package net.shadowfacts.phycon.client.screen import net.minecraft.util.Identifier import net.minecraft.util.math.MathHelper import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Point import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Rect import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.MouseButton import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.texture.Texture import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.TextureView import net.shadowfacts.cacao.view.View import net.shadowfacts.phycon.PhysicalConnectivity /** * @author shadowfacts */ class ScrollTrackView( val scrollPositionChanged: (ScrollTrackView) -> Unit, ): View() { companion object { private val THUMB = Texture(Identifier(PhysicalConnectivity.MODID, "textures/gui/terminal.png"), 52, 230) private const val THUMB_WIDTH = 12.0 private const val THUMB_HEIGHT = 15.0 } private lateinit var thumbView: TextureView private var grabbedY: Double? = null /** * The [0,1] normalized position of the scroll thumb. */ var scrollPosition: Double get() = / (frame.height - THUMB_HEIGHT) set(value) { val newTop = MathHelper.clamp(value, 0.0, 1.0) * (frame.height - THUMB_HEIGHT) thumbView.frame = Rect(0.0, newTop, THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT) } init { respondsToDragging = true } override fun wasAdded() { super.wasAdded() thumbView = addSubview(TextureView(THUMB).apply { usesConstraintBasedLayout = false frame = Rect(0.0, 0.0, THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT) }) } override fun mouseDragged(point: Point, delta: Point, mouseButton: MouseButton): Boolean { if (grabbedY == null && point !in thumbView.frame) { val newCenter = MathHelper.clamp(point.y, THUMB_HEIGHT / 2, frame.height - THUMB_HEIGHT / 2) thumbView.frame = Rect(0.0, newCenter - THUMB_HEIGHT / 2, THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT) } if (grabbedY == null) { grabbedY = point.y - } val newTop = MathHelper.clamp(point.y - grabbedY!!, 0.0, frame.height - THUMB_HEIGHT) thumbView.frame = Rect(0.0, newTop, THUMB_WIDTH, THUMB_HEIGHT) scrollPositionChanged(this) return true } override fun mouseDragEnded(point: Point, mouseButton: MouseButton) { grabbedY = null } }