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// TimelinesPageViewController.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 9/14/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
import SwiftUI
import Pachyderm
import Combine
class TimelinesPageViewController: SegmentedPageViewController<TimelinesPageViewController.Page> {
static let jumpToPresentTitle: NSAttributedString = {
let s = NSMutableAttributedString("Jump to Present")
// otherwise it pronounces it as 'pɹizˈənt'
// its IPA is also bad, this should be an alveolar approximant not a trill
s.addAttribute(.accessibilitySpeechIPANotation, value: "ˈprɛ.zənt", range: NSRange(location: "Jump to ".count, length: "Present".count))
return s
private let homeTitle = NSLocalizedString("Home", comment: "home timeline tab title")
private let federatedTitle = NSLocalizedString("Federated", comment: "federated timeline tab title")
private let localTitle = NSLocalizedString("Local", comment: "local timeline tab title")
weak var mastodonController: MastodonController!
private let jumpButton = TimelineJumpButton()
private var cancellables = Set<AnyCancellable>()
init(mastodonController: MastodonController) {
self.mastodonController = mastodonController
let pages = mastodonController.accountPreferences.pinnedTimelines.map {
Page(mastodonController: mastodonController, timeline: $0)
super.init(pages: pages) { page in
let vc: TimelineViewController
if case .instance(let url) = page.timeline {
vc = InstanceTimelineViewController(for: url, parentMastodonController: mastodonController)
} else {
vc = TimelineViewController(for: page.timeline.timeline!, mastodonController: mastodonController)
vc.title = page.segmentedControlTitle
vc.persistsState = true
return vc
title = homeTitle
tabBarItem.image = UIImage(systemName: "house.fill")
let customizeItem = UIBarButtonItem(image: UIImage(systemName: "slider.horizontal.3"), style: .plain, target: self, action: #selector(customizePressed))
customizeItem.accessibilityLabel = "Customize Timelines"
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = customizeItem
jumpButton.action = { [unowned self] mode in
switch mode {
case .jump:
await (self.currentViewController as! TimelineViewController).checkPresent(jumpImmediately: true, animateImmediateJump: true)
case .sync:
_ = await (self.currentViewController as! TimelineViewController).syncPositionIfNecessary(alwaysPrompt: false)
let jumpItem = UIBarButtonItem(customView: jumpButton)
jumpItem.accessibilityAttributedLabel = Self.jumpToPresentTitle
navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = jumpItem
mastodonController.accountPreferences.publisher(for: \.pinnedTimelinesData)
.map { _ in () }
.merge(with: NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: .accountPreferencesChangedRemotely).map { _ in () })
.sink { _ in
let pages = self.mastodonController.accountPreferences.pinnedTimelines.map {
Page(mastodonController: self.mastodonController, timeline: $0)
self.setPages(pages, animated: false)
.store(in: &cancellables)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override func configureViewController(_ viewController: UIViewController) {
let vc = viewController as! TimelineViewController
vc.delegate = self
override func selectPage(_ page: Page, animated: Bool) {
super.selectPage(page, animated: animated)
if jumpButton.offscreen {
jumpButton.setMode(.jump, animated: false)
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.2, delay: 0) {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = false
} else {
jumpButton.setMode(.jump, animated: true)
func selectTimeline(_ timeline: PinnedTimeline, animated: Bool) {
self.selectPage(Page(mastodonController: mastodonController, timeline: timeline), animated: animated)
@objc private func customizePressed() {
present(UIHostingController(rootView: CustomizeTimelinesView(mastodonController: mastodonController)), animated: true)
extension TimelinesPageViewController {
struct Page: SegmentedPageViewControllerPage {
let mastodonController: MastodonController
let timeline: PinnedTimeline
static func ==(lhs: Page, rhs: Page) -> Bool {
return lhs.timeline == rhs.timeline
func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher) {
var segmentedControlTitle: String {
if case let .list(id) = timeline,
let list = try? mastodonController.persistentContainer.viewContext.fetch(ListMO.fetchRequest(id: id)).first {
return list.title
} else {
return timeline.title
extension TimelinesPageViewController: TimelineViewControllerDelegate {
func timelineViewController(_ timelineViewController: TimelineViewController, willShowJumpToPresentToastWith animator: UIViewPropertyAnimator?) {
guard timelineViewController === currentViewController else {
if let animator {
animator.addAnimations {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = true
} else {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = true
func timelineViewController(_ timelineViewController: TimelineViewController, willDismissJumpToPresentToastWith animator: UIViewPropertyAnimator?) {
guard timelineViewController === currentViewController else {
jumpButton.setMode(.jump, animated: false)
if let animator {
animator.addAnimations {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = false
} else {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = false
func timelineViewController(_ timelineViewController: TimelineViewController, willShowSyncToastWith animator: UIViewPropertyAnimator?) {
guard timelineViewController === currentViewController else {
if let animator {
animator.addAnimations {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = true
} else {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = true
func timelineViewController(_ timelineViewController: TimelineViewController, willDismissSyncToastWith animator: UIViewPropertyAnimator?) {
guard timelineViewController === currentViewController else {
jumpButton.setMode(.sync, animated: false)
func resetJumpButtonMode() {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .seconds(5)) { [weak self] in
guard let self,
timelineViewController === self.currentViewController,
!self.jumpButton.isSyncing else { return }
self.jumpButton.setMode(.jump, animated: true)
if let animator {
animator.addAnimations {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = false
animator.addCompletion { position in
if position == .end {
} else {
self.jumpButton.offscreen = false
extension TimelinesPageViewController: StateRestorableViewController {
func stateRestorationActivity() -> NSUserActivity? {
return (currentViewController as? TimelineViewController)?.stateRestorationActivity()