defmodule Clacks.ActivityPub do @context [""] @public "" @spec actor( id :: String.t(), username :: String.t(), display_name :: String.t(), pem :: String.t() ) :: map() def actor(id, username, display_name, pem) do %{ "@context" => @context, "type" => "Person", "id" => id, "url" => id, "preferredUsername" => username, "name" => display_name, "followers" => Path.join(id, "followers"), "following" => Path.join(id, "following"), "inbox" => Path.join(id, "inbox"), "outbox" => Path.join(id, "outbox"), "publicKey" => %{ "id" => id <> "#main-key", "owner" => id, "publicKeyPem" => pem } } end @spec note( actor :: String.t(), html :: String.t(), context :: String.t() | nil, in_reply_to :: String.t() | nil, mentions :: [{String.t(), Clacks.Actor.t()}], id :: String.t() | nil, published :: DateTime.t(), to :: [String.t()], cc :: [String.t()] ) :: map() def note( actor, html, context \\ nil, in_reply_to \\ nil, mentions \\ [], id \\ nil, published \\ DateTime.utc_now(), to \\ [@public], cc \\ [] ) do id = id || object_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()) context = context || context_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()) %{ "@context" => @context, "id" => id, "url" => id, "type" => "Note", "actor" => actor, "attributedTo" => actor, "to" => to, "cc" => cc, "content" => html, "conversation" => context, "context" => context, "inReplyTo" => in_reply_to, "published" => published |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), "tag" =>, fn {name, actor} -> %{ "href" => actor.ap_id, "name" => name, "type" => "Mention" } end) } end @spec internal_create( object :: map(), id :: String.t() | nil, actor :: String.t() | nil, to :: [String.t()] | nil, cc :: [String.t()] | nil ) :: map() def internal_create(object, id \\ nil, actor \\ nil, to \\ nil, cc \\ nil) do %{ "@context" => @context, "id" => id || activity_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()), "actor" => actor || object["actor"], "type" => "Create", "object" => object["id"], "to" => to || object["to"], "cc" => cc || object["cc"] } end @spec synthesized_create(object :: map()) :: map() def synthesized_create(object) do # todo: does this need to have an id field? %{ "@context" => @context, "type" => "Create", "object" => object["id"], "actor" => object["actor"] || object["attributedTo"], "to" => object["to"], "cc" => object["cc"] } end @spec accept_follow(follow_activity :: map()) :: map() def accept_follow(%{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed} = follow_activity) do %{ "@context" => @context, "type" => "Accept", "id" => activity_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()), "actor" => followed, "object" => follow_activity } end @spec follow( actor :: String.t(), followee :: String.t(), published :: DateTime.t(), state :: String.t() ) :: map() def follow(actor, followee, published \\ DateTime.utc_now(), state \\ "pending") do %{ "@context" => @context, "type" => "Follow", "id" => activity_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()), "actor" => actor, "object" => followee, "context" => context_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()), "to" => [followee], "cc" => [@public], "published" => published |> DateTime.to_iso8601(), "state" => state } end @spec undo_follow(actor :: String.t(), follow_activity :: map()) :: map() def undo_follow(actor, %{"object" => followee} = follow_activity) do %{ "@context" => @context, "type" => "Undo", "id" => activity_id(Ecto.UUID.generate()), "actor" => actor, "object" => follow_activity, "to" => [followee], "cc" => [] } end @spec object_id(id :: String.t()) :: String.t() def object_id(id) do url = Application.get_env(:clacks, ClacksWeb.Endpoint)[:url] %URI{ scheme: url[:scheme], host: url[:host], port: url[:port], path: Path.join("/objects", id) } |> URI.to_string() end @spec activity_id(id :: String.t()) :: String.t() def activity_id(id) do url = Application.get_env(:clacks, ClacksWeb.Endpoint)[:url] %URI{ scheme: url[:scheme], host: url[:host], port: url[:port], path: Path.join("/activities", id) } |> URI.to_string() end @spec context_id(id :: String.t()) :: String.t() def context_id(id) do "data:,clickityclack/" <> id end end