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// GMAlbumsViewController.h
// GMPhotoPicker
// Created by Guillermo Muntaner Perelló on 19/09/14.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Guillermo Muntaner Perelló. All rights reserved.
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
// Measuring IOS8 Photos APP at @2x (iPhone5s):
// The rows are 180px/90pts
// Left image border is 21px/10.5pts
// Separation between image and text is 42px/21pts (double the previouse one)
// The bigger image measures 139px/69.5pts including 1px/0.5pts white border.
// The second image measures 131px/65.6pts including 1px/0.5pts white border. Only 3px/1.5pts visible
// The third image measures 123px/61.5pts including 1px/0.5pts white border. Only 3px/1.5pts visible
static int kAlbumRowHeight = 90;
static int kAlbumLeftToImageSpace = 10;
static int kAlbumImageToTextSpace = 21;
static float const kAlbumGradientHeight = 20.0f;
static CGSize const kAlbumThumbnailSize1 = {70.0f , 70.0f};
static CGSize const kAlbumThumbnailSize2 = {66.0f , 66.0f};
static CGSize const kAlbumThumbnailSize3 = {62.0f , 62.0f};
@interface GMAlbumsViewController : UITableViewController
- (void)selectAllAlbumsCell;