package net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.item; import net.minecraft.block.BlockState; import net.minecraft.block.Blocks; import net.minecraft.item.Item; import net.minecraft.item.ItemUsageContext; import net.minecraft.util.ActionResult; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.SimpleMultipart; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.container.AbstractContainerBlockEntity; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.container.MultipartContainer; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.multipart.Multipart; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.multipart.MultipartState; import net.shadowfacts.simplemultipart.util.MultipartPlacementContext; /** * An {@link Item} implementation that handles placing multiparts. * * Analogous to {@link net.minecraft.item.block.BlockItem}. * * @author shadowfacts * @since 0.1.1 */ public class MultipartItem extends Item { protected Multipart part; /** * Creates a Multipart Item for the given part with. * * @param part The multipart. */ public MultipartItem(Multipart part) { this(part, new Settings()); } /** * Creates a Multipart Item for the given part with the given item settings. * * @param part The multipart. * @param settings The settings for this item. * @since 0.1.2 */ public MultipartItem(Multipart part, Settings settings) { super(settings); this.part = part; } @Override public ActionResult useOnBlock(ItemUsageContext context) { return tryPlace(context); } /** * Attempts to place this item's multipart in the given context. * * If the player clicked an existing multipart container, it will attempt to insert into that one, falling back on * creating a new container. * * @param context The item usage context. * @return The result of the placement. */ protected ActionResult tryPlace(ItemUsageContext context) { // If a multipart inside an existing container was clicked, try inserting into that MultipartContainer hitContainer = getContainer(context); if (hitContainer != null && tryPlace(new MultipartPlacementContext(hitContainer, context))) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } // Otherwise, get or create a new container and try inserting into that ItemUsageContext offsetContext = new ItemUsageContext(context.getPlayer(), context.getItemStack(), context.getPos().offset(context.getFacing()), context.getFacing(), context.getHitX(), context.getHitY(), context.getHitZ()); MultipartContainer offsetContainer = getOrCreateContainer(offsetContext); if (offsetContainer != null) { if (tryPlace(new MultipartPlacementContext(offsetContainer, offsetContext))) { return ActionResult.SUCCESS; } else { // if the a new container was created, and no part was inserted, remove the empty container if (!offsetContainer.hasParts()) { context.getWorld().setBlockState(offsetContext.getPos(), Blocks.AIR.getDefaultState()); } } } return ActionResult.FAILURE; } protected MultipartContainer getContainer(ItemUsageContext context) { BlockState state = context.getWorld().getBlockState(context.getPos()); if (state.getBlock() == SimpleMultipart.containerBlock) { return (MultipartContainer)context.getWorld().getBlockEntity(context.getPos()); } else { return null; } } protected MultipartContainer getOrCreateContainer(ItemUsageContext context) { MultipartContainer container = getContainer(context); if (container == null) { BlockState existing = context.getWorld().getBlockState(context.getPos()); if (existing.isAir()) { // TODO: should check is replaceable (might not be mapped?) context.getWorld().setBlockState(context.getPos(), SimpleMultipart.containerBlock.getDefaultState()); container = (MultipartContainer)context.getWorld().getBlockEntity(context.getPos()); } } return container; } /** * Attempts to insert this item's multipart into the container specified by the given context. * * @param context The multipart placement context. * @return If the placement succeeded. */ protected boolean tryPlace(MultipartPlacementContext context) { MultipartState placementState = part.getPlacementState(context); if (context.getContainer().canInsert(placementState)) { context.getContainer().insert(placementState); context.getItemStack().addAmount(-1); return true; } return false; } }