTable.containsKey(packet.destination)) { send(BasePacketFrame(packet, macAddress, arpTable[packet.destination]!!)) true } else if (counter - timestamp >= ARP_RETRY_TIMEOUT) { send(ARPQueryFrame(packet.destination, ipAddress, macAddress)) entry.timestamp = counter // todo: should there be a retry counter? true } else { false } } packetQueue.removeAll(toRemove) } } override fun toTag(tag: CompoundTag): CompoundTag { tag.putInt("IPAddress", ipAddress.address) tag.putLong("MACAddress", macAddress.address) return super.toTag(tag) } override fun fromTag(state: BlockState, tag: CompoundTag) { super.fromTag(state, tag) ipAddress = IPAddress(tag.getInt("IPAddress")) macAddress = MACAddress(tag.getLong("MACAddress")) } override fun toClientTag(tag: CompoundTag): CompoundTag { tag.putInt("IPAddress", ipAddress.address) tag.putLong("MACAddress", macAddress.address) return tag } override fun fromClientTag(tag: CompoundTag) { ipAddress = IPAddress(tag.getInt("IPAddress")) macAddress = MACAddress(tag.getLong("MACAddress")) } fun onBreak() { if (!world!!.isClient) { sendPacket(DeviceRemovedPacket(this)) } } data class PendingPacket( val packet: Packet, var timestamp: Long, ) }