
162 lines
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//import net.minecraft.screen.slot.Slot
//import net.minecraft.screen.slot.SlotActionType
//import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerEntity
//import net.minecraft.entity.player.PlayerInventory
//import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack
//import net.minecraft.screen.ScreenHandler
//import net.minecraft.util.Identifier
//import net.shadowfacts.phycon.PhysicalConnectivity
//import net.shadowfacts.phycon.init.PhyBlocks
//import net.shadowfacts.phycon.init.PhyScreens
//import kotlin.math.ceil
//import kotlin.math.min
// * @author shadowfacts
// */
//class TerminalScreenHandler(syncId: Int, playerInv: PlayerInventory, val terminal: TerminalBlockEntity): ScreenHandler(PhyScreens.TERMINAL_SCREEN_HANDLER, syncId) {
// companion object {
// val ID = Identifier(PhysicalConnectivity.MODID, "terminal")
// }
// constructor(syncId: Int, playerInv: PlayerInventory, buf: PacketByteBuf):
// this(syncId, playerInv, PhyBlocks.TERMINAL.getBlockEntity(, buf.readBlockPos())!!)
// init {
// // network
// for (y in 0 until 6) {
// for (x in 0 until 9) {
// addSlot(TerminalFakeSlot(terminal, y * 9 + x, 66 + x * 18, 18 + y * 18))
// }
// }
// // internal buffer
// for (y in 0 until 6) {
// for (x in 0 until 3) {
// addSlot(Slot(terminal.internalBuffer, y * 3 + x, 8 + x * 18, 18 + y * 18))
// }
// }
// // player inv
// for (y in 0 until 3) {
// for (x in 0 until 9) {
// addSlot(Slot(playerInv, x + y * 9 + 9, 66 + x * 18, 140 + y * 18))
// }
// }
// // hotbar
// for (x in 0 until 9) {
// addSlot(Slot(playerInv, x, 66 + x * 18, 198))
// }
// }
// override fun canUse(player: PlayerEntity): Boolean {
// return true
// }
// override fun close(player: PlayerEntity) {
// super.close(player)
// terminal.removeObserver()
// }
// override fun onSlotClick(slotId: Int, clickData: Int, actionType: SlotActionType, player: PlayerEntity): ItemStack {
// if (isNetworkSlot(slotId)) {
// // the slot clicked was one of the network stacks
// if (actionType == SlotActionType.QUICK_MOVE) {
// val stack = slots[slotId].stack
// if (!stack.isEmpty && ! {
// terminal.requestItem(stack, min(stack.count, stack.maxCount))
// }
// } else if (actionType == SlotActionType.PICKUP && clickData == 1) {
// if (clickData == 1) {
// // right click, request half stack
// val stack = slots[slotId].stack
// if (!stack.isEmpty && ! {
// terminal.requestItem(stack, ceil(min(stack.count, stack.maxCount) / 2f).toInt())
// }
// } else {
// // todo: left click, show amount dialog
// }
// }
// return ItemStack.EMPTY
// } else if (isBufferSlot(slotId)) {
// // internal buffer
// // todo: why does this think it's quick_craft sometimes?
// if ((actionType == SlotActionType.PICKUP || actionType == SlotActionType.QUICK_CRAFT) && !player.inventory.cursorStack.isEmpty) {
// // placing cursor stack into buffer
// val bufferSlot = slotId - bufferSlotsStart // subtract 54 to convert the handler slot ID to a valid buffer index
// terminal.internalBuffer.markSlot(bufferSlot, TerminalBufferInventory.Mode.TO_NETWORK)
// }
// }
// return super.onSlotClick(slotId, clickData, actionType, player)
// }
// override fun transferSlot(player: PlayerEntity, slotId: Int): ItemStack {
// if (isNetworkSlot(slotId)) {
// return ItemStack.EMPTY;
// }
// val slot = slots[slotId]
// if (!slot.hasStack()) {
// return ItemStack.EMPTY
// }
// val result = slot.stack.copy()
// if (isBufferSlot(slotId)) {
// if (!insertItem(slot.stack, playerSlotsStart, playerSlotsEnd, false)) {
// return ItemStack.EMPTY
// }
// if (slot.stack.isEmpty) {
// terminal.internalBuffer.markSlot(slotId - bufferSlotsStart, TerminalBufferInventory.Mode.UNASSIGNED)
// }
// } else if (isPlayerSlot(slotId)) {
// val slotsInsertedInto = tryInsertItem(slot.stack, bufferSlotsStart until playerSlotsStart) { terminal.internalBuffer.getMode(it - bufferSlotsStart) != TerminalBufferInventory.Mode.FROM_NETWORK }
// slotsInsertedInto.forEach { terminal.internalBuffer.markSlot(it - bufferSlotsStart, TerminalBufferInventory.Mode.TO_NETWORK) }
// if (slot.stack.isEmpty) {
// return ItemStack.EMPTY
// }
// }
// return result
// }
// private fun tryInsertItem(stack: ItemStack, slots: IntRange, slotPredicate: (Int) -> Boolean): Collection<Int> {
// val slotsInsertedInto = mutableListOf<Int>()
// for (index in slots) {
// if (stack.isEmpty) break
// if (!slotPredicate(index)) continue
// val slot = this.slots[index]
// val slotStack = slot.stack
// if (slotStack.isEmpty) {
// slot.stack = stack.copy()
// stack.count = 0
// slot.markDirty()
// slotsInsertedInto.add(index)
// } else if (canStacksCombine(slotStack, stack) && slotStack.count < slotStack.maxCount) {
// val maxToMove = slotStack.maxCount - slotStack.count
// val toMove = min(maxToMove, stack.count)
// slotStack.increment(toMove)
// stack.decrement(toMove)
// slot.markDirty()
// slotsInsertedInto.add(index)
// }
// }
// return slotsInsertedInto
// }
// val bufferSlotsStart = 54
// val playerSlotsStart = 72
// val playerSlotsEnd = 72 + 36
// fun isNetworkSlot(id: Int) = id in 0 until bufferSlotsStart
// fun isBufferSlot(id: Int) = id in bufferSlotsStart until playerSlotsStart
// fun isPlayerSlot(id: Int) = id >= playerSlotsStart