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2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
// Tokenizer.swift
// HTMLStreamer
// Created by Shadowfacts on 11/22/23.
import Foundation
struct Tokenizer<Chars: IteratorProtocol<Unicode.Scalar>>: IteratorProtocol {
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typealias Element = Token
private var chars: Chars
private var reconsumeStack: [Unicode.Scalar] = []
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
private var state =
private var returnState: State?
private var temporaryBuffer: String?
private var characterReferenceCode: UInt32?
// Optimization: using an enum for the current token means we can't modify the associated values in-place
// Separate fields for everything increases the risk of invalid states, but nets us a small perf gain.
private var currentStartTag: (String, selfClosing: Bool, attributes: [Attribute])?
private var currentEndTag: String?
private var currentComment: String?
private var currentDoctype: (String, forceQuirks: Bool, publicIdentifier: String?, systemIdentifier: String?)?
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init(chars: Chars) {
self.chars = chars
mutating func next() -> Token? {
switch state {
case .flushingTemporaryBuffer(let returnState):
state = returnState
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
if temporaryBuffer == nil || temporaryBuffer!.isEmpty {
return next()
} else {
var buffer: String? = nil
swap(&buffer, &temporaryBuffer)
return .characterSequence(buffer!)
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case .endOfFile:
return nil
case .emitTokens(var tokens, let nextState):
if tokens.isEmpty {
state = nextState
return next()
} else {
let tok = tokens.removeFirst()
state = .emitTokens(tokens, nextState)
return tok
case .data:
return tokenizeData()
case .characterReference:
return tokenizeCharacterReference()
case .namedCharacterReference:
return tokenizeNamedCharaterReference()
case .numericCharacterReference:
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReference()
case .numericCharacterReferenceEnd:
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd()
case .hexadecimalCharacterReferenceStart:
return tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReferenceStart()
case .hexadecimalCharacterReference:
return tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReference()
case .decimalCharacterReferenceStart:
return tokenizeDecimalCharacterReferenceStart()
case .decimalCharacterReference:
return tokenizeDecimalCharacterReference()
case .ambiguousAmpersand:
return tokenizeAmbiguousAmpersand()
case .tagOpen:
return tokenizeTagOpen()
case .endTagOpen:
return tokenizeEndTagOpen()
case .tagName:
return tokenizeTagName()
case .selfClosingStartTag:
return tokenizeSelfClosingStartTag()
case .beforeAttributeName:
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
case .attributeName:
return tokenizeAttributeName()
case .afterAttributeName:
return tokenizeAfterAttributeName()
case .beforeAttributeValue:
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeValue()
case .attributeValue(let quotes):
return tokenizeAttributeValue(quotes: quotes)
case .afterAttributeValueQuoted:
return tokenizeAfterAttributeValueQuoted()
case .bogusComment:
return tokenizeBogusComment()
case .markupDeclarationOpen:
return tokenizeMarkupDeclarationOpen()
case .commentStart:
return tokenizeCommentStart()
case .commentStartDash:
return tokenizeCommentStartDash()
case .comment:
return tokenizeComment()
case .commentLessThanSign:
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSign()
case .commentLessThanSignBang:
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBang()
case .commentLessThanSignBangDash:
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDash()
case .commentLessThanSignBangDashDash:
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash()
case .commentEndDash:
return tokenizeCommentEndDash()
case .commentEnd:
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
case .commentEndBang:
return tokenizeCommentEndBang()
case .doctype:
return tokenizeDoctype()
case .beforeDoctypeName:
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName()
case .doctypeName:
return tokenizeDoctypeName()
case .afterDoctypeName:
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeName()
case .afterDoctypePublicKeyword:
return tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicKeyword()
case .beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier:
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case .doctypePublicIdentifier(let quotes):
return tokenizeDoctypePublicIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
case .afterDoctypePublicIdentifier:
return tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case .betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers:
return tokenizeBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers()
case .afterDoctypeSystemKeyword:
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword()
case .beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier:
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case .doctypeSystemIdentifier(let quotes):
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
case .afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier:
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case .bogusDoctype:
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
private mutating func reconsume(_ c: Unicode.Scalar?) {
