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2023-04-23 01:16:30 +00:00
// DraftAttachment.swift
// CoreData
// Created by Shadowfacts on 4/22/23.
import CoreData
import PencilKit
import UniformTypeIdentifiers
import Photos
import InstanceFeatures
import Pachyderm
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private let decoder = PropertyListDecoder()
private let encoder = PropertyListEncoder()
public final class DraftAttachment: NSManagedObject, Identifiable {
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@nonobjc public class func fetchRequest() -> NSFetchRequest<DraftAttachment> {
return NSFetchRequest<DraftAttachment>(entityName: "DraftAttachment")
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@NSManaged internal var assetID: String?
@NSManaged public var attachmentDescription: String
@NSManaged internal private(set) var drawingData: Data?
@NSManaged public var editedAttachmentID: String?
@NSManaged private var editedAttachmentKindString: String?
@NSManaged public var editedAttachmentURL: URL?
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@NSManaged public var fileURL: URL?
@NSManaged internal var fileType: String?
@NSManaged public var id: UUID!
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@NSManaged internal var draft: Draft
public var drawing: PKDrawing? {
get {
if let drawingData,
let drawing = try? decoder.decode(PKDrawing.self, from: drawingData) {
return drawing
} else {
return nil
set {
drawingData = try! encoder.encode(newValue)
public var data: AttachmentData {
if let editedAttachmentID {
return .editing(editedAttachmentID, editedAttachmentKind!, editedAttachmentURL!)
} else if let assetID {
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return .asset(assetID)
} else if let drawing {
return .drawing(drawing)
} else if let fileURL, let fileType {
return .file(fileURL, UTType(fileType)!)
} else {
return .none
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public var editedAttachmentKind: Attachment.Kind? {
get {
set {
editedAttachmentKindString = newValue?.rawValue
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public enum AttachmentData {
case asset(String)
case drawing(PKDrawing)
case file(URL, UTType)
case editing(String, Attachment.Kind, URL)
case none
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public override func prepareForDeletion() {
if let fileURL {
try? FileManager.default.removeItem(at: fileURL)
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extension DraftAttachment {
var type: AttachmentType {
if let editedAttachmentKind {
switch editedAttachmentKind {
case .image:
return .image
case .video:
return .video
case .gifv:
return .video
case .audio, .unknown:
return .unknown
} else if let assetID {
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guard let asset = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: [assetID], options: nil).firstObject else {
return .unknown
switch asset.mediaType {
case .image:
return .image
case .video:
return .video
return .unknown
} else if drawingData != nil {
return .image
} else if let fileType,
let type = UTType(fileType) {
if type.conforms(to: .image) {
return .image
} else if type.conforms(to: .movie) {
return .video
} else {
return .unknown
} else {
return .unknown
enum AttachmentType {
case image, video, unknown
//private let attachmentTypeIdentifier = "space.vaccor.Tusker.composition-attachment"
private let imageType = UTType.image.identifier
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private let jpegType = UTType.jpeg.identifier
private let pngType = UTType.png.identifier
private let mp4Type = UTType.mpeg4Movie.identifier
private let quickTimeType = UTType.quickTimeMovie.identifier
private let gifType = UTType.gif.identifier
extension DraftAttachment: NSItemProviderReading {
public static var readableTypeIdentifiersForItemProvider: [String] {
// todo: is there a better way of handling movies than manually adding all possible UTI types?
// just using kUTTypeMovie doesn't work, because we need the actually type in order to get the file extension
// without the file extension, getting the thumbnail and exporting the video for attachment upload fails
[/*typeIdentifier, */ gifType, jpegType, pngType, imageType, mp4Type, quickTimeType]
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public static func object(withItemProviderData data: Data, typeIdentifier: String) throws -> DraftAttachment {
var data = data
var type = UTType(typeIdentifier)!
// this seems to only occur when the item is a UIImage, rather than just image data,
// which seems to only occur when sharing a screenshot directly from the markup screen
if type == .image,
let image = try? NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchivedObject(ofClass: UIImage.self, from: data),
let pngData = image.pngData() {
data = pngData
type = .png
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let attachment = DraftAttachment(entity: DraftsPersistentContainer.shared.persistentStoreCoordinator.managedObjectModel.entitiesByName["DraftAttachment"]!, insertInto: nil)
attachment.id = UUID()
attachment.fileURL = try writeDataToFile(data, id: attachment.id, type: type)
attachment.fileType = type.identifier
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attachment.attachmentDescription = ""
return attachment
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static var attachmentsDirectory: URL {
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let containerURL = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "group.space.vaccor.Tusker")!
