
Used for displaying the animation frames.


Responsible for managing the animation frames.


Notifies the instance that it needs display.


View frame used for resizing the frames.


Content mode used for resizing the frames.


Returns the intrinsic content size based on the size of the image.


Total duration of one animation loop


Returns the active frame if available.


Total frame count of the GIF.


Introspect whether the instance is animating.


Prepare for animation and start animating immediately.


Prepare for animation and start animating immediately.


Prepare for animation and start animating immediately.


Prepares the animator instance for animation.


Prepare for animation and start animating immediately.


Prepare for animation and start animating immediately.


Stop animating and free up GIF data from memory.


Start animating GIF.


Stop animating GIF.


Whether the frame images should be resized or not. The default is false, which means that the frame images retain their original size.


Sets the number of frames that should be buffered. Default is 50. A high number will result in more memory usage and less CPU load, and vice versa.


Updates the image with a new frame if necessary.


The protocol that view classes need to conform to to enable animated GIF support.


A single-property protocol that animatable classes can optionally conform to.


Creates a new animator with a delegate.


A lazy animator.


Layer delegate method called periodically by the layer. Should not be called manually.


Example class that conforms to GIFAnimatable. Uses default values for the animator frame buffer count and resize behavior. You can either use it directly in your code or use it as a blueprint for your own subclass.


Responsible for parsing GIF data and decoding the individual frames.


The following classes are available globally.


The following protocols are available globally.
