// // GeminiMarkdownRenderer.swift // GeminiRenderer // // Created by Shadowfacts on 10/1/21. // import Foundation import HTMLEntities public class GeminiMarkdownRenderer { public init() { } public func renderDocumentToMarkdown(_ doc: Document) -> String { var str = "" var inPreformatting = false var inList = false for line in doc.lines { if inList && !line.isListItem { str += "\n" inList = false } switch line { case let .text(text): if !text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty { str += text.htmlEscape() str += "\n\n" } case let .link(url, text: maybeText): let text = maybeText ?? url.absoluteString // todo: do ] in the text need to be escaped? str += "[\(text.htmlEscape())](\(url))" str += "\n\n" case let .preformattedToggle(alt: alt): inPreformatting = !inPreformatting if inPreformatting { str += "```" if let alt = alt { str += alt } str += "\n" } else { str += "```" str += "\n\n" } case let .preformattedText(text): str += text str += "\n" case let .heading(text, level: level): str += String(repeating: "#", count: level.rawValue) str += " " str += text.htmlEscape() str += "\n\n" case let .unorderedListItem(text): if !inList { inList = true } str += "* \(text.htmlEscape())" str += "\n" case let .quote(text): str += "> " str += text.htmlEscape() str += "\n\n" } } return str } }