ContentTextView cleanup

This commit is contained in:
Shadowfacts 2022-07-31 19:39:14 -04:00
parent af2e95ea39
commit 50dd785ef8
1 changed files with 9 additions and 5 deletions

View File

@ -197,13 +197,17 @@ class ContentTextView: LinkTextView, BaseEmojiLabel {
let locationInTextContainer = CGPoint(x: point.x - textContainerInset.left, y: point.y -
if #available(iOS 16.0, *),
let textLayoutManager {
guard let fragment = textLayoutManager.textLayoutFragment(for: point),
let lineFragment = fragment.textLineFragments.first(where: { lineFragment in
lineFragment.typographicBounds.offsetBy(dx: fragment.layoutFragmentFrame.minX, dy: fragment.layoutFragmentFrame.minY).contains(point)
guard let fragment = textLayoutManager.textLayoutFragment(for: locationInTextContainer) else {
return nil
let pointInLayoutFragment = CGPoint(x: locationInTextContainer.x - fragment.layoutFragmentFrame.minX, y: locationInTextContainer.y - fragment.layoutFragmentFrame.minY)
guard let lineFragment = fragment.textLineFragments.first(where: { lineFragment in
}) else {
return nil
let charIndex = lineFragment.characterIndex(for: point)
let pointInLineFragment = CGPoint(x: pointInLayoutFragment.x - lineFragment.typographicBounds.minX, y: pointInLayoutFragment.y - lineFragment.typographicBounds.minY)
let charIndex = lineFragment.characterIndex(for: pointInLineFragment)
var range = NSRange()
guard let link = lineFragment.attributedString.attribute(.link, at: charIndex, longestEffectiveRange: &range, in: lineFragment.attributedString.fullRange) as? URL else {
@ -332,7 +336,7 @@ extension ContentTextView: UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate {
return nil
// .standard because i have no idea what the difference is
textLayoutManager.enumerateTextSegments(in: textRange, type: .standard, options: []) { range, rect, float, textContainer in
textLayoutManager.enumerateTextSegments(in: textRange, type: .standard, options: .rangeNotRequired) { range, rect, float, textContainer in
return true