import ImageIO import MobileCoreServices import UIKit typealias GIFProperties = [String : Double] let defaultDuration: Double = 0 /// Retruns the duration of a frame at a specific index using an image source (an `CGImageSource` instance). /// /// - returns: A frame duration. func CGImageSourceGIFFrameDuration(imageSource: CGImageSource, index: Int) -> NSTimeInterval { if !imageSource.isAnimatedGIF { return 0.0 } guard let properties = imageSource.GIFPropertiesAtIndex(index), let duration = durationFromGIFProperties(properties), let cappedDuration = capDuration(duration) else { return defaultDuration } return cappedDuration } /// Ensures that a duration is never smaller than a threshold value. /// /// - returns: A capped frame duration. func capDuration(duration: Double) -> Double? { if duration < 0 { return .None } let threshold = 0.02 - Double(FLT_EPSILON) let cappedDuration = duration < threshold ? 0.1 : duration return cappedDuration } /// Returns a frame duration from a `GIFProperties` dictionary. /// /// - returns: A frame duration. func durationFromGIFProperties(properties: GIFProperties) -> Double? { guard let unclampedDelayTime = properties[String(kCGImagePropertyGIFUnclampedDelayTime)], let delayTime = properties[String(kCGImagePropertyGIFDelayTime)] else { return .None } return duration(unclampedDelayTime, delayTime: delayTime) } /// Calculates frame duration based on both clamped and unclamped times. /// /// - returns: A frame duration. func duration(unclampedDelayTime: Double, delayTime: Double) -> Double { let delayArray = [unclampedDelayTime, delayTime] return delayArray.filter(isPositive).first ?? defaultDuration } /// Checks if a `Double` value is positive. /// /// - returns: A boolean value that is `true` if the tested value is positive. func isPositive(value: Double) -> Bool { return value >= 0 } /// An extension of `CGImageSourceRef` that add GIF introspection and easier property retrieval. extension CGImageSourceRef { /// Returns whether the image source contains an animated GIF. /// /// - returns: A boolean value that is `true` if the image source contains animated GIF data. var isAnimatedGIF: Bool { let isTypeGIF = UTTypeConformsTo(CGImageSourceGetType(self) ?? "", kUTTypeGIF) let imageCount = CGImageSourceGetCount(self) return isTypeGIF != false && imageCount > 1 } /// Returns the GIF properties at a specific index. /// /// - parameter index: The index of the GIF properties to retrieve. /// - returns: A dictionary containing the GIF properties at the passed in index. func GIFPropertiesAtIndex(index: Int) -> GIFProperties? { let imageProperties = CGImageSourceCopyPropertiesAtIndex(self, index, nil) as Dictionary? return imageProperties?[String(kCGImagePropertyGIFDictionary)] as? GIFProperties } }