// // LargeImageViewController.swift // Tusker // // Created by Shadowfacts on 8/31/18. // Copyright © 2018 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved. // import UIKit import Pachyderm import Photos import Gifu class LargeImageViewController: UIViewController, UIScrollViewDelegate { typealias SourceInfo = (frame: CGRect, cornerRadius: CGFloat) var sourceInfo: SourceInfo? var dismissInteractionController: LargeImageInteractionController? @IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView! @IBOutlet weak var imageView: GIFImageView! @IBOutlet weak var imageViewLeadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var imageViewTrailingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var imageViewTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var imageViewBottomConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var topControlsView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var topControlsHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var shareButton: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var shareButtonTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var shareButtonLeadingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var closeButton: UIButton! @IBOutlet weak var closeButtonTopConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var closeButtonTrailingConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint! @IBOutlet weak var bottomControlsView: UIView! @IBOutlet weak var descriptionLabel: UILabel! var initializedTopControlsConstrains = false var image: UIImage? var gifData: Data? var imageDescription: String? var initialControlsVisible = true private(set) var controlsVisible = true { didSet { setNeedsUpdateOfHomeIndicatorAutoHidden() } } var shrinkGestureEnabled = true var prevZoomScale: CGFloat? override var prefersStatusBarHidden: Bool { return true } override var prefersHomeIndicatorAutoHidden: Bool { return !controlsVisible } init(image: UIImage, description: String?, sourceInfo: SourceInfo?) { self.image = image self.imageDescription = description self.sourceInfo = sourceInfo super.init(nibName: "LargeImageViewController", bundle: nil) modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen } // init(gifData: Data?, description: String?, sourceFrame: CGRect, sourceCornerRadius: CGFloat, router: AppRouter) { // self.router = router // self.gifData = gifData // self.imageDescription = description // self.originFrame = sourceFrame // self.originCornerRadius = sourceCornerRadius // // super.init(nibName: "LargeImageViewController", bundle: nil) // } required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented") } override func viewDidLoad() { super.viewDidLoad() setControlsVisible(initialControlsVisible, animated: false) imageView.image = image if let gifData = gifData { imageView.animate(withGIFData: gifData) } scrollView.delegate = self imageView.bounds = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: imageView.image!.size) if let imageDescription = imageDescription { descriptionLabel.text = imageDescription } else { bottomControlsView.isHidden = true } if shrinkGestureEnabled { dismissInteractionController = LargeImageInteractionController(viewController: self) } view.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(scrollViewPressed(_:)))) let doubleTap = UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(scrollViewDoubleTapped(_:))) doubleTap.numberOfTapsRequired = 2 view.addGestureRecognizer(doubleTap) } override func viewDidLayoutSubviews() { super.viewDidLayoutSubviews() // limit the image height to the safe area height, so the image doesn't overlap the top controls // while zoomed all the way out let maxHeight = view.bounds.height - view.safeAreaInsets.top - view.safeAreaInsets.bottom let heightScale = maxHeight / imageView.bounds.height let widthScale = view.bounds.width / imageView.bounds.width let minScale = min(widthScale, heightScale) scrollView.minimumZoomScale = minScale scrollView.zoomScale = minScale scrollView.maximumZoomScale = minScale >= 1 ? minScale + 2 : 2 centerImage() if !initializedTopControlsConstrains { initializedTopControlsConstrains = true if view.safeAreaInsets.top == 44 { // running on iPhone X style notched device let notchWidth: CGFloat = 209 let earWidth = (view.bounds.width - notchWidth) / 2 let offset = (earWidth - shareButton.bounds.width) / 2 shareButtonLeadingConstraint.constant = offset closeButtonTrailingConstraint.constant = offset } } } func setControlsVisible(_ controlsVisible: Bool, animated: Bool) { self.controlsVisible = controlsVisible if animated { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2) { self.updateControlsView() } } else { updateControlsView() } } func updateControlsView() { let topOffset = self.controlsVisible ? 0 : -self.topControlsView.bounds.height self.topControlsView.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: topOffset) if self.imageDescription != nil { let bottomOffset = self.controlsVisible ? 0 : self.bottomControlsView.bounds.height + self.view.safeAreaInsets.bottom self.bottomControlsView.transform = CGAffineTransform(translationX: 0, y: bottomOffset) } } func viewForZooming(in scrollView: UIScrollView) -> UIView? { return imageView } func scrollViewDidZoom(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) { centerImage() let prevZoomScale = self.prevZoomScale ?? scrollView.minimumZoomScale if scrollView.zoomScale <= scrollView.minimumZoomScale { controlsVisible = true } else if scrollView.zoomScale > prevZoomScale { controlsVisible = false } self.prevZoomScale = scrollView.zoomScale } func centerImage() { let yOffset = max(0, (view.bounds.size.height - imageView.frame.height) / 2) imageViewTopConstraint.constant = yOffset let xOffset = max(0, (view.bounds.size.width - imageView.frame.width) / 2) imageViewLeadingConstraint.constant = xOffset } func zoomRectFor(scale: CGFloat, center: CGPoint) -> CGRect { var zoomRect = CGRect.zero zoomRect.size.width = imageView.frame.width / scale zoomRect.size.height = imageView.frame.height / scale let newCenter = scrollView.convert(center, to: imageView) zoomRect.origin.x = newCenter.x - (zoomRect.width / 2) zoomRect.origin.y = newCenter.y - (zoomRect.height / 2) return zoomRect } func animateZoomOut() { UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, animations: { self.scrollView.zoomScale = self.scrollView.minimumZoomScale self.view.layoutIfNeeded() }) } @objc func scrollViewPressed(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) { if scrollView.zoomScale > scrollView.minimumZoomScale { animateZoomOut() } else { setControlsVisible(!controlsVisible, animated: true) } } @objc func scrollViewDoubleTapped(_ recognizer: UITapGestureRecognizer) { if scrollView.zoomScale <= scrollView.minimumZoomScale { let point = recognizer.location(in: recognizer.view) let scale: CGFloat if scrollView.minimumZoomScale < 1 { if 1 - scrollView.zoomScale <= 0.5 { scale = scrollView.zoomScale + 1 } else { scale = 1 } } else { scale = scrollView.maximumZoomScale } let rect = zoomRectFor(scale: scale, center: point) UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3) { self.scrollView.zoom(to: rect, animated: false) self.view.layoutIfNeeded() } } else { animateZoomOut() } } @IBAction func closeButtonPressed(_ sender: Any) { dismiss(animated: true) } @IBAction func sharePressed(_ sender: Any) { guard let image = image else { return } let activityVC = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [image], applicationActivities: nil) present(activityVC, animated: true) } }