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if let c {
private mutating func nextChar() -> Unicode.Scalar? {
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
if !reconsumeStack.isEmpty {
return reconsumeStack.removeLast()
} else {
private mutating func peekChar() -> Unicode.Scalar? {
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
if let nextToReconsume = reconsumeStack.last {
return nextToReconsume
} else {
let c =
if let c {
return c
// TODO: extract this all out into a standalone type and test it separately
private mutating func peek(count: Int) -> String {
precondition(count >= 0)
var buf = String.UnicodeScalarView()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
for _ in 0..<count {
if let c = nextChar() {
} else {
reconsumeStack.append(contentsOf: buf.reversed())
return String(buf)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
private mutating func consume(count: Int) {
precondition(count >= 0)
for _ in 0..<count {
_ = nextChar()
private mutating func takeCurrentToken() -> Token {
if let currentStartTag {
self.currentStartTag = nil
return .startTag(currentStartTag.0, selfClosing: currentStartTag.selfClosing, attributes: currentStartTag.attributes)
} else if let currentEndTag {
self.currentEndTag = nil
return .endTag(currentEndTag)
} else if let currentComment {
self.currentComment = nil
return .comment(currentComment)
} else if let currentDoctype {
self.currentDoctype = nil
return .doctype(currentDoctype.0, forceQuirks: currentDoctype.forceQuirks, publicIdentifier: currentDoctype.publicIdentifier, systemIdentifier: currentDoctype.systemIdentifier)
} else {
preconditionFailure("takeCurrentToken called without current token")
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
enum Token: Equatable {
case character(Unicode.Scalar)
case characterSequence(String)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case comment(String)
case startTag(String, selfClosing: Bool, attributes: [Attribute])
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case endTag(String)
case doctype(String, forceQuirks: Bool, publicIdentifier: String?, systemIdentifier: String?)
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public struct Attribute: Equatable {
public var name: String
public var value: String
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
private enum State {
// Internal states used by the tokenizer
indirect case flushingTemporaryBuffer(State)
case endOfFile
indirect case emitTokens([Token], State)
// States defined by the spec
case data
// RCDATA not currently supported
// case rcdata
// RAWTEXT not currently supported
// case rawtext
// script tag not currently supported
// case scriptData
// plaintext tag not currently supported
// case plaintext
case tagOpen
case endTagOpen
case tagName
// RCDATA not currently supported
// case rcdataLessThanSign
// case rcdataEndTagOpen
// case rcdataEndTagName
// RAWTEXT not currently supported
// case rawtextLessThanSign
// case rawtextEndTagOpen
// case rawtextEndTagName
// script not currently supported
// case scriptDataLessThanSign
// case scriptDataEndTagOpen
// case scriptDataEndTagName
// case scriptDataEscapeStart
// case scriptDataEscapeStartDash
// case scriptDataEscaped
// case scriptDataEscapedDash
// case scriptDataEscapedDashDash
// case scriptDataEscapedLessThanSign
// case scriptDataEscapedEndTagOpen
// case scriptDataEscapedEndTagName
// case scriptDataDoubleEscapeStart
// case scriptDataDoubleEscaped
// case scriptDataDoubleEscapedDash
// case scriptDataDoubleEscapedDashDash
// case scriptDataDoubleEscapedLessThanSign
// case scriptDataDoubleEscapeEnd
case beforeAttributeName
case attributeName
case afterAttributeName
case beforeAttributeValue
case attributeValue(AttributeValueQuotation)
case afterAttributeValueQuoted
case selfClosingStartTag
case bogusComment
case markupDeclarationOpen
case commentStart
case commentStartDash
case comment
case commentLessThanSign
case commentLessThanSignBang
case commentLessThanSignBangDash
case commentLessThanSignBangDashDash
case commentEndDash
case commentEnd
case commentEndBang
case doctype
case beforeDoctypeName
case doctypeName
case afterDoctypeName
case afterDoctypePublicKeyword
case beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier
case doctypePublicIdentifier(DoctypeIdentifierQuotation)
case afterDoctypePublicIdentifier
case betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers
case afterDoctypeSystemKeyword
case beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier
case doctypeSystemIdentifier(DoctypeIdentifierQuotation)
case afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier
case bogusDoctype
// CDATA not currently supported
// case cdataSection
// case cdataSectionBracket
// case cdataSectionEndState
case characterReference
case namedCharacterReference
case ambiguousAmpersand
case numericCharacterReference
case hexadecimalCharacterReferenceStart
case decimalCharacterReferenceStart
case hexadecimalCharacterReference
case decimalCharacterReference
case numericCharacterReferenceEnd
private enum AttributeValueQuotation {
case singleQuoted, doubleQuoted, unquoted
private enum DoctypeIdentifierQuotation {
case singleQuoted, doubleQuoted
private extension Tokenizer {
mutating func tokenizeData() -> Token? {
// Optimization: It's common to have runs of characters that are tokenized as-is,
// so try to return them as a single token so the downstream consumer
// can avoid repeated work.
