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// GMImagePickerController.h
// GMPhotoPicker
// Created by Guillermo Muntaner Perelló on 19/09/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Muntaner Perelló. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <Photos/Photos.h>
//This is the default image picker size!
//static CGSize const kPopoverContentSize = {320, 480};
//However, the iPad is 1024x768 so it can allow popups up to 768!
static CGSize const kPopoverContentSize = {480, 720};
@protocol GMImagePickerControllerDelegate;
* A controller that allows picking multiple photos and videos from user's photo library.
@interface GMImagePickerController : UIViewController
* The assets pickers delegate object.
@property (nonatomic, weak) id <GMImagePickerControllerDelegate> delegate;
* It contains the selected `PHAsset` objects. The order of the objects is the selection order.
* You can add assets before presenting the picker to show the user some preselected assets.
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSMutableArray *selectedAssets;
/** UI Customizations **/
* Determines which smart collections are displayed (int array of enum: PHAssetCollectionSubtypeSmartAlbum)
* The default smart collections are:
* - Favorites
* - RecentlyAdded
* - Videos
* - SlomoVideos
* - Timelapses
* - Bursts
* - Panoramas
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* customSmartCollections;
* Determines which media types are allowed (int array of enum: PHAssetMediaType)
* This defaults to all media types (view, audio and images)
* This can override customSmartCollections behavior (ie, remove video-only smart collections)
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSArray* mediaTypes;
* If set, it displays a this string instead of the localised default of "Done" on the done button. Note also that this
* is not used when a single selection is active since the selection of the chosen photo closes the VC thus rendering
* the button pointless.
@property (nonatomic) NSString* customDoneButtonTitle;
* If set, it displays this string instead of the localised default of "Cancel" on the cancel button
@property (nonatomic) NSString* customCancelButtonTitle;
* If set, it displays a prompt in the navigation bar
@property (nonatomic) NSString* customNavigationBarPrompt;
* Determines whether or not a toolbar with info about user selection is shown.
* The InfoToolbar is visible by default.
@property (nonatomic) BOOL displaySelectionInfoToolbar;
* Determines whether or not the number of assets is shown in the Album list.
* The number of assets is visible by default.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL displayAlbumsNumberOfAssets;
* Automatically disables the "Done" button if nothing is selected. Defaults to YES.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoDisableDoneButton;
* Use the picker either for miltiple image selections, or just a single selection. In the case of a single selection
* the VC is closed on selection so the Done button is neither displayed or used. Default is YES.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowsMultipleSelection;
* In the case where allowsMultipleSelection = NO, set this to YES to have the user confirm their selection. Default is NO.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL confirmSingleSelection;
* If set, it displays this string (if confirmSingleSelection = YES) instead of the localised default.
@property (nonatomic) NSString *confirmSingleSelectionPrompt;
* True to always show the toolbar, with a camera button allowing new photos to be taken. False to auto show/hide the
* toolbar, and have no camera button. Default is false. If true, this renders displaySelectionInfoToolbar a no-op.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL showCameraButton;
* True to auto select the image(s) taken with the camera if showCameraButton = YES. In the case of allowsMultipleSelection = YES,
* this will trigger the selection handler too.
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL autoSelectCameraImages;
* If set, the user is allowed to edit captured still images
@property (nonatomic, assign) BOOL allowsEditingCameraImages;
* Grid customizations:
* - colsInPortrait: Number of columns in portrait (3 by default)
* - colsInLandscape: Number of columns in landscape (5 by default)
* - minimumInteritemSpacing: Horizontal and vertical minimum space between grid cells (2.0 by default)
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger colsInPortrait;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger colsInLandscape;
@property (nonatomic) double minimumInteritemSpacing;
* UI customizations:
* - pickerBackgroundColor: The colour for all backgrounds; behind the table and cells. Defaults to [UIColor whiteColor]
* - pickerTextColor: The color for text in the views. This needs to work with pickerBackgroundColor! Default of darkTextColor
* - toolbarBackgroundColor: The background color of the toolbar. Defaults to nil.
* - toolbarBarTintColor: The color for the background tint of the toolbar. Defaults to nil.
* - toolbarTextColor: The color of the text on the toolbar
* - toolbarTintColor: The tint colour used for any buttons on the toolbar
* - navigationBarBackgroundColor: The background of the navigation bar. Defaults to nil.
