defmodule FeedParser do @moduledoc """ FeedParser is a for parsing feeds of various formats into a unified representation. The currently supported formats are: - RSS 2.0 - Atom - JSON Feed - RSS-in-JSON """ @default_parsers [ FeedParser.Parser.RSS2, FeedParser.Parser.Atom, FeedParser.Parser.JSONFeed, FeedParser.Parser.RSSInJSON ] @doc """ Parses a feed from the given data string and MIME type. An extended set of parsers may also be provided, otherwise the default set (supporting RSS 2.0, Atom, JSON Feed, and RSS-in-JSON) will be used. Parsers are modules that implement the `FeedParser.Parser` behaviour. """ @spec parse(data :: String.t(), content_type :: String.t(), parsers :: [module()]) :: {:ok, feed :: FeedParser.Feed.t()} | {:error, reason :: String.t()} def parse(data, content_type, parsers \\ @default_parsers) def parse(nil, _, _) do {:error, "no data"} end def parse(data, content_type, parsers) when is_binary(data) do parsers |> Enum.reduce_while(false, fn parser, acc -> case parser.accepts(data, content_type) do {true, result} -> {:halt, {parser, result}} _ -> {:cont, acc} end end) |> case do {parser, result} -> parser.parse_feed(result) false -> {:error, "no parser matched the given content type ('#{content_type}') and data"} end end end