2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
digraph blockstate {
/* rankdir=LR; */
node [shape = circle, fontsize = 18];
edge [fontsize = 18];
init [label = "", shape=none, height = .0, width = .0];
emptyBlock [label = "empty block"];
nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-empty block"];
lineBreakTag [label = "line break tag"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTags [label = ">=2 line break tags"];
emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags [label = "empty block w/ >=2 prev line break tags"];
beginListItem [label = "begin list item"];
endListItem [label = "end list item"];
listItemContent [label = "list item content"];
lineBreakTagInListItemContent [label = "line break tag in list item content"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent [label = ">= 2 line break tags in list item content"];
preformattedStart [label = "preformatted start"];
preformattedEmptyBlock [label = "preformatted empty block"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "preformatted non-empty block"];
preformattedLineBreak [label = "preformatted line break"];
preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks [label = "preformatted >=2 line breaks"];
afterPreStartTag [label = "after <pre> start tag"];
afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "after <pre> start tag w/ leading whitespace"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace [label = "preformatted non-empty block w/ trailing whitespace"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "preformatted empty block w/ leading whitespace"];
init -> start;
start -> start [label = "whitespace (skip)\n<br> (skip)\n</pre>\nstart/end block"];
start -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace"];
start -> preformattedStart [label = "<pre> (depth = 1)"];
start -> beginListItem [label = "<li>"];
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nonEmptyBlock -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-newline"];
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nonEmptyBlock -> emptyBlock [label = "start/end block"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
nonEmptyBlock -> lineBreakTag [label = "<br> or \\n (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
nonEmptyBlock -> beginListItem [label = "<li>"];
nonEmptyBlock -> endListItem [label = "</li>"];
emptyBlock -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (block break)"];
2024-05-22 21:48:29 +00:00
emptyBlock -> emptyBlock [label = "whitespace (skip)\n</pre>\nstart/end block"];
emptyBlock -> lineBreakTag [label = "<br> (append to tmp, block break)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
emptyBlock -> afterPreStartTag [label = "<pre> (depth = 1)"];
emptyBlock -> beginListItem [label = "<li>"];
emptyBlock -> endListItem [label = "</li>"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
lineBreakTag -> lineBreakTag [label = "whitespace (append to tmp)"];
lineBreakTag -> atLeastTwoLineBreakTags [label = "<br> or \\n (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
lineBreakTag -> emptyBlock [label = "start/end block (clear tmp)"];
lineBreakTag -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
atLeastTwoLineBreakTags -> atLeastTwoLineBreakTags [label = "whitespace or <br> (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
atLeastTwoLineBreakTags -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTags -> emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags [label = "start/end block"];
emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags -> emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags [label = "whitespace (skip)\n<br>\n</pre>\nstart/end block"];
emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags -> nonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags -> afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "<pre> (depth = 1)"];
beginListItem -> beginListItem [label = "<li>\nwhitespace (skip)\n<br>\nstart/end block"];
beginListItem -> listItemContent [label = "non-whitespace"];
beginListItem -> endListItem [label = "</li>"];
beginListItem -> afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "<pre>"];
endListItem -> endListItem [label = "whitespace (skip)\n</li>"];
endListItem -> beginListItem [label = "<li> (line break)"];
endListItem -> emptyBlock [label = "start/end block"];
endListItem -> listItemContent [label = "non-whitespace (line break, indent)"];
endListItem -> lineBreakTagInListItemContent [label = "<br> (append to tmp)"];
listItemContent -> listItemContent [label = "non-whitespace"];
listItemContent -> beginListItem [label = "<li> (line break)"];
listItemContent -> lineBreakTagInListItemContent [label = "<br> (append to tmp)"];
listItemContent -> emptyBlock [label = "start/end block"];
listItemContent -> endListItem [label = "</li>"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> lineBreakTagInListItemContent [label = "whitespace (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> emptyBlock [label = "start/end block (clear tmp)"];
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> beginListItem [label = "<li> (emit tmp, line break)"];
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> listItemContent [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent [label = "<br> or \\n (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
lineBreakTagInListItemContent -> endListItem [label = "</li> (clear tmp)"];
2024-02-28 22:55:48 +00:00
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent -> atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent [label = "whitespace or <br> (append to tmp)"];
2024-02-21 16:15:27 +00:00
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent -> beginListItem [label = "<li> (emit tmp, line break)"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent -> emptyBlockWithAtLeastTwoPreviousLineBreakTags [label = "start/end block"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent -> listItemContent [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
atLeastTwoLineBreakTagsInListItemContent -> endListItem [label = "</li> (clear tmp)"];
afterPreStartTag -> preformattedLineBreak [label = "<br> (append to tmp, append block break to tmp)"];
afterPreStartTag -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non \\n (block break)"];
afterPreStartTag -> preformattedEmptyBlock [label = "\\n (skip)\nstart/end block"];
preformattedLineBreak -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
preformattedLineBreak -> preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace [label = "other whitespace (append to tmp)"];
preformattedLineBreak -> preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks [label = "\\n or <br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks -> preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks [label = "\\n or <br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non \\n or <br> (emit tmp)"];
preformattedAtLeastTwoLineBreaks -> preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "start/end block"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace -> preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "whitespace (append to tmp)\nstart/end block\n</pre> if depth>1&&tmp.count>=2 (depth - 1, remove 1 from tmp)"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace -> preformattedLineBreak [label = "\\n or <br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace -> afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "<pre> (depth + 1)"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace -> preformattedEmptyBlock [label = "</pre> if depth>1&&tmp.count<2 (depth - 1, remove 1 from tmp)"];
preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace -> emptyBlock [label = "</pre> if depth<=1 (clear tmp)"];
preformattedEmptyBlock -> preformattedEmptyBlock [label = "start/end block\n</pre>if depth>1 (depth - 1)"];
preformattedEmptyBlock -> afterPreStartTag [label = "<pre> (depth + 1"];
preformattedEmptyBlock -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (block break)"];
preformattedEmptyBlock -> preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "whitespace (append to tmp)"];
preformattedEmptyBlock -> preformattedLineBreak [label = "<br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlock -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlock -> preformattedLineBreak [label = "\\n or <br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlock -> preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace [label = "other whitespace (append to tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlock -> preformattedEmptyBlock [label = "start/end block"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace -> preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace [label = "whitespace (append to tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace -> preformattedLineBreak [label = "\\n or <br> (append to tmp)"];
preformattedNonEmptyBlockWithTrailingWhitespace -> preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "start/end block (append block break to tmp)"];
afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non-whitespace (emit tmp)"];
afterPreStartTagWithLeadingWhitespace -> preformattedEmptyBlockWithLeadingWhitespace [label = "\\n (skip)\nother whitespace (append to tmp)\n<br> (append to tmp)\nstart/end block"];
preformattedStart -> preformattedStart [label = "<pre> (depth + 1)\n</pre> if depth>1 (depth - 1)\n\\n or <br> (skip)\nstart/end block"];
preformattedStart -> start [label = "</pre> if depth<=1"];
preformattedStart -> preformattedNonEmptyBlock [label = "non \\n"];