// // LargeImageInteractionController.swift // Tusker // // Created by Shadowfacts on 9/1/18. // Copyright © 2018 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved. // import UIKit class LargeImageInteractionController: UIPercentDrivenInteractiveTransition { var inProgress = false var direction: CGFloat? var shouldCompleteTransition = false private weak var viewController: LargeImageAnimatableViewController! init(viewController: LargeImageAnimatableViewController) { super.init() self.viewController = viewController let panRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(handleGesture(_:))) panRecognizer.allowedScrollTypesMask = .continuous viewController.view.addGestureRecognizer(panRecognizer) } @objc func handleGesture(_ recognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) { let translation = recognizer.translation(in: recognizer.view!.superview!) var progress = translation.y / 200 if let direction = direction { progress *= direction } else if abs(progress) > 0.01 { // if the progress is less than +/- 1%, don't set the direction because the translation may be random jitter in the user's finger direction = progress > 0 ? 1 : -1 progress = abs(progress) } progress = min(max(progress, 0), 1) let velocity = abs(recognizer.velocity(in: recognizer.view!.superview!).y) switch recognizer.state { case .began: inProgress = true viewController.dismiss(animated: true) case .changed: shouldCompleteTransition = progress > 0.5 || velocity > 1000 viewController.isInteractivelyAnimatingDismissal = progress > 0.1 update(progress) case .cancelled: inProgress = false cancel() case .ended: inProgress = false direction = nil if shouldCompleteTransition { finish() } else { cancel() } default: break } } override func cancel() { super.cancel() viewController.isInteractivelyAnimatingDismissal = false } }