2020-07-14 22:39:38 -04:00
// GeminiResponse.swift
// GeminiProtocol
// Created by Shadowfacts on 7/14/20.
import Foundation
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
public struct GeminiResponse {
public let header: GeminiResponseHeader
public let body: Data?
public var status: GeminiResponseHeader.StatusCode { header.status }
public var meta: String { header.meta }
public var rawMimeType: String? {
guard status.isSuccess else { return nil }
return meta.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
public var mimeType: String? {
guard let rawMimeType = rawMimeType else { return nil }
return rawMimeType.split(separator: ";").first?.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces)
public var mimeTypeParameters: [String: String]? {
guard let rawMimeType = rawMimeType else { return nil }
return rawMimeType.split(separator: ";").dropFirst().reduce(into: [String: String]()) { (parameters, parameter) in
let parts = parameter.split(separator: "=").map { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) }
precondition(parts.count == 2)
parameters[parts[0].lowercased()] = parts[1]
2020-07-15 23:45:37 -04:00
@available(macOS 10.16, iOS 14.0, *)
2020-07-14 22:39:38 -04:00
public var utiType: UTType? {
guard let mimeType = mimeType else { return nil }
return UTType.types(tag: mimeType, tagClass: .mimeType, conformingTo: nil).first
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public var encodingName: String? {
guard let parameters = mimeTypeParameters else {
return nil
return parameters["charset"]
2020-07-14 22:39:38 -04:00
public var bodyText: String? {
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guard let body = body else { return nil }
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let encoding: String.Encoding
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switch encodingName?.lowercased() {
2020-07-14 22:39:38 -04:00
case nil, "utf-8":
// The Gemini spec defines UTF-8 to be the default charset.
encoding = .utf8
case "us-ascii":
encoding = .ascii
// todo: log warning
encoding = .utf8
return String(data: body, encoding: encoding)