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401 lines
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// TimelineStatusTableViewCell.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 8/16/18.
// Copyright © 2018 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import Combine
import Pachyderm
class TimelineStatusTableViewCell: BaseStatusTableViewCell {
static let relativeDateFormatter: RelativeDateTimeFormatter = {
let formatter = RelativeDateTimeFormatter()
formatter.dateTimeStyle = .numeric
formatter.unitsStyle = .full
return formatter
@IBOutlet weak var reblogLabel: EmojiLabel!
@IBOutlet weak var reblogSpacer: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var timestampLabel: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var pinImageView: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var actionsContainerView: UIView!
@IBOutlet weak var actionsContainerHeightConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet weak var verticalStackToActionsContainerConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
@IBOutlet weak var verticalStackToSuperviewConstraint: NSLayoutConstraint!
var reblogStatusID: String?
var rebloggerID: String?
var showPinned = false
var showReplyIndicator = true
var updateTimestampWorkItem: DispatchWorkItem?
var rebloggerAccountUpdater: Cancellable?
deinit {
override func awakeFromNib() {
reblogLabel.addGestureRecognizer(UITapGestureRecognizer(target: self, action: #selector(reblogLabelPressed)))
isAccessibilityElement = true
// todo: double check this on RTL layouts
replyButton.imageView!.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentTextView.leadingAnchor).isActive = true
contentTextView.defaultFont = .systemFont(ofSize: 16)
avatarImageView.addInteraction(UIContextMenuInteraction(delegate: self))
override func createObserversIfNecessary() {
if rebloggerAccountUpdater == nil {
rebloggerAccountUpdater = mastodonController.persistentContainer.accountSubject
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.filter { [unowned self] in $0 == self.rebloggerID }
.sink { [unowned self] in
if let mastodonController = self.mastodonController,
let reblogger = mastodonController.persistentContainer.account(for: $0) {
self.updateRebloggerLabel(reblogger: reblogger)
override func doUpdateUI(status: StatusMO, state: StatusState) {
var status = status
if let rebloggedStatus = status.reblog {
reblogStatusID = statusID
rebloggerID = status.account.id
reblogLabel.isHidden = false
reblogSpacer.isHidden = false
updateRebloggerLabel(reblogger: status.account)
status = rebloggedStatus
// necessary b/c statusID is initially set to the reblog status ID in updateUI(statusID:state:)
statusID = rebloggedStatus.id
} else {
reblogStatusID = nil
rebloggerID = nil
reblogLabel.isHidden = true
reblogSpacer.isHidden = true
super.doUpdateUI(status: status, state: state)
doUpdateTimestamp(status: status)
timestampLabel.isHidden = showPinned
pinImageView.isHidden = !showPinned
override func updateGrayscaleableUI(account: AccountMO, status: StatusMO) {
super.updateGrayscaleableUI(account: account, status: status)
if let rebloggerID = rebloggerID,
let reblogger = mastodonController.persistentContainer.account(for: rebloggerID) {
updateRebloggerLabel(reblogger: reblogger)
private func updateRebloggerLabel(reblogger: AccountMO) {
if Preferences.shared.hideCustomEmojiInUsernames {
reblogLabel.text = "Reblogged by \(reblogger.displayNameWithoutCustomEmoji)"
} else {
reblogLabel.text = "Reblogged by \(reblogger.displayOrUserName)"
reblogLabel.setEmojis(reblogger.emojis, identifier: reblogger.id)
override func updateStatusIconsForPreferences(_ status: StatusMO) {
if showReplyIndicator {
metaIndicatorsView.allowedIndicators = .all
} else {
metaIndicatorsView.allowedIndicators = .all.subtracting(.reply)
let oldState = actionsContainerView.isHidden
if oldState != Preferences.shared.hideActionsInTimeline {
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
} else {
// not really accurate, but it notifies the vc our height has changed
private func updateActionsVisibility() {
if Preferences.shared.hideActionsInTimeline {
actionsContainerView.isHidden = true
} else {
actionsContainerView.isHidden = false
private func updateTimestamp() {
// if the mastodonController is nil (i.e. the delegate is nil), then the screen this cell was a part of has been deallocated
// so we bail out immediately, since there's nothing to update
// if the status cannot be found, it may have already been discarded due to not being on screen, so we do nothing
guard let mastodonController = mastodonController,
let status = mastodonController.persistentContainer.status(for: statusID) else { return }
doUpdateTimestamp(status: status)
private func doUpdateTimestamp(status: StatusMO) {
timestampLabel.text = status.createdAt.timeAgoString()
let delay: DispatchTimeInterval?
switch status.createdAt.timeAgo().1 {
case .second:
delay = .seconds(10)
case .minute:
delay = .seconds(60)
delay = nil
if let delay = delay {
if updateTimestampWorkItem == nil {
updateTimestampWorkItem = DispatchWorkItem { [weak self] in
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + delay, execute: updateTimestampWorkItem!)
