import ImageIO import Runes import UIKit /// A subclass of `UIImageView` that can be animated using an image name string or raw data. public class AnimatableImageView: UIImageView, Animatable { /// An `Animator` instance that holds the frames of a specific image in memory. var animator: Animator? /// A computed property that returns whether the image view is animating. public var isAnimatingGIF: Bool { return animator?.isAnimating ?? isAnimating() } /// Prepares the frames using a GIF image file name, without starting the animation. /// The file name should include the `.gif` extension. /// /// :param: imageName The name of the GIF file. The method looks for the file in the app bundle. public func prepareForAnimation(imageNamed imageName: String) { let path = NSBundle.mainBundle().bundlePath.stringByAppendingPathComponent(imageName) prepareForAnimation <^> NSData(contentsOfFile: path) } /// Prepares the frames using raw GIF image data, without starting the animation. /// /// :param: data GIF image data. public func prepareForAnimation(imageData data: NSData) { image = UIImage(data: data) animator = Animator(data: data, delegate: self) } /// Prepares the frames using a GIF image file name and starts animating the image view. /// /// :param: imageName The name of the GIF file. The method looks for the file in the app bundle. public func animateWithImage(named imageName: String) { prepareForAnimation(imageNamed: imageName) startAnimatingGIF() } /// Prepares the frames using raw GIF image data and starts animating the image view. /// /// :param: data GIF image data. public func animateWithImageData(#data: NSData) { prepareForAnimation(imageData: data) startAnimatingGIF() } /// Updates the `UIImage` property of the image view if necessary. This method should not be called manually. override public func displayLayer(layer: CALayer!) { image = animator?.currentFrame } /// Starts the image view animation. public func startAnimatingGIF() { animator?.resumeAnimation() ?? startAnimating() } /// Stops the image view animation. public func stopAnimatingGIF() { animator?.pauseAnimation() ?? stopAnimating() } }