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<h1>Keyword index of this site</h1>
<h3>No keywords defined</h3><p><a href="talks/fabGlyphPen.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabNoneLab.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabFontInfo.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabKerning.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabInterpolation.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabProduction.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="talks/fabEditors.html" title="Keyword : RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: <a href="contact.html" title="Keyword : contact" >contact</a>: Contact information for this site</p><h3>accent</h3><p><a href="howto/buildingaccents.html" title="Keyword accent: Building accents" >Building accents</a>: use RoboFab to build accented glyphs with components.</p><h3>agree</h3><p><a href="download/_agree.html" title="Keyword agree: I Agree!" >I Agree!</a>: agreed.<a href="download/license.html" title="Keyword agree: RoboFab License Agreement" >RoboFab License Agreement</a>: some legal points.</p><h3>anchor</h3><p><a href="objects/anchor.html" title="Keyword anchor: RAnchor" >RAnchor</a>: a connection point for Components</p><h3>booklet</h3><p><a href="talks/printBooklet.html" title="Keyword booklet: Printed manual" >Printed manual</a>: The documentation, formatted for print</p><h3>code</h3><p><a href="talks/index.html" title="Keyword code: Step by step" >Step by step</a>: An overview of step by step explanations of common procedures and objects.<a href="talks/dialogkit.html" title="Keyword code: Dialog Kit" >Dialog Kit</a>: Interface toolkit for FontLab<a href="talks/robofab_session6.html" title="Keyword code: Production" >Production</a>: Scripting for production<a href="talks/robofab_session4.html" title="Keyword code: NoneLab" >NoneLab</a>: Adventures in NoneLab, scripting outside the box<a href="talks/examples/index.html" title="Keyword code: RoboThon 2006" >RoboThon 2006</a>: RoboThon 2006 Conference</p><h3>component</h3><p><a href="talks/robofab_session3.html" title="Keyword component: Kerning object and glyph building" >Kerning object and glyph building</a>: Introduction to the Kerning object, and a closer look at building glyphs from parts.<a href="howto/buildingaccents.html" title="Keyword component: Building accents" >Building accents</a>: use RoboFab to build accented glyphs with components.<a href="objects/contour.html" title="Keyword component: RContour" >RContour</a>: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments<a href="objects/component.html" title="Keyword component: RComponent" >RComponent</a>: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs</p><h3>contour</h3><p><a href="howto/understandcontours.html" title="Keyword contour: Understanding Contours" >Understanding Contours</a>: how contours, segments and points work.<a href="howto/usetransformations.html" title="Keyword contour: Using transformations" >Using transformations</a>: matrix transformations in RoboFab<a href="objects/contour.html" title="Keyword contour: RContour" >RContour</a>: belongs to a Glyph, contains Segments<a href="objects/segment.html" title="Keyword contour: RSegment" >RSegment</a>: a part of a Contour, a series of severall off and one oncurve Points<a href="objects/component.html" title="Keyword contour: RComponent" >RComponent</a>: belongs to a Glyph, refers to other Glyphs<a href="objects/anchor.html" title="Keyword contour: RAnchor" >RAnchor</a>: a connection point for Components<a href="objects/point.html" title="Keyword contour: RPoