Actually don't purge old persistent history

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Shadowfacts 2024-06-08 13:18:23 -07:00
parent d8fccc8f1b
commit e6d9a33dbf

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@ -545,20 +545,12 @@ class MastodonCachePersistentStore: NSPersistentCloudKitContainer {
if !transactions.isEmpty {
do {
// delete history only before the last token, because we don't want to invalidate
// the most recent token
let deleteReq = NSPersistentHistoryChangeRequest.deleteHistory(before: lastToken)
let result = try self.remoteChangesBackgroundContext.execute(deleteReq)
if let result = result as? NSPersistentHistoryResult,
result.resultType == .statusOnly {"Delete old persistent history result status: \(result.result as! Int)")
} catch {
logger.error("Unable to delete old persistent history: \(String(describing: error), privacy: .public)")
// NB: We deliberately do not purge old persistent history.
// Doing so causes the CoreData+CloudKit integration to replay all of
// the server's changes on initialization, which takes a long time
// and produces a bunch of intermediate UI updates we don't want.