var buf = ""
while true {
switch nextChar() {
case "&":
returnState = .data
state = .characterReference
if buf.isEmpty {
return tokenizeCharacterReference()
} else {
return .characterSequence(buf)
case "<":
state = .tagOpen
if buf.isEmpty {
return tokenizeTagOpen()
} else {
return .characterSequence(buf)
case "\0":
if buf.isEmpty {
return .character("\0")
} else {
return .characterSequence(buf)
case nil:
if buf.isEmpty {
return nil // end of file
} else {
return .characterSequence(buf)
case .some(let c):
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeCharacterReference() -> Token? {
temporaryBuffer = "&"
guard let c = nextChar() else {
state = .flushingTemporaryBuffer(returnState!)
return next()
switch c {
case "a"..."z", "A"..."Z", "0"..."9":
state = .namedCharacterReference
return tokenizeNamedCharaterReference()
case "#":
state = .numericCharacterReference
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReference()
state = returnState!
return next()
mutating func tokenizeNamedCharaterReference() -> Token? {
// consume as many [a-zA-Z0-9] as possible, until semicolon
loop: while let c = nextChar() {
switch c {
case "a"..."z", "A"..."Z", "0"..."9":
case ";":
break loop
break loop
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
var referent = namedCharactersDecodeMap[String(temporaryBuffer!.dropFirst())]
if referent == nil {
// start from the beginning and try to find a reference
var key = ";"
let buf = temporaryBuffer!
var index = buf.index(after: buf.startIndex)
while index < buf.endIndex {
key.replaceSubrange(key.index(before: key.endIndex)..., with: "\(buf[index]);")
buf.formIndex(after: &index)
referent = namedCharactersDecodeMap[key]
if referent != nil {
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
if referent != nil {
for c in buf[index...].unicodeScalars.reversed() {
if let referent {
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
if case .attributeValue(_) = returnState,
temporaryBuffer!.last != ";",
let next = peekChar(),
next == "=" || ("a"..."z").contains(next) || ("A"..."Z").contains(next) || ("0"..."9").contains(next) {
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
} else {
temporaryBuffer = "\(referent)"
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
} else {
state = .flushingTemporaryBuffer(.ambiguousAmpersand)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
return next()
mutating func flushCharacterReference() {
if case .attributeValue(_) = returnState {
temporaryBuffer = nil
state = returnState!
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
} else {
state = .flushingTemporaryBuffer(returnState!)
mutating func tokenizeNumericCharacterReference() -> Token? {
characterReferenceCode = 0
switch nextChar() {
case "x", "X":
state = .hexadecimalCharacterReference
return tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReference()
case let c:
state = .decimalCharacterReference
return tokenizeDecimalCharacterReference()
mutating func tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd() -> Token? {
switch characterReferenceCode! {
case 0:
// parse error: null-character-reference
characterReferenceCode = 0xFFFD
case let c where c > 0x10FFFF:
// parse error: character-reference-outside-unicode-range
characterReferenceCode = 0xFFFD
case 0xD800...0xDBFF, 0xDC00...0xDFFF: // leading and trailing surrogate ranges
// parse error: surrogate-character-reference
characterReferenceCode = 0xFFFD
case let c where Unicode.Scalar(c) == nil:
// parse error: noncharacter-character-reference
// "The parser resolves such character references as-is."
