# ![Gifu](https://db.tt/mZ1iMNXO) Adds performant animated GIF support to UIKit. If you're looking for the Japanese prefecture, click [here](https://goo.gl/maps/CCeAc). #### How? Gifu uses a `UIImageView` subclass and an animator that keeps track of frames and their durations. It uses `CADisplayLink` to animate the view and only keeps a limited number of resized frames in-memory, which exponentially minimizes memory usage for large GIF files (+300 frames). The figure below summarizes how this works in practice. Given an image containing 10 frames, Gifu will load the current frame (red), pre-load the next two frames in this example (orange), and nullify all the other frames to free up memory (gray): #### Install If you use [Carthage](https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage), add this to your `cartfile`: `github "kaishin/gifu"`. If your prefer Git submodules or want to support iOS 7, you want to add the files in `source` to your Xcode project. #### Usage Start by instantiating an `AnimatableImageView` either in code or Interface Builder, then call `animateWithImage(named:)` or `animateWithImageData(data:)` on it. ```swift let imageView = AnimatableImageView(frame: CGRect(...)) imageView.animateWithImage(named: "mugen.gif") ``` You can stop the animation anytime using `imageView.stopAnimatingGIF()`, and resume it using `imageView.startAnimatingGIF()`. The `isAnimatingGIF()` method returns the current animation state of the view if it has an animatable image. #### Demo App Clone or download the repository and open `Gifu.xcworkspace` to check out the demo app. #### Compatibility - iOS 7+ #### Roadmap - Documentation. - Add ability to set the frame-rate #### Contributors - [Reda Lemeden](https://github.com/kaishin) - [Tony DiPasquale](https://github.com/tonyd256) #### Misc - The font used in the logo is [Azuki](http://www.myfonts.com/fonts/bluevinyl/azuki/) - The characters used in the icon and example image in the demo are from [Samurai Champloo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samurai_Champloo). #### License See LICENSE.