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return containerURL.appendingPathComponent("Documents").appendingPathComponent("attachments")
static func writeDataToFile(_ data: Data, id: UUID, type: UTType) throws -> URL {
let directoryURL = attachmentsDirectory
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try FileManager.default.createDirectory(at: directoryURL, withIntermediateDirectories: true)
let attachmentURL = directoryURL.appendingPathComponent(id.uuidString, conformingTo: type)
try data.write(to: attachmentURL)
return attachmentURL
// MARK: Exporting
extension DraftAttachment {
func getData(features: InstanceFeatures, skipAllConversion: Bool = false, completion: @escaping (Result<(Data, UTType), ExportError>) -> Void) {
if let assetID {
guard let asset = PHAsset.fetchAssets(withLocalIdentifiers: [assetID], options: nil).firstObject else {
if asset.mediaType == .image {
let options = PHImageRequestOptions()
options.version = .current
options.deliveryMode = .highQualityFormat
options.resizeMode = .none
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
PHImageManager.default().requestImageDataAndOrientation(for: asset, options: options) { data, dataUTI, orientation, info in
guard let data, let dataUTI else {
let processed = Self.processImageData(data, type: UTType(dataUTI)!, features: features, skipAllConversion: skipAllConversion)
} else if asset.mediaType == .video {
let options = PHVideoRequestOptions()
options.version = .current
options.deliveryMode = .automatic
options.isNetworkAccessAllowed = true
PHImageManager.default().requestExportSession(forVideo: asset, options: options, exportPreset: AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality) { exportSession, info in
if let exportSession {
Self.exportVideoData(session: exportSession, features: features, completion: completion)
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} else if let error = info?[PHImageErrorKey] as? Error {
} else {
} else {
} else if let drawingData {
guard let drawing = try? decoder.decode(PKDrawing.self, from: drawingData) else {
let image = drawing.imageInLightMode(from: drawing.bounds, scale: 1)
completion(.success((image.pngData()!, .png)))
} else if let fileURL, let fileType {
let type = UTType(fileType)!
if type.conforms(to: .movie) {
let asset = AVURLAsset(url: fileURL)
guard let session = AVAssetExportSession(asset: asset, presetName: AVAssetExportPresetHighestQuality) else {
Self.exportVideoData(session: session, features: features, completion: completion)
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} else {
let fileData: Data
do {
fileData = try Data(contentsOf: fileURL)
} catch {
if type != .gif,
type.conforms(to: .image) {
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let result = Self.processImageData(fileData, type: type, features: features, skipAllConversion: skipAllConversion)
} else {
completion(.success((fileData, type)))
} else {
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private static func processImageData(_ data: Data, type: UTType, features: InstanceFeatures, skipAllConversion: Bool) -> (Data, UTType) {
guard !skipAllConversion else {
return (data, type)
var data = data
var type = type
if type != .png && type != .jpeg,
let image = UIImage(data: data) {
// The quality of 0.8 was chosen completely arbitrarily, it may need to be tuned in the future.
data = image.jpegData(compressionQuality: 0.8)!
type = .jpeg
let image = CIImage(data: data)!
let needsColorSpaceConversion = features.needsWideColorGamutHack && image.colorSpace?.name != CGColorSpace.sRGB
// neither Mastodon nor Pleroma handles HEIC well, so convert to JPEG
// they also do a bad job converting wide color gamut images (they seem to just drop the profile, letting the wide-gamut values be reinterprete as sRGB)
// if that changes in the future, we'll need to pass the InstanceFeatures in here somehow and gate the conversion
if needsColorSpaceConversion || type == .heic {
let context = CIContext()
let colorSpace = needsColorSpaceConversion || image.colorSpace != nil ? CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.sRGB)! : image.colorSpace!
if type == .png {
data = context.pngRepresentation(of: image, format: .ARGB8, colorSpace: colorSpace)!
} else {
data = context.jpegRepresentation(of: image, colorSpace: colorSpace)!
type = .jpeg
return (data, type)
private static func exportVideoData(session: AVAssetExportSession, features: InstanceFeatures, completion: @escaping (Result<(Data, UTType), ExportError>) -> Void) {
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session.outputFileType = .mp4
session.outputURL = FileManager.default.temporaryDirectory.appendingPathComponent("exported_video_\(UUID())").appendingPathExtension("mp4")
if let configuration = features.mediaAttachmentsConfiguration {
session.fileLengthLimit = Int64(configuration.videoSizeLimit)
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session.exportAsynchronously {
guard session.status == .completed else {
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: session.outputURL!)
completion(.success((data, .mpeg4Movie)))
} catch {
enum ExportError: Error {
case noAsset
case unknownAssetType
case missingAssetData
case videoExport(Error)
case noVideoExportSession
case loadingDrawing
case loadingData
case noData
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