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package net.shadowfacts.cacao
import net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient
import net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen
import net.minecraft.client.util.math.MatrixStack
import net.minecraft.sound.SoundEvents
import net.minecraft.text.LiteralText
import net.minecraft.text.Text
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.geometry.Point
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.KeyModifiers
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.MouseButton
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.util.RenderHelper
import net.shadowfacts.cacao.window.Window
import org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW
import java.util.*
* This class serves as the bridge between Cacao and a Minecraft [Screen]. It renders Cacao [Window]s in Minecraft and
* sends input events from Minecraft back to Cacao objects.
* @author shadowfacts
open class CacaoScreen(title: Text = LiteralText("CacaoScreen")): Screen(title), AbstractCacaoScreen {
// _windows is the internal, mutable object, since we only want it to by mutated by the add/removeWindow methods.
private val _windows = LinkedList<Window>()
* The list of windows that belong to this screen.
* The window at the end of this list is the active window is the only window that will receive input events.
* This list should never be modified directly, only by using the [addWindow]/[removeWindow] methods.
override val windows: List<Window> = _windows
private var hasAppeared = false
* Adds the given window to this screen's window list at the given position.
* @param window The Window to add to this screen.
* @param index The index to insert the window into the window list at.
* @return The window that was added, as a convenience.
override fun <T: Window> addWindow(window: T, index: Int): T {
if (hasAppeared) {
_windows.add(index, window)
window.screen = this
window.resize(width, height)
return window
* Adds the given window to the end of this screen's window list, making it the active window.
override fun <T : Window> addWindow(window: T): T {
return addWindow(window, _windows.size)
* Removes the given window from this screen's window list.
override fun removeWindow(window: Window) {
if (windows.isEmpty()) {
override fun screenWillAppear() {
windows.forEach {
override fun resize(client: MinecraftClient, width: Int, height: Int) {
super.resize(client, width, height)
windows.forEach {
it.resize(width, height)
override fun onClose() {
windows.forEach {
// resign the current first responder (if any)
it.firstResponder = null
override fun render(matrixStack: MatrixStack, mouseX: Int, mouseY: Int, delta: Float) {
if (client != null) {
// workaround this.minecraft sometimes being null causing a crash
val mouse = Point(mouseX, mouseY)
windows.forEach {
it.draw(matrixStack, mouse, delta)
override fun mouseClicked(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int): Boolean {
val window = windows.lastOrNull()
val result = window?.mouseClicked(Point(mouseX, mouseY), MouseButton.fromMC(button))
return if (result == true) {
} else {
override fun mouseDragged(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int, deltaX: Double, deltaY: Double): Boolean {
val window = windows.lastOrNull()
val startPoint = Point(mouseX, mouseY)
val delta = Point(deltaX, deltaY)
val result = window?.mouseDragged(startPoint, delta, MouseButton.fromMC(button))
return result == true
override fun mouseReleased(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, button: Int): Boolean {
val window = windows.lastOrNull()
val result = window?.mouseReleased(Point(mouseX, mouseY), MouseButton.fromMC(button))
return result == true
override fun mouseScrolled(mouseX: Double, mouseY: Double, amount: Double): Boolean {
val window = windows.lastOrNull()
val result = window?.mouseScrolled(Point(mouseX, mouseY), amount)
return result == true
override fun keyPressed(keyCode: Int, scanCode: Int, modifiers: Int): Boolean {
if (keyCode == GLFW.GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE) {
return true
} else {
val modifiersSet by lazy { KeyModifiers(modifiers) }
if (findResponder { it.keyPressed(keyCode, modifiersSet) }) {
return true
return super.keyPressed(keyCode, scanCode, modifiers)
override fun keyReleased(i: Int, j: Int, k: Int): Boolean {
return super.keyReleased(i, j, k)
override fun charTyped(char: Char, modifiers: Int): Boolean {
val modifiersSet by lazy { KeyModifiers(modifiers) }
if (findResponder { it.charTyped(char, modifiersSet) }) {
return true
return super.charTyped(char, modifiers)
override fun shouldCloseOnEsc(): Boolean {
return false
fun AbstractCacaoScreen.findResponder(fn: (Responder) -> Boolean): Boolean {
var responder = windows.lastOrNull()?.firstResponder
while (responder != null) {
if (fn(responder)) {
return true
responder = responder.nextResponder
return false