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X-Callback-URLs in Tusker

Tusker supports inter-app-communication using the X-Callback-URL standard.

In short, requests are performed by opening the URL tusker://x-callback-url/[request] (where [request] is one of the requests listed below) with a variety of parameters.


X-Callback-URLs support three types of callbacks: on success, on cancellation, and on error. Callbacks are specified as query parameters whose keys identify which callback (x-success, x-cancel, and x-error) and whose values are other URLs that should be opened to run the callback.

Data is passed to callbacks by adding additional query parameters to the callback URL. The x-error callback always returns a description of the error in the error parameter. Other data is provided depending on the request.

JSON Responses

By default, callback data is included in URL query parameters of the callback URL. If the json=true parameter is provided, the response data will be encoded as JSON, converted to Base64, and provided in the response query parameter of the callback.

Silent Requests

Tusker X-Callback-URL requests can be performed silently, without user confirmation. Each source app requires user permission on the first attempted silent action.

To perform a silent request:

  1. Provide the silent=true URL query parameter in the request.

  2. Specify the x-source parameter. It must be a (human interpretable) name of the source application/service. If x-source is not specified, the error callback will be invoked with the error message:

Cannot perform silent action without source app, x-source parameter must be specified.
  1. Depending on the current permission state of the source app, one of several things will happen:
    1. If the permission is undecided (i.e. the user has neither accepted nor rejected the silent action request), an alert will be displayed notifying the user that the source app has requested permission to silently perform actions. After the user either accepts or rejects the request, execution will continue with that permission state.
    2. Accepted: the request will be carried out silently and the appropriate callback executed.
    3. Rejected: the request will be performed with the confirmation UI, as if the silent parameter had been false/unprovided.

The silent actions permission state of a given source app is not exposed in the callback.

Other Notes

Instance-Local IDs

Instance-local IDs are provided for many responses and accept in place of URLs/URIs/qualified names in many requests. When possible, instance-local IDs should be preferred requests using them can often be performed faster because there's no need to perform a search query or make requests to remote instances.

Qualified Usernames

Qualified username refers to the domain-qualified identifier of an account. For example, shadowfacts@social.shadowfacts.net. They do not include a leading @.


Dates in responses are encoded as Unix timestamps.




Presents the given account in Tusker.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
accountID (string) The instance-local ID of the account Yes
accountURL (URL) The URL of the remote account Yes
acct (string) The qualified username of the account Yes

No data if successful.


Retrieves the currently logged-in user.


No parameters.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
username (string) The qualified username No
displayName (string) The display name No
locked (bool) Whether the user's account is locked No
followers (int) The number of followers the user has No
following (int) The number of accounts user is following No
url (URL) The URL of the user's account No
avatarURL (URL) The URL of the user's avatar image No
headerURL (URL) The URL of the user's header image No


Retrieves the given account details. One of accountID, accountURL, or acct must be provided.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
accountID (string) The instance-local ID of the account Yes
accountURL (URL) The URL/URI of the account Yes
acct (string) The qualified username of the account Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
username (string) The qualified username No
displayName (string) The display name No
locked (bool) Whether the account is locked No
followers (int) The number of followers the account has No
following (int) The number of accounts account is following No
url (URL) The URL of the account No
avatarURL (URL) The URL of the account's avatar image No
headerURL (URL) The URL of the account's header image No


Follows the given account from the logged-in user's account. One of accountID, accountURL, or acct must be provided.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
accountID (string) The instance-local ID of the account Yes
accountURL (URL) The URL/URI of the account Yes
acct (string) The qualified username of the account Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
url (URL) The URL of the followed account No



Presents the given status in Tusker.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusID (string) The instance-local ID of the status Yes
statusURL (URL) The URL of a remote status Yes

No data if successful.


Retrieves the given status details. One of statusID or statusURL must be provided.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusID (string) The instance-local ID of the status Yes
statusURL (URL) The URL/URI of the status Yes
html (bool) Whether to return the content as HTML or plain-text only. Default: false (plain-text). Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
url (URL) The URL of the status Yes
uri (string) The URI of the status No
id (string) The instance-local ID of the status
account (string) The qualified username of the account that posted (or reblogged if reblog is present) the status No
inReplyTo (string) The instance-local ID of the status that this status is a reply to Yes
posted (date) The date the status was posted No
content (string) The content of the status (HTML if the html parameter was true, plain-text otherwise) No
reblog (string) The instance-local ID of the status that this is a reblog of. If not present, this status was not a reblog. Yes


Posts a status from the logged-in user's account.

Can be performed silently.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
mentioning (bool) The qualified username to mention in the status Yes
text (string) The text to post/pre-fill the status text field with Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusURL (URL) The URL of the posted status Yes
statusURI (string) The URI of the posted status No


Favorites the given status from the logged-in user's account. One of statusID or statusURL must be provided.

Can be performed silently.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusID (string) The instance-local ID of the status Yes
statusURL (URL) The URL/URI of a status Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusURL (URL) The URL of the favorited status Yes
statusURI (string) The URI of the favorited status No


Reblogs the given status from the logged-in user's account. One of statusID or statusURL must be provided.

Can be performed silently.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusID (string) The instance-local ID of the status Yes
statusURL (URL) The URL/URI of a status Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
statusURL (URL) The URL of the reblogged status Yes
statusURI (string) The URI of the reblogged status No



Retrieves the given notification details.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
notificationID (string) The instance-local ID of the notification No
Parameter (type) Description Optional
kind (string) One of mention, reblog, favourite, or follow No
date (date) The date the notification was created. No
accountID (string) The instance-local ID of the account that sent the notification No
statusID (string) The instance-local ID of the status associated with the notification. Not applicable for kind=follow. Yes


Retrieves the most recent notifications.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
count (int) The number of notifications to retrieve. Default: 20 Yes
Parameter (type) Description Optional
notifications (string) A comma-delimited array of instance-local notification IDs No


Dismisses the given notification.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
notification (string) The instance-local ID of the notification No

No response data if successful.


Dismisses all notifications.


No parameters.


No data if successful.



Retrieves the current instance details.


No parameters.

Parameter (type) Description Optional
uri (string) The instance URI No
name (string) The instance name No
description (string) The instance description No
contactAccount (string) The instance-local ID of the instance's contact account No