Fix share sheet extension not working with Apple News

Closes #375
This commit is contained in:
Shadowfacts 2023-05-12 22:00:00 -04:00
parent 2d8e2f0824
commit a9a9bfebeb
2 changed files with 34 additions and 25 deletions

View File

@ -8,6 +8,8 @@

View File

@ -71,36 +71,43 @@ class ShareViewController: UIViewController {
private func getDraftConfigurationFromExtensionContext() async -> (String, [DraftAttachment]) {
guard let extensionContext,
let inputItem = (extensionContext.inputItems as? [NSExtensionItem])?.first,
let itemProvider = inputItem.attachments?.first else {
let inputItem = (extensionContext.inputItems as? [NSExtensionItem])?.first else {
return ("", [])
if let url: NSURL = await getObject(from: itemProvider) {
if let title = inputItem.attributedTitle ?? inputItem.attributedContentText {
return ("\n\n\(title.string)\n\(url.absoluteString ?? "")", [])
} else {
return ("\n\n\(url.absoluteString ?? "")", [])
} else if let text: NSString = await getObject(from: itemProvider) {
return ("\n\n\(text)", [])
} else if let attributedContent = inputItem.attributedContentText {
return ("\n\n\(attributedContent.string)", [])
} else {
let attachments = await withTaskGroup(of: DraftAttachment?.self, returning: [DraftAttachment].self) { group in
for provider in inputItem.attachments! {
group.addTask { @MainActor in
await self.getObject(from: provider)
var text: String = ""
var url: URL?
var attachments: [DraftAttachment] = []
for itemProvider in inputItem.attachments ?? [] {
if let attached: NSURL = await getObject(from: itemProvider) {
if url == nil {
url = attached as URL
return await group.reduce(into: [], { partialResult, result in
if let result {
} else if let s: NSString = await getObject(from: itemProvider) {
if text.isEmpty {
text = s as String
} else if let attachment: DraftAttachment = await getObject(from: itemProvider) {
return ("", attachments)
if text.isEmpty,
let s = inputItem.attributedTitle ?? inputItem.attributedContentText {
text = s.string
if let url {
if !text.isEmpty {
text += "\n"
text += url.absoluteString
if !text.isEmpty {
text = "\n\n\(text)"
return (text, attachments)
private func getObject<T: NSItemProviderReading>(from itemProvider: NSItemProvider) async -> T? {