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// TimlineState.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 12/13/22.
// Copyright © 2022 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreData
import Pachyderm
public final class TimelineState: NSManagedObject {
@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest(timeline: Timeline) -> NSFetchRequest<TimelineState> {
let req = NSFetchRequest<TimelineState>(entityName: "TimelineState")
req.predicate = NSPredicate(format: "timelineKind = %@", toTimelineKind(timeline))
return req
@NSManaged private var timelineKind: String
@NSManaged public var centerStatusID: String?
@NSManaged private var statuses: NSOrderedSet
var timeline: Timeline {
get { fromTimelineKind(timelineKind) }
set { timelineKind = toTimelineKind(newValue) }
var statusMOs: [StatusMO] {
statuses.array as! [StatusMO]
convenience init(timeline: Timeline, context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
self.init(context: context)
self.timeline = timeline
func setStatuses(_ statusIDs: [String]) {
let context = managedObjectContext!
// todo: this feels really inefficient, but I'm not sure if it's better or worse than doing a single "id IN %@" fetch and sorting after
let mos = statusIDs.compactMap { try? context.fetch(StatusMO.fetchRequest(id: $0)).first }
self.statuses = NSOrderedSet(array: mos)
// blergh, this is the simplest way of getting the Timeline into a format that A) CoreData can handle and B) is usable in the predicate
private func toTimelineKind(_ timeline: Timeline) -> String {
switch timeline {
case .home:
return "home"
case .public(local: true):
return "local"
case .public(local: false):
return "federated"
case .direct:
return "direct"
case .tag(hashtag: let name):
return "hashtag:\(name)"
case .list(id: let id):
return "list:\(id)"
private func fromTimelineKind(_ kind: String) -> Timeline {
if kind == "home" {
return .home
} else if kind == "local" {
return .public(local: true)
} else if kind == "federated" {
return .public(local: false)
} else if kind == "direct" {
return .direct
} else if kind.starts(with: "hashtag:") {
return .tag(hashtag: String(trimmingPrefix("hashtag:", of: kind)))
} else if kind.starts(with: "list:") {
return .list(id: String(trimmingPrefix("list:", of: kind)))
} else {
fatalError("invalid timeline kind \(kind)")
// replace with Collection.trimmingPrefix
@available(iOS, obsoleted: 16.0)
private func trimmingPrefix(_ prefix: String, of str: String) -> Substring {
return str[str.index(str.startIndex, offsetBy: prefix.count)...]