* - navigationBarBarTintColor: The color for the background tint of the navigation bar. Defaults to nil.
* - navigationBarTextColor: The color for the text in the navigation bar. Defaults to [UIColor darkTextColor]
* - navigationBarTintColor: The tint color used for any buttons on the navigation Bar
* - pickerFontName: The font to use everywhere. Defaults to HelveticaNeue. It is advised if you set this to check, and possibly set, appropriately the custom font sizes. For font information, check http://www.iosfonts.com/
* - pickerFontName: The font to use everywhere. Defaults to HelveticaNeue-Bold. It is advised if you set this to check, and possibly set, appropriately the custom font sizes.
* - pickerFontNormalSize: The size of the custom font used in most places. Defaults to 14.0f
* - pickerFontHeaderSize: The size of the custom font for album names. Defaults to 17.0f
* - pickerStatusBarsStyle: On iPhones this will matter if custom navigation bar colours are being used. Defaults to UIStatusBarStyleDefault
* - useCustomFontForNavigationBar: True to use the custom font (or it's default) in the navigation bar, false to leave to iOS Defaults.
* - arrangeSmartCollectionsFirst: True will put the users smart collections above their albums, false will set it opposite. Default is NO.
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *pickerBackgroundColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *pickerTextColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *toolbarBackgroundColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *toolbarBarTintColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *toolbarTextColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *toolbarTintColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *navigationBarBackgroundColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *navigationBarBarTintColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *navigationBarTextColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) UIColor *navigationBarTintColor;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *pickerFontName;
@property (nonatomic, strong) NSString *pickerBoldFontName;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat pickerFontNormalSize;
@property (nonatomic) CGFloat pickerFontHeaderSize;
@property (nonatomic) UIStatusBarStyle pickerStatusBarStyle;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL useCustomFontForNavigationBar;
@property (nonatomic) BOOL arrangeSmartCollectionsFirst;
* A reference to the navigation controller used to manage the whole picking process
@property (nonatomic, strong) UINavigationController *navigationController;
* Managing Asset Selection
- (void)selectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
- (void)deselectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* User finish Actions
- (void)dismiss:(id)sender;
- (void)finishPickingAssets:(id)sender;
@protocol GMImagePickerControllerDelegate <NSObject>
* @name Closing the Picker
* Tells the delegate that the user finish picking photos or videos.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param assets An array containing picked PHAssets objects.
- (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker didFinishPickingAssets:(NSArray *)assets;
* Tells the delegate that the user cancelled the pick operation.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
- (void)assetsPickerControllerDidCancel:(GMImagePickerController *)picker;
* @name Enabling Assets
* Ask the delegate if the specified asset should be shown.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset to be shown.
* @return `YES` if the asset should be shown or `NO` if it should not.
- (BOOL)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker shouldShowAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Ask the delegate if the specified asset should be enabled for selection.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset to be enabled.
* @return `YES` if the asset should be enabled or `NO` if it should not.
- (BOOL)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker shouldEnableAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* @name Managing the Selected Assets
* Asks the delegate if the specified asset should be selected.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset to be selected.
* @return `YES` if the asset should be selected or `NO` if it should not.
- (BOOL)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker shouldSelectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Tells the delegate that the asset was selected.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset that was selected.
- (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker didSelectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Asks the delegate if the specified asset should be deselected.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset to be deselected.
* @return `YES` if the asset should be deselected or `NO` if it should not.
- (BOOL)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker shouldDeselectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Tells the delegate that the item at the specified path was deselected.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset that was deselected.
- (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker didDeselectAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* @name Managing Asset Highlighting
* Asks the delegate if the specified asset should be highlighted.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset to be highlighted.
* @return `YES` if the asset should be highlighted or `NO` if it should not.
- (BOOL)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker shouldHighlightAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Tells the delegate that asset was highlighted.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset that was highlighted.
- (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker didHighlightAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;
* Tells the delegate that the highlight was removed from the asset.
* @param picker The controller object managing the assets picker interface.
* @param asset The asset that had its highlight removed.
- (void)assetsPickerController:(GMImagePickerController *)picker didUnhighlightAsset:(PHAsset *)asset;