// TODO: idfk what that means
characterReferenceCode = nil
state = returnState!
return next()
case 0x0D, 0...0x1F /* C0 control */, 0x7F...0x9F:
// parse error: control-character-reference
characterReferenceCode = switch characterReferenceCode! {
case 0x80: 0x20AC
case 0x82: 0x201A
case 0x83: 0x0192
case 0x84: 0x201E
case 0x85: 0x2026
case 0x86: 0x2020
case 0x87: 0x2021
case 0x88: 0x02C6
case 0x89: 0x2030
case 0x8A: 0x0160
case 0x8B: 0x2039
case 0x8C: 0x0152
case 0x8E: 0x017D
case 0x91: 0x2018
case 0x92: 0x2019
case 0x93: 0x201C
case 0x94: 0x201D
case 0x95: 0x2022
case 0x96: 0x2013
case 0x97: 0x2014
case 0x98: 0x02DC
case 0x99: 0x2122
case 0x9A: 0x0161
case 0x9B: 0x203A
case 0x9C: 0x0153
case 0x9E: 0x017E
case 0x9F: 0x0178
case let c: c
temporaryBuffer = ""
if let c = Unicode.Scalar(characterReferenceCode!) {
return next()
mutating func tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReferenceStart() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case .some("0"..."9"), .some("a"..."f"), .some("A"..."F"):
state = .hexadecimalCharacterReference
return tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReference()
// parse error: absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference
state = .flushingTemporaryBuffer(returnState!)
return next()
mutating func tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReference() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case .some("0"..."9"), .some("a"..."f"), .some("A"..."F"):
characterReferenceCode = (characterReferenceCode! * 16) + UInt32(c!.hexDigitValue!)
return tokenizeHexadecimalCharacterReference()
case ";":
state = .numericCharacterReferenceEnd
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd()
case let c:
// parse error: missing-semicolon-after-character-reference
state = .numericCharacterReferenceEnd
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd()
mutating func tokenizeDecimalCharacterReferenceStart() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
if let c,
c.isASCII && c.isNumber {
state = .decimalCharacterReference
return tokenizeDecimalCharacterReference()
} else {
// parse error: absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference
state = returnState!
return next()
mutating func tokenizeDecimalCharacterReference() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case .some("0"..."9"):
characterReferenceCode = (characterReferenceCode! * 10) + UInt32(c!.hexDigitValue!)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
return tokenizeDecimalCharacterReference()
case ";":
state = .numericCharacterReferenceEnd
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd()
// if nil, parse error: missing-semicolon-after-character-reference
state = .numericCharacterReferenceEnd
return tokenizeNumericCharacterReferenceEnd()
mutating func tokenizeAmbiguousAmpersand() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case .some("0"..."9"), .some("a"..."z"), .some("A"..."Z"):
if case .attributeValue(_) = returnState {
return tokenizeAmbiguousAmpersand()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
} else {
return .character(c!)
// if c == ";", parse error: unknown-named-character-reference
state = returnState!
