Improve Mongo output handling

This commit is contained in:
Shadowfacts 2020-01-27 22:20:02 -05:00
vecāks 954b0bc8a6
revīzija e507817b84
Parakstījis: shadowfacts
GPG atslēgas ID: 94A5AB95422746E5
3 mainīti faili ar 23 papildinājumiem un 42 dzēšanām

Parādīt failu

@ -7,63 +7,37 @@
import Foundation
import JavaScriptCore
import MongoSwift
struct MongoEvaluator {
static let context: JSContext = {
let context = JSContext()!
let date: @convention(block) (JSValue) -> Dictionary<String, Any> = { (input) in
["$date": input]
let functions: [NSString: @convention(block) (JSValue) -> Dictionary<String, Any>] = [
"ObjectId": { (input) in
["$oid": input]
"NumberLong": { (input) in
["$numberLong": input]
"NumberInt": { (input) in
["$numberInt": input]
"NumberDecimal": { (input) in
["$numberDecimal": input]
"Date": date,
"ISODate": date,
functions.forEach { (key, value) in
context.setObject(value, forKeyedSubscript: key)
let dbRef: @convention(block) (String, String) -> Dictionary<String, Any> = { (ref, id) in
["$ref": ref, "$id": ["$oid": id]]
context.setObject(dbRef, forKeyedSubscript: "DBRef" as NSString)
return context
static let decoder = BSONDecoder()
static func parse(shellJSON: String) -> Document? {
guard !shellJSON.isEmpty,
let result = context.evaluateScript("JSON.stringify(\(shellJSON))") else {
return nil
static func parse(extendedJSON: String) -> BSON? {
guard !extendedJSON.isEmpty else {
return nil
do {
return try Document(fromJSON: result.toString())
return try decoder.decode(BSON.self, from: extendedJSON)
} catch {
print("Unable to parse Document: \(error)")
print("Unable to parse BSON: \(error)")
return nil
static func eval(command: String, connectingTo connStr: String) -> [Document] {
static func eval(command: String, connectingTo connStr: String) -> [BSON] {
let realCommand = """
Object.prototype.printExtJSON = function() { print(JSON.stringify(this)); };
Array.prototype.printExtJSON = function() { => print(it)); };
print("Running command \"\(command)\" against \(connStr)")
let mongoOutputPipe = Pipe()
let mongoProcess = Process()
mongoProcess.launchPath = "/usr/local/bin/mongo"
mongoProcess.arguments = [connStr, "--quiet", "--norc", "--eval", command]
mongoProcess.arguments = [connStr, "--quiet", "--norc", "--eval", realCommand]
mongoProcess.standardOutput = mongoOutputPipe
@ -78,7 +52,7 @@ struct MongoEvaluator {
let lines = strs.joined(separator: "").components(separatedBy: "\n")
return lines.compactMap(parse(shellJSON:))
return lines.compactMap(parse(extendedJSON:))

Parādīt failu

@ -37,8 +37,15 @@ class Node {
init(key: Key? = nil, value: BSON) {
self.key = key
self.value = value
if key == nil,
case let .document(doc) = value,
case let .objectId(id) = doc["_id"] {
self.key = .objectId(id)
} else {
self.key = key
convenience init(document: Document) {

Parādīt failu

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ class QueryViewController: NSViewController {
let collection: DatabaseCollection
var defaultQuery: String {
var hasQueryChanged: Bool {