} else {
updateTimestampWorkItem = nil
func reply() {
if Preferences.shared.mentionReblogger,
let rebloggerID = rebloggerID,
let rebloggerAccount = mastodonController.persistentContainer.account(for: rebloggerID) {
delegate?.compose(inReplyToID: statusID, mentioningAcct: rebloggerAccount.acct)
} else {
delegate?.compose(inReplyToID: statusID)
override func prepareForReuse() {
updateTimestampWorkItem = nil
showPinned = false
@objc func reblogLabelPressed() {
guard let rebloggerID = rebloggerID else { return }
delegate?.selected(account: rebloggerID)
override func replyPressed() {
// MARK: - Accessibility
override var accessibilityLabel: String? {
get {
guard let status = mastodonController.persistentContainer.status(for: statusID) else {
return nil
var str = "\(status.account.displayName), \(contentTextView.text ?? "")"
if status.attachments.count > 0 {
// todo: localize me
str += ", \(status.attachments.count) attachments"
if status.poll != nil {
str += ", poll"
str += ", \(TimelineStatusTableViewCell.relativeDateFormatter.localizedString(for: status.createdAt, relativeTo: Date()))"
if let rebloggerID = rebloggerID,
let reblogger = mastodonController.persistentContainer.account(for: rebloggerID) {
str += ", reblogged by \(reblogger.displayName)"
return str
set {}
override func accessibilityActivate() -> Bool {
return true
extension TimelineStatusTableViewCell: SelectableTableViewCell {
func didSelectCell() {
delegate?.selected(status: statusID, state: statusState.copy())
extension TimelineStatusTableViewCell: TableViewSwipeActionProvider {
func leadingSwipeActionsConfiguration() -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? {
guard let mastodonController = mastodonController,
mastodonController.loggedIn else { return nil }
guard let status = mastodonController.persistentContainer.status(for: statusID) else { fatalError("Missing cached status \(statusID!)") }
let favoriteTitle: String
let favoriteRequest: Request<Status>
let favoriteColor: UIColor
if status.favourited {
favoriteTitle = "Unfavorite"
favoriteRequest = Status.unfavourite(status.id)
favoriteColor = UIColor(displayP3Red: 235/255, green: 77/255, blue: 62/255, alpha: 1)
} else {
favoriteTitle = "Favorite"
favoriteRequest = Status.favourite(status.id)
favoriteColor = UIColor(displayP3Red: 1, green: 204/255, blue: 0, alpha: 1)
let favorite = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: favoriteTitle) { (action, view, completion) in
mastodonController.run(favoriteRequest, completion: { response in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard case let .success(status, _) = response else {
mastodonController.persistentContainer.addOrUpdate(status: status)
favorite.image = UIImage(systemName: "star.fill")
favorite.backgroundColor = favoriteColor
let reblogTitle: String
let reblogRequest: Request<Status>
let reblogColor: UIColor
if status.reblogged {
reblogTitle = "Unreblog"
reblogRequest = Status.unreblog(status.id)
reblogColor = UIColor(displayP3Red: 235/255, green: 77/255, blue: 62/255, alpha: 1)
} else {
reblogTitle = "Reblog"
reblogRequest = Status.reblog(status.id)
reblogColor = tintColor
let reblog = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: reblogTitle) { (action, view, completion) in
mastodonController.run(reblogRequest, completion: { response in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
guard case let .success(status, _) = response else {
mastodonController.persistentContainer.addOrUpdate(status: status)
reblog.image = UIImage(systemName: "repeat")
reblog.backgroundColor = reblogColor
return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [favorite, reblog])
func trailingSwipeActionsConfiguration() -> UISwipeActionsConfiguration? {
let share = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "Share") { (action, view, completion) in
self.delegate?.showMoreOptions(forStatus: self.statusID, sourceView: self)
// Bold to more closely match the other action symbols
let config = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(weight: .bold)
share.image = UIImage(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")!.applyingSymbolConfiguration(config)!
share.backgroundColor = .lightGray
guard mastodonController.loggedIn else {
return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [share])
let reply = UIContextualAction(style: .normal, title: "Reply") { (action, view, completion) in
reply.image = UIImage(systemName: "arrowshape.turn.up.left.fill")
reply.backgroundColor = tintColor
return UISwipeActionsConfiguration(actions: [reply, share])
extension TimelineStatusTableViewCell: DraggableTableViewCell {
func dragItemsForBeginning(session: UIDragSession) -> [UIDragItem] {
// the poll options view is tracking while the user is dragging between options
// while that's happening, don't initiate a drag
guard let status = mastodonController.persistentContainer.status(for: statusID),
let accountID = mastodonController.accountInfo?.id,
!pollView.isTracking else {
return []
let provider = NSItemProvider(object: status.url! as NSURL)
let activity = UserActivityManager.showConversationActivity(mainStatusID: status.id, accountID: accountID)
activity.displaysAuxiliaryScene = true
provider.registerObject(activity, visibility: .all)
return [UIDragItem(itemProvider: provider)]
extension TimelineStatusTableViewCell: UIContextMenuInteractionDelegate {
func contextMenuInteraction(_ interaction: UIContextMenuInteraction, configurationForMenuAtLocation location: CGPoint) -> UIContextMenuConfiguration? {
return UIContextMenuConfiguration(identifier: nil) {
ProfileViewController(accountID: self.accountID, mastodonController: self.mastodonController)
} actionProvider: { (_) in
return UIMenu(title: "", image: nil, identifier: nil, options: [], children: self.delegate?.actionsForProfile(accountID: self.accountID, sourceView: self.avatarImageView) ?? [])
func contextMenuInteraction(_ interaction: UIContextMenuInteraction, willPerformPreviewActionForMenuWith configuration: UIContextMenuConfiguration, animator: UIContextMenuInteractionCommitAnimating) {
if let viewController = animator.previewViewController,
let delegate = delegate {
animator.preferredCommitStyle = .pop
animator.addCompletion {
if let customPresenting = viewController as? CustomPreviewPresenting {
customPresenting.presentFromPreview(presenter: delegate)
} else {
extension TimelineStatusTableViewCell: MenuPreviewProvider {
func getPreviewProviders(for location: CGPoint, sourceViewController: UIViewController) -> PreviewProviders? {
guard let mastodonController = mastodonController,
let status = mastodonController.persistentContainer.status(for: statusID) else {
return nil
return (
content: { ConversationTableViewController(for: self.statusID, state: self.statusState.copy(), mastodonController: mastodonController) },
actions: { self.delegate?.actionsForStatus(status, sourceView: self) ?? [] }