package import import import import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2ObjectArrayMap import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.block.entity.BlockEntityClientSerializable import net.fabricmc.fabric.api.screenhandler.v1.ExtendedScreenHandlerFactory import net.minecraft.block.BlockState import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory import net.minecraft.inventory.Inventory import net.minecraft.inventory.InventoryChangedListener import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack import net.minecraft.nbt.CompoundTag import net.minecraft.nbt.ListTag import import net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler import import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText import net.minecraft.util.Tickable import net.minecraft.util.math.Direction import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.Interface import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.packet.Packet import net.shadowfacts.phycon.api.util.IPAddress import net.shadowfacts.phycon.init.PhyBlockEntities import import import import import import* import java.util.* import kotlin.math.min /** * @author shadowfacts */ class TerminalBlockEntity: DeviceBlockEntity(PhyBlockEntities.TERMINAL), InventoryChangedListener, BlockEntityClientSerializable, Tickable, ItemStackPacketHandler { companion object { val LOCATE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 40 // ticks val INSERTION_TIMEOUT = 40 } private val inventoryCache = mutableMapOf() val internalBuffer = TerminalBufferInventory(18) private val locateRequestQueue = LinkedList() private val pendingRequests = LinkedList() private val pendingInsertions = Int2ObjectArrayMap() private var observers = 0 val cachedNetItems = ItemStackCollections.intMap() var cachedSortedNetItems = listOf() init { internalBuffer.addListener(this) } override fun findDestination(): Interface? { for (dir in Direction.values()) { val itf = NetworkUtil.findConnectedInterface(world!!, pos, dir) if (itf != null) { return itf } } return null } override fun handle(packet: Packet) { when (packet) { is ReadInventoryPacket -> handleReadInventory(packet) is DeviceRemovedPacket -> handleDeviceRemoved(packet) is StackLocationPacket -> handleStackLocation(packet) is ItemStackPacket -> handleItemStack(packet) is CapacityPacket -> handleCapacity(packet) } } private fun handleReadInventory(packet: ReadInventoryPacket) { inventoryCache[packet.source] = packet.inventory updateNetItems() sync() } private fun handleDeviceRemoved(packet: DeviceRemovedPacket) { inventoryCache.remove(packet.source) updateNetItems() sync() } private fun handleStackLocation(packet: StackLocationPacket) { val request = pendingRequests.firstOrNull { ItemStackUtil.areEqualIgnoreAmounts(it.stack, packet.stack) } if (request != null) { request.results.add(packet.amount to packet.sourceInterface) if (request.totalResultAmount >= request.amount || counter - request.timestamp >= LOCATE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT || request.results.size >= inventoryCache.size) { stackLocateRequestCompleted(request) } } } override fun doHandleItemStack(packet: ItemStackPacket): ItemStack { val remaining = internalBuffer.insertFromNetwork(packet.stack) // this happens outside the normal update loop because by receiving the item stack packet // we "know" how much the count in the source inventory has changed updateNetItems() sync() return remaining } private fun handleCapacity(packet: CapacityPacket) { val insertion = pendingInsertions.values.firstOrNull { ItemStackUtil.areEqualIgnoreAmounts(packet.stack, it.stack) } if (insertion != null) { insertion.results.add(packet.capacity to packet.receivingInterface) if (insertion.isFinishable(counter)) { finishInsertion(insertion) } } } private fun updateNetItems() { cachedNetItems.clear() for (inventory in inventoryCache.values) { for (stack in inventory.storedStacks) { val amount = inventory.getAmount(stack) cachedNetItems.mergeInt(stack, amount) { a, b -> a + b } } } // todo: is the map necessary or is just the sorted list enough? cachedSortedNetItems = cachedNetItems.object2IntEntrySet().sortedByDescending { it.intValue }.map { val stack = it.key.copy() stack.count = it.intValue stack } } private fun beginInsertions() { if (world!!.isClient) return for (slot in 0 until internalBuffer.size()) { if (internalBuffer.getMode(slot) != TerminalBufferInventory.Mode.TO_NETWORK) continue if (slot in pendingInsertions) continue val stack = internalBuffer.getStack(slot) pendingInsertions[slot] = PendingStackInsertion(slot, stack, counter) sendPacket(CheckCapacityPacket(stack, ipAddress, IPAddress.BROADCAST)) } } private fun finishPendingInsertions() { if (world!!.isClient) return for (insertion in pendingInsertions.values) { if (!insertion.isFinishable(counter)) continue finishInsertion(insertion) } } private fun sendEnqueuedLocateRequests() { if (world!!.isClient) return