Fix crash when uploading attachment without known MIME type or extension

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Shadowfacts 2023-11-10 14:08:11 -05:00
parent 676e603ffc
commit bc7500bde9
1 changed files with 20 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -114,13 +114,9 @@ class PostService: ObservableObject {
} catch let error as DraftAttachment.ExportError {
throw Error.attachmentData(index: index, cause: error)
do {
let uploaded = try await uploadAttachment(data: data, utType: utType, description: attachment.attachmentDescription)
currentStep += 1
} catch let error as Client.Error {
throw Error.attachmentUpload(index: index, cause: error)
let uploaded = try await uploadAttachment(index: index, data: data, utType: utType, description: attachment.attachmentDescription)
currentStep += 1
return attachments
@ -138,10 +134,21 @@ class PostService: ObservableObject {
private func uploadAttachment(data: Data, utType: UTType, description: String?) async throws -> Attachment {
let formAttachment = FormAttachment(mimeType: utType.preferredMIMEType!, data: data, fileName: "file.\(utType.preferredFilenameExtension!)")
private func uploadAttachment(index: Int, data: Data, utType: UTType, description: String?) async throws -> Attachment {
guard let mimeType = utType.preferredMIMEType else {
throw Error.attachmentMissingMimeType(index: index, type: utType)
var filename = "file"
if let ext = utType.preferredFilenameExtension {
let formAttachment = FormAttachment(mimeType: mimeType, data: data, fileName: filename)
let req = Client.upload(attachment: formAttachment, description: description)
return try await
do {
return try await
} catch let error as Client.Error {
throw Error.attachmentUpload(index: index, cause: error)
private func textForPosting() -> String {
@ -170,6 +177,7 @@ class PostService: ObservableObject {
enum Error: Swift.Error, LocalizedError {
case attachmentData(index: Int, cause: DraftAttachment.ExportError)
case attachmentMissingMimeType(index: Int, type: UTType)
case attachmentUpload(index: Int, cause: Client.Error)
case posting(Client.Error)
@ -177,6 +185,8 @@ class PostService: ObservableObject {
switch self {
case let .attachmentData(index: index, cause: cause):
return "Attachment \(index + 1): \(cause.localizedDescription)"
case let .attachmentMissingMimeType(index: index, type: type):
return "Attachment \(index + 1): unknown MIME type for \(type.identifier)"
case let .attachmentUpload(index: index, cause: cause):
return "Attachment \(index + 1): \(cause.localizedDescription)"
case let .posting(error):