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article Screenshot 2016-10-23 10:17:42 -0400 shadowtweaks ShadowTweaks

The screenshot feature proviodes a number of things related to taking screenshots.


Takes a string that is the path to any directory on the computer where screenshots will be saved to instead of the Vanilla directory. Leave empty to use the Minecraft default.


Takes the identifier for the service you want to use for uploading screenshots. Leave empty to disable uploading.

Currently the only available service is Imgur (the ID for which is imgur).


The imgur section of the screenshot section specifies the configuration options for the Imgur uploader service.


The client ID to use for the Imgur API. To obtain a client ID;

  1. Go here.
  2. Specify a name.
  3. Select "OAuth 2 authorization without a callback URL" for the "Authorization type".
  4. Specify an email.
  5. Replace the Client ID in the config with the value of the "Client ID" field.

If enabled, the Imgur link for the uploaded screenshot will be copied to the clipboard on a successful upload.