--- layout: article title: "Config" date: 2016-10-23 10:17:42 -0400 mod: ye-olde-tanks mod-name: Ye Olde Tanks --- #### `autoOutputBottom` If `true`, the Barrel will automatically output fluid to the handler below it, if there is one. By default, this is `true`. #### `barrelCapacity` The capacity, in milibuckets (1 bucket is 1000 milibuckets), of the Barrel. By default, this is `55000` millibuckets. #### `drainFromAnySide` If `true`, pipes will be able to drain the barrel from any side. Otherwise, the barrel will only be drainable from the bottom. By default, this is `false`. #### `fillFromAnySide` If `true`, pipes will be able to fill the barrel from any side. Otherwise, the barrel will only be fillable from the top if the lid is off. By default, this is `false`. #### `obsidianBarrelCapacity` The capacity, in millibuckets, of the Obsidian Barrel. By default, this is `110000` millibuckets. #### `renderFluid` If `true`, the client will render the fluid inside the barrel in the world. Otherwise, nothing will be rendered inside the barrel. By default this is `false`.