import UIKit import ImageIO import Runes /// Responsible for storing and updating the frames of a `AnimatableImageView` instance via delegation. class Animator { /// Maximum duration to increment the frame timer with. private let maxTimeStep = 1.0 /// An array of animated frames from a single GIF image. private var animatedFrames = [AnimatedFrame]() /// The size to resize all frames to private let size: CGSize /// The content mode to use when resizing private let contentMode: UIViewContentMode /// Maximum number of frames to load at once private let maxNumberOfFrames: Int /// The total number of frames in the GIF. private var numberOfFrames = 0 /// A reference to the original image source. private var imageSource: CGImageSourceRef /// The index of the current GIF frame. private var currentFrameIndex = 0 /// The index of the current GIF frame from the source. private var currentPreloadIndex = 0 /// Time elapsed since the last frame change. Used to determine when the frame should be updated. private var timeSinceLastFrameChange: NSTimeInterval = 0.0 /// The current image frame to show. var currentFrame: UIImage? { return frameAtIndex(currentFrameIndex) } /// Is this image animatable? var isAnimatable: Bool { return imageSource.isAnimatedGIF } /// Initializes an animator instance from raw GIF image data and an `Animatable` delegate. /// /// :param: data The raw GIF image data. /// :param: delegate An `Animatable` delegate. init(data: NSData, size: CGSize, contentMode: UIViewContentMode, framePreloadCount: Int) { let options = [String(kCGImageSourceShouldCache): kCFBooleanFalse] imageSource = CGImageSourceCreateWithData(data, options) self.size = size self.contentMode = contentMode maxNumberOfFrames = framePreloadCount } // MARK: - Frames /// Loads the frames from an image source, resizes them, then caches them in `animatedFrames`. func prepareFrames() { numberOfFrames = Int(CGImageSourceGetCount(imageSource)) let framesToProcess = min(numberOfFrames, maxNumberOfFrames) animatedFrames.reserveCapacity(framesToProcess) animatedFrames = reduce(0.. AnimatedFrame { let frameDuration = CGImageSourceGIFFrameDuration(imageSource, index) let frameImageRef = CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(imageSource, index, nil) let image = UIImage(CGImage: frameImageRef) let scaledImage: UIImage? switch contentMode { case .ScaleAspectFit: scaledImage = image?.resizeAspectFit(size) case .ScaleAspectFill: scaledImage = image?.resizeAspectFill(size) default: scaledImage = image?.resize(size) } return AnimatedFrame(image: scaledImage, duration: frameDuration) } /// Returns the frame at a particular index. /// /// :param: index The index of the frame. /// :returns: An optional image at a given frame. private func frameAtIndex(index: Int) -> UIImage? { return animatedFrames[index].image } /// Updates the current frame if necessary using the frame timer and the duration of each frame in `animatedFrames`. /// /// :returns: An optional image at a given frame. func updateCurrentFrame(duration: CFTimeInterval) -> Bool { timeSinceLastFrameChange += min(maxTimeStep, duration) var frameDuration = animatedFrames[currentFrameIndex].duration if timeSinceLastFrameChange >= frameDuration { timeSinceLastFrameChange -= frameDuration let lastFrameIndex = currentFrameIndex currentFrameIndex = ++currentFrameIndex % animatedFrames.count // Loads the next needed frame for progressive loading if animatedFrames.count < numberOfFrames { animatedFrames[lastFrameIndex] = prepareFrame(currentPreloadIndex) currentPreloadIndex = ++currentPreloadIndex % numberOfFrames } return true } return false } }