return next()
mutating func tokenizeTagOpen() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case "!":
state = .markupDeclarationOpen
return tokenizeMarkupDeclarationOpen()
case "/":
state = .endTagOpen
return tokenizeEndTagOpen()
case "?":
// parse error: unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name
currentComment = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusComment
return tokenizeBogusComment()
case nil:
// parser error: eof-before-tag-name
state = .endOfFile
return .character("<")
case .some("a"..."z"), .some("A"..."Z"):
currentStartTag = ("", selfClosing: false, attributes: [])
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .tagName
return tokenizeTagName()
case .some(_):
// parse error: invalid-first-character-of-tag-name
state = .data
return .character("<")
mutating func tokenizeEndTagOpen() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case .some("a"..."z"), .some("A"..."Z"):
currentEndTag = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .tagName
return tokenizeTagName()
case ">":
// parse error: missing-end-tag-name
state = .data
return tokenizeData()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-before-tag-name
state = .emitTokens([.character("/")], .endOfFile)
return .character("<")
case .some(let c):
// parse error: invalid-first-character-of-tag-name
currentComment = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusComment
return tokenizeBogusComment()
mutating func tokenizeTagName() -> Token? {
// Optimization: this is a hot path where we stay in this state for a while before emitting a token,
// and the function call overhead of recursion costs a bit of perf.
while true {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeAttributeName
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
case "/":
state = .selfClosingStartTag
return tokenizeSelfClosingStartTag()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
} else if ("A"..."Z").contains(c) {
c = c.asciiLowercase
if currentStartTag != nil {
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
} else {
fatalError("bad current token")
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mutating func tokenizeSelfClosingStartTag() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case ">":
currentStartTag!.selfClosing = true
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state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(let c):
// parse error: unexpected-solidus-in-tag
state = .beforeAttributeName
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
mutating func tokenizeBeforeAttributeName() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case "/", ">", nil:
state = .afterAttributeName
return tokenizeAfterAttributeName()
case "=":
// parse error: unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name
currentStartTag!.attributes.append(Attribute(name: "=", value: ""))
state = .attributeName
return tokenizeAttributeName()
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if currentStartTag != nil {
currentStartTag!.attributes.append(Attribute(name: "", value: ""))
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state = .attributeName
return tokenizeAttributeName()
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
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// ignore
state = .attributeName
return tokenizeAttributeName()
} else {
fatalError("bad current token")
mutating func tokenizeAttributeName() -> Token? {
while true {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ", "/", ">", nil:
state = .afterAttributeName
return tokenizeAfterAttributeName()
case "=":
state = .beforeAttributeValue
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeValue()
case .some(var c):
if ("A"..."Z").contains(c) {
c = c.asciiLowercase
// if null, parse error: unexpected-null-character
if c == "\0" {
c = "\u{FFFD}"
// if c in ["\"", "'", "<"], parse error: unexpected-character-in-attribute-name
if currentStartTag != nil {
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
} else {
fatalError("bad curren token")
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mutating func tokenizeAfterAttributeName() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeAfterAttributeName()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case "/":
state = .selfClosingStartTag
return tokenizeSelfClosingStartTag()
case "=":
state = .beforeAttributeValue
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeValue()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
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case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(let c):
if currentStartTag != nil {
currentStartTag!.attributes.append(Attribute(name: "", value: ""))
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state = .attributeName
return tokenizeAttributeName()
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
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state = .attributeName
return tokenizeAttributeName()
} else {
fatalError("bad current token")
mutating func tokenizeBeforeAttributeValue() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeValue()
case "\"":
state = .attributeValue(.doubleQuoted)
return tokenizeAttributeValue(quotes: .doubleQuoted)
case "'":
state = .attributeValue(.singleQuoted)
return tokenizeAttributeValue(quotes: .singleQuoted)
case ">":
// parse error: missing-attribute-value
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case let c:
state = .attributeValue(.unquoted)
return tokenizeAttributeValue(quotes: .unquoted)
mutating func tokenizeAttributeValue(quotes: AttributeValueQuotation) -> Token? {
while true {
if quotes == .unquoted {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeAttributeName
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
case "&":
returnState = .attributeValue(.unquoted)
state = .characterReference
return tokenizeCharacterReference()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(let c):
// if c in ["\"", "'", "<", "=", "`"], parse error: unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value
if currentStartTag != nil {
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
} else {
fatalError("bad current token")
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} else {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case "\"" where quotes == .doubleQuoted:
state = .afterAttributeValueQuoted
return tokenizeAfterAttributeValueQuoted()
