Shadowfacts 3b11dd216f Change conversation main status favorites/reblogs count order to match Mastodon 2023-05-16 11:43:53 -04:00
Account Cell Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
Account Detail Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
Attachments Show unknown attachments 2023-05-16 11:40:59 -04:00
Confirm Load More Cell Use cards for trending links screen, and add pagination 2023-02-11 10:09:56 -05:00
Hashtag Cell Fix keyboard focus background on list cells not showing correctly 2023-04-16 18:46:47 -04:00
Instance Cell Fix keyboard focus background on list cells not showing correctly 2023-04-16 18:46:47 -04:00
Poll Estimate height when resolving status collapse state 2023-05-13 15:00:03 -04:00
Profile Header Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
Silent Action Permissions Add preferences UI for silent XCB actions 2018-09-30 19:05:06 -04:00
Status Change conversation main status favorites/reblogs count order to match Mastodon 2023-05-16 11:43:53 -04:00
Toast Improve rate limit exceeded error message 2023-05-10 10:59:22 -04:00
AccountDisplayNameLabel.swift Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
AccountDisplayNameView.swift Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
BaseEmojiLabel.swift BaseEmojiLabel improvements 2023-05-14 15:19:00 -04:00
BasicTableViewCell.xib Replace Search tab with Explore tab 2019-12-17 00:22:25 -05:00
CachedImageView.swift Fix link card images not loading on Mastodon 2023-05-14 16:24:54 -04:00
ConfirmReblogStatusPreviewView.swift Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
ContentTextView.swift Add status edit history view 2023-05-11 14:57:47 -04:00
CopyableLable.swift Make username label on profile copyable 2023-02-04 11:10:01 -05:00
CustomEmojiImageView.swift Use WebURL for more lenient parsing of external URLs 2022-02-03 23:11:29 -05:00
EmojiLabel.swift Fix custom emoji in display name being replaced multiple times unnecessarily 2023-05-14 14:41:36 -04:00
FastAccountSwitcherIndicatorView.swift Fast account switching on iPad 2022-05-01 11:53:12 -04:00
FocusableTextField.swift Add opposite collapse keywords preference 2020-11-03 15:39:02 -05:00
InlineTextAttachment.swift Add notifications screen 2018-09-03 16:54:03 -04:00
LinkTextView.swift Dyanmic type support in profile header view 2022-11-04 21:39:47 -04:00
LoadingCollectionViewCell.swift Initial TimelineLikeController + TimelineViewController implementation 2022-09-24 10:49:06 -04:00
LoadingTableViewCell.swift Start adding non-pure-black dark mode 2023-02-02 23:02:11 -05:00
MultiSourceEmojiLabel.swift Fix crash when action notification cell label leaks 2023-05-14 18:44:08 -04:00
ScrollingSegmentedControl.swift Add pinned timeline customization 2022-12-20 23:37:12 -05:00
SelectableTableViewCell.swift Fix tablel view cells being re-selected on aborted nav swipe back 2019-12-14 11:59:31 -05:00
StatusContentTextView.swift Extract compose UI into separate package 2023-04-16 13:23:13 -04:00
StatusNotFoundView.swift Handle deleted statuses in status action account list 2023-01-17 20:02:03 -05:00
SteppedProgressView.swift Add post progress view 2018-09-12 09:19:51 -04:00
ToggleableButton.swift Update favorite/reblog button appearance immediately on tap 2023-05-13 13:48:49 -04:00
TrendHistoryView.swift Fix TrendHistoryView trying to create shape layers with NaNs 2023-02-25 15:11:17 -05:00
WrappedProgressView.swift Extract status posting to separate class, convert to async/await 2022-04-30 11:11:22 -04:00
ZeroHeightCollectionViewCell.swift Fix unsatisfiable constraints warning for ZeroHeightCollectionViewCell 2022-12-04 12:17:31 -05:00