for (request in locateRequestQueue) { pendingRequests.add(request) sendPacket(LocateStackPacket(request.stack, ipAddress)) } locateRequestQueue.clear() } private fun finishPendingRequests() { if (world!!.isClient) return for (request in pendingRequests) { if (request.isFinishable(counter)) { stackLocateRequestCompleted(request) } } } fun addObserver() { observers++ } fun removeObserver() { observers-- } override fun tick() { super.tick() if (counter % 20 == 0L) { if (!world!!.isClient) { sendEnqueuedLocateRequests() finishPendingRequests() beginInsertions() finishPendingInsertions() } if (observers > 0) { if (world!!.isClient) { println(cachedNetItems) } else { updateNetItems() sync() } } } } fun onActivate(player: PlayerEntity) { if (!world!!.isClient) { updateNetItems() sync() inventoryCache.clear() sendPacket(RequestInventoryPacket(ipAddress)) val factory = object: ExtendedScreenHandlerFactory { override fun createMenu(syncId: Int, playerInv: PlayerInventory, player: PlayerEntity): ScreenHandler? { return TerminalScreenHandler(syncId, playerInv, this@TerminalBlockEntity) } override fun getDisplayName() = LiteralText("Terminal") override fun writeScreenOpeningData(player: ServerPlayerEntity, buf: PacketByteBuf) { buf.writeBlockPos(this@TerminalBlockEntity.pos) } } player.openHandledScreen(factory) } addObserver() } fun requestItem(stack: ItemStack, amount: Int = stack.count) { locateRequestQueue.add(StackLocateRequest(stack, amount, counter)) } private fun stackLocateRequestCompleted(request: StackLocateRequest) { pendingRequests.remove(request) // todo: also sort results by interface priority val sortedResults = request.results.sortedByDescending { it.first }.toMutableList() var amountRequested = 0 while (amountRequested < request.amount && sortedResults.isNotEmpty()) { val (sourceAmount, sourceInterface) = sortedResults.removeAt(0) val amountToRequest = min(sourceAmount, request.amount - amountRequested) amountRequested += amountToRequest sendPacket(ExtractStackPacket(request.stack, amountToRequest, ipAddress, sourceInterface.ipAddress)) } } private fun finishInsertion(insertion: PendingStackInsertion) { pendingInsertions.remove(insertion.bufferSlot) // todo: also sort results by interface priority val sortedResults = insertion.results.sortedBy { it.first }.toMutableList() val remaining = insertion.stack while (!remaining.isEmpty && sortedResults.isNotEmpty()) { val (capacity, receivingInterface) = sortedResults.removeAt(0) if (capacity <= 0) continue sendPacket(ItemStackPacket(remaining.copy(), ipAddress, receivingInterface.ipAddress)) // todo: the interface should confirm how much was actually inserted, in case of race condition remaining.count -= capacity } internalBuffer.setStack(insertion.bufferSlot, remaining) // as with extracting, we "know" the new amounts and so can update instantly without actually sending out packets updateNetItems() sync() } override fun onInventoryChanged(inv: Inventory) { if (inv == internalBuffer && world != null && !world!!.isClient) { markDirty() sync() } } override fun toTag(tag: CompoundTag): CompoundTag { tag.put("InternalBuffer", internalBuffer.toTag()) return super.toTag(tag) } override fun fromTag(state: BlockState, tag: CompoundTag) { super.fromTag(state, tag) internalBuffer.fromTag(tag.getCompound("InternalBuffer")) } override fun toClientTag(tag: CompoundTag): CompoundTag { tag.put("InternalBuffer", internalBuffer.toTag()) val list = ListTag() tag.put("CachedNetItems", list) for ((stack, amount) in cachedNetItems) { val entryTag = stack.toTag(CompoundTag()) entryTag.putInt("NetAmount", amount) list.add(entryTag) } return tag } override fun fromClientTag(tag: CompoundTag) { internalBuffer.fromTag(tag.getCompound("InternalBuffer")) val list = tag.getList("CachedNetItems", 10) cachedNetItems.clear() for (entryTag in list) { val stack = ItemStack.fromTag(entryTag as CompoundTag) val netAmount = entryTag.getInt("NetAmount") cachedNetItems[stack] = netAmount } cachedSortedNetItems = cachedNetItems.object2IntEntrySet().sortedByDescending { it.intValue }.map { val stack = it.key.copy() stack.count = it.intValue stack } } } data class StackLocateRequest( val stack: ItemStack, val amount: Int, val timestamp: Long, var results: MutableSet> = mutableSetOf() ) { val totalResultAmount: Int get() = results.fold(0) { acc, (amount, _) -> acc + amount } fun isFinishable(currentTimestamp: Long): Boolean { return totalResultAmount >= amount || currentTimestamp - timestamp >= TerminalBlockEntity.LOCATE_REQUEST_TIMEOUT } } data class PendingStackInsertion( val bufferSlot: Int, val stack: ItemStack, val timestamp: Long, val results: MutableSet> = mutableSetOf(), ) { val totalCapacity: Int get() = results.fold(0) { acc, (amount, _) -> acc + amount } fun isFinishable(currentTimestamp: Long): Boolean { return totalCapacity >= stack.count || currentTimestamp - timestamp >= TerminalBlockEntity.INSERTION_TIMEOUT } }