
131 lines
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import UIKit
/// A subclass of `UIImageView` that can be animated using an image name string or raw data.
public class AnimatableImageView: UIImageView {
/// Proxy object for preventing a reference cycle between the CADisplayLink and AnimatableImageView.
/// Source:
fileprivate class TargetProxy {
private weak var target: AnimatableImageView?
init(target: AnimatableImageView) { = target
@objc func onScreenUpdate() {
/// An `Animator` instance that holds the frames of a specific image in memory.
var animator: Animator?
/// A flag to avoid invalidating the displayLink on deinit if it was never created
private var displayLinkInitialized: Bool = false
/// A display link that keeps calling the `updateFrame` method on every screen refresh.
lazy var displayLink: CADisplayLink = { [unowned self] in
self.displayLinkInitialized = true
let display = CADisplayLink(target: TargetProxy(target: self), selector: #selector(TargetProxy.onScreenUpdate))
display.isPaused = true
return display
/// The size of the frame cache.
public var framePreloadCount = 50
/// Specifies whether the GIF frames should be pre-scaled to save memory. Default is **false**.
public var needsPrescaling = false
/// A computed property that returns whether the image view is animating.
public var isAnimatingGIF: Bool {
return !displayLink.isPaused
/// A computed property that returns the total number of frames in the GIF.
public var frameCount: Int {
return animator?.frameCount ?? 0
/// Prepares the frames using a GIF image file name, without starting the animation.
/// The file name should include the `.gif` extension.
/// - parameter imageName: The name of the GIF file. The method looks for the file in the app bundle.
public func prepareForAnimation(withGIFNamed imageName: String) {
guard let extensionRemoved = imageName.components(separatedBy: ".")[safe: 0],
let imagePath = Bundle.main.url(forResource: extensionRemoved, withExtension: "gif"),
let data = try? Data(contentsOf: imagePath) else { return }
prepareForAnimation(withGIFData: data)
/// Prepares the frames using raw GIF image data, without starting the animation.
/// - parameter data: GIF image data.
public func prepareForAnimation(withGIFData imageData: Data) {
image = UIImage(data: imageData)
animator = Animator(data: imageData, size: frame.size, contentMode: contentMode, framePreloadCount: framePreloadCount)
animator?.needsPrescaling = needsPrescaling
/// Prepares the frames using a GIF image file name and starts animating the image view.
/// - parameter imageName: The name of the GIF file. The method looks for the file in the app bundle.
public func animate(withGIFNamed imageName: String) {
prepareForAnimation(withGIFNamed: imageName)
/// Prepares the frames using raw GIF image data and starts animating the image view.
/// - parameter data: GIF image data.
public func animate(withGIFData data: Data) {
prepareForAnimation(withGIFData: data)
/// Updates the `image` property of the image view if necessary. This method should not be called manually.
override public func display(_ layer: CALayer) {
image = animator?.currentFrameImage ?? image
/// Starts the image view animation.
public func startAnimatingGIF() {
if animator?.isAnimatable ?? false {
displayLink.isPaused = false
/// Stops the image view animation.
public func stopAnimatingGIF() {
displayLink.isPaused = true
/// Reset the image view values.
public func prepareForReuse() {
animator = nil
/// Update the current frame if needed.
func updateFrameIfNeeded() {
guard let animator = animator else { return }
animator.shouldChangeFrame(with: displayLink.duration) { hasNewFrame in
if hasNewFrame { self.layer.setNeedsDisplay() }
/// Invalidate the displayLink so it releases its target.
deinit {
if displayLinkInitialized {
/// Attaches the display link.
func attachDisplayLink() {
displayLink.add(to: .main, forMode: RunLoopMode.commonModes)