/// Represents a single frame in a GIF. struct AnimatedFrame { /// The image to display for this frame. Its value is nil when the frame is removed from the buffer. let image: UIImage? /// The duration that this frame should remain active. let duration: TimeInterval /// A placeholder frame with no image assigned. /// Used to replace frames that are no longer needed in the animation. var placeholderFrame: AnimatedFrame { return AnimatedFrame(image: nil, duration: duration) } /// Whether this frame instance contains an image or not. var isPlaceholder: Bool { return image == nil } /// Returns a new instance from an ptional image. /// /// - parameter image: An optional `UIImage` instance to be assigned to the new frame. /// - returns: An `AnimatedFrame` instance. func makeAnimatedFrame(with newImage: UIImage?) -> AnimatedFrame { return AnimatedFrame(image: newImage, duration: duration) } }