case "'" where quotes == .singleQuoted:
state = .afterAttributeValueQuoted
return tokenizeAfterAttributeValueQuoted()
case "&":
returnState = .attributeValue(quotes)
state = .characterReference
return tokenizeCharacterReference()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
if currentStartTag != nil {
} else if currentEndTag != nil {
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mutating func tokenizeAfterAttributeValueQuoted() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeAttributeName
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
case "/":
state = .selfClosingStartTag
return tokenizeSelfClosingStartTag()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-tag
state = .endOfFile
return nil
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-whitespace-between-attributes
state = .beforeAttributeName
return tokenizeBeforeAttributeName()
mutating func tokenizeBogusComment() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
return tokenizeBogusComment()
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mutating func tokenizeMarkupDeclarationOpen() -> Token? {
let peeked = peek(count: 7)
if peeked.starts(with: "--") {
consume(count: 2)
currentComment = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .commentStart
return tokenizeCommentStart()
} else if peeked.lowercased() == "doctype" {
consume(count: 7)
state = .doctype
return tokenizeDoctype()
} else if peeked == "[CDATA[" {
// TODO: we don't do any of the tree construction stuff yet, so can't really handle this
// consume(count: 7)
currentComment = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusComment
return tokenizeBogusComment()
} else {
// parse error: incorrectly-opened-comment
currentComment = ""
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusComment
return tokenizeBogusComment()
mutating func tokenizeCommentStart() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentStartDash
return tokenizeCommentStartDash()
case ">":
// parse error: abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case let c:
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
mutating func tokenizeCommentStartDash() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentEnd
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
case ">":
// parse error: abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-comment
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(let c):
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeComment() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "<":
state = .commentLessThanSign
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSign()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case "-":
state = .commentEndDash
return tokenizeCommentEndDash()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-comment
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
return tokenizeComment()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeCommentLessThanSign() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "!":
state = .commentLessThanSignBang
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBang()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case "<":
return tokenizeComment()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case let c:
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
mutating func tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBang() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentLessThanSignBangDash
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDash()
case let c:
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
mutating func tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDash() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentLessThanSignBangDashDash
return tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash()
case let c:
state = .commentEndDash
return tokenizeCommentEndDash()
mutating func tokenizeCommentLessThanSignBangDashDash() -> Token? {
let c = nextChar()
switch c {
case ">", nil:
state = .commentEnd
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
// parse error: nested-comment
state = .commentEnd
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
mutating func tokenizeCommentEndDash() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentEnd
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-comment
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case let c:
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeCommentEnd() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case "!":
state = .commentEndBang
return tokenizeCommentEndBang()
case "-":
return tokenizeCommentEnd()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-comment
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(let c):
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
mutating func tokenizeCommentEndBang() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "-":
state = .commentEndDash
return tokenizeCommentEndDash()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case ">":
// parse error: incorrectly-closed-comment
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-comment
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(let c):
state = .comment
return tokenizeComment()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeDoctype() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeDoctypeName
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName()
case ">":
state = .beforeDoctypeName
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
return .doctype("", forceQuirks: true, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-whitespace-before-doctype-name
state = .beforeDoctypeName
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName()
mutating func tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeName()
case .some(let c) where ("A"..."Z").contains(c):
currentDoctype = ("\(c.asciiLowercase)", forceQuirks: false, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .doctypeName
return tokenizeDoctypeName()
case "\0":
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
currentDoctype = ("\u{FFFD}", forceQuirks: false, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .doctypeName
return tokenizeDoctypeName()
case ">":
// parse error: missing-doctype-name
state = .data
return .doctype("", forceQuirks: true, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
return .doctype("", forceQuirks: false, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
case .some(let c):
currentDoctype = ("\(c)", forceQuirks: false, publicIdentifier: nil, systemIdentifier: nil)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .doctypeName
return tokenizeDoctypeName()
mutating func tokenizeDoctypeName() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .afterDoctypeName
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeName()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
c = "\u{FFFD}"
} else if ("A"..."Z").contains(c) {
c = c.asciiLowercase
return tokenizeDoctypeName()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeAfterDoctypeName() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeName()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
let peeked = peek(count: 6).lowercased()
if peeked == "public" {
consume(count: 6)
state = .afterDoctypePublicKeyword
return tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicKeyword()
} else if peeked == "system" {
consume(count: 6)
state = .afterDoctypeSystemKeyword
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword()
} else {
// parse error: invalid-character-sequence-after-doctype-name
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicKeyword() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeDoctypePublicIdentifier
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
// parse error: missing-whitespace-after-doctype-public-keyword
currentDoctype!.publicIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypePublicIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypePublicIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case ">":
// parse error: missing-doctype-public-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
currentDoctype!.publicIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypePublicIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypePublicIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case ">":
// parse error: missing-doctype-public-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeDoctypePublicIdentifier(quotes: DoctypeIdentifierQuotation) -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\"" where quotes == .doubleQuoted:
state = .afterDoctypePublicIdentifier
return tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case "'" where quotes == .singleQuoted:
state = .afterDoctypePublicIdentifier
return tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier()
case ">":
// parse error: abrupt-doctype-public-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
return tokenizeDoctypePublicIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeAfterDoctypePublicIdentifier() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .betweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers
return tokenizeBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
// parse error: missing-whitespace-between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers
currentDoctype!.systemIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBetweenDoctypePublicAndSystemIdentifiers()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
currentDoctype!.systemIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusComment
return tokenizeBogusComment()
mutating func tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemKeyword() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
state = .beforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
currentDoctype!.systemIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case ">":
// parse error: missing-doctype-system-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype:
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBeforeDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case .some(let c) where c == "\"" || c == "'":
currentDoctype!.systemIdentifier = ""
let quotes = c == "\"" ? DoctypeIdentifierQuotation.doubleQuoted : .singleQuoted
state = .doctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes)
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case ">":
// parse error: missing-doctype-system-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype:
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: DoctypeIdentifierQuotation) -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\"" where quotes == .doubleQuoted:
state = .afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case "'" where quotes == .singleQuoted:
state = .afterDoctypeSystemIdentifier
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case ">":
// parse error: abrupt-doctype-system-identifier
state = .data
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(var c):
if c == "\0" {
// parse error: unexpected-null-character
c = "\u{FFFD}"
return tokenizeDoctypeSystemIdentifier(quotes: quotes)
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
mutating func tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case "\t", "\n", "\u{000C}", " ":
// ignore the character
return tokenizeAfterDoctypeSystemIdentifier()
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case nil:
// parse error: eof-in-doctype
state = .endOfFile
currentDoctype!.forceQuirks = true
return takeCurrentToken()
2023-11-24 20:18:37 +00:00
case .some(let c):
// parse error: unexpected-character-after-doctype-system-identifier
// Note: This does not set the current DOCTYPE token's force-quirks flag to on.
state = .bogusDoctype
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
mutating func tokenizeBogusDoctype() -> Token? {
switch nextChar() {
case ">":
state = .data
return takeCurrentToken()
case "\0":
// parse error: unexpected-null-character, ignore the character
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
case nil:
state = .endOfFile
return takeCurrentToken()
case _:
// ignore the character
return tokenizeBogusDoctype()
private extension Array {
// Optimization: allows in-place modification of the last element of the array.
var uncheckedLast: Element {
_read {
yield self[count - 1]
_modify {
yield &self[count - 1]
private extension Unicode.Scalar {
var asciiLowercase: Unicode.Scalar {
return Unicode.Scalar(value + 0x20)!
var hexDigitValue: Int? {
switch self {
case "0": 0
case "1": 1
case "2": 2
case "3": 3
case "4": 4
case "5": 5
case "6": 6
case "7": 7
case "8": 8
case "9": 9
case "A", "a": 0xA
case "B", "b": 0xB
case "C", "c": 0xC
case "D", "d": 0xD
case "E", "e": 0xE
case "F", "f": 0xF
default: nil
var isNumber: Bool {