--- layout: article title: "Config" date: 2016-10-23 10:17:42 -0400 mod: extra-rails mod-name: Extra Rails --- #### `enableTeleportingRail` If `true`, the {% include item-link.html link="../teleporting-rail/" item="extrarails:teleportingRail" title="Teleporting Rail" %} will be enabled. If `false`, the Teleporting Rail won't be visible in the creative tab or in JEI and it will not be craftable. By default, this is `true`. #### `enableWoodenRail` If `true`, the {% include item-link.html link="../wooden-rail/" item="extrarails:woodenRail" title="Wooden Rail" %} will be enabled. If `false`, the Wooden Rail won't be visible in the creative tab or in JEI and it will not be craftable. By default, this is `true`.