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// MultiThreadDictionary.swift
// Tusker
// Created by Shadowfacts on 5/6/20.
// Copyright © 2020 Shadowfacts. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import os
// once we target iOS 16, replace uses of this with OSAllocatedUnfairLock<[Key: Value]>
// to make the lock semantics more clear
@available(iOS, obsoleted: 16.0)
class MultiThreadDictionary<Key: Hashable & Sendable, Value: Sendable> {
private let lock: any Lock<[Key: Value]>
init() {
if #available(iOS 16.0, *) {
self.lock = OSAllocatedUnfairLock(initialState: [:])
} else {
self.lock = MutexLock(initialState: [:])
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
return lock.withLock { dict in
set(value) {
lock.withLock { dict in
dict[key] = value
/// If the result of this function is unused, it is preferable to use `removeValueWithoutReturning` as it executes asynchronously and doesn't block the calling thread.
func removeValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value? {
return lock.withLock { dict in
dict.removeValue(forKey: key)
func contains(key: Key) -> Bool {
return lock.withLock { dict in
func withLock<R>(_ body: @Sendable (inout [Key: Value]) throws -> R) rethrows -> R where R: Sendable {
return try lock.withLock(body)
// TODO: replace this only with OSAllocatedUnfairLock
@available(iOS, obsoleted: 16.0)
fileprivate protocol Lock<State> {
associatedtype State
func withLock<R>(_ body: @Sendable (inout State) throws -> R) rethrows -> R where R: Sendable
@available(iOS 16.0, *)
extension OSAllocatedUnfairLock: Lock {
// something is wrong with the UnfairLock impl and it results in segv_accerrs
fileprivate class MutexLock<State>: Lock {
private var state: State
private var lock = NSLock()
init(initialState: State) {
self.state = initialState
func withLock<R>(_ body: @Sendable (inout State) throws -> R) rethrows -> R where R : Sendable {
if !lock.lock(before: Date(timeIntervalSinceNow: 1)) {
// if we can't acquire the lock after 1 second, something has gone catastrophically wrong
defer { lock.unlock() }
return try body(&state)
//// from http://www.russbishop.net/the-law
//fileprivate class UnfairLock<State>: Lock {
// private var lock: UnsafeMutablePointer<os_unfair_lock>
// private var state: State
// init(initialState: State) {
// self.state = initialState
// self.lock = .allocate(capacity: 1)
// self.lock.initialize(to: os_unfair_lock())
// }
// deinit {
// self.lock.deinitialize(count: 1)
// self.lock.deallocate()
// }
// func withLock<R>(_ body: (inout State) throws -> R) rethrows -> R where R: Sendable {
// os_unfair_lock_lock(lock)
// defer { os_unfair_lock_unlock(lock) }
// return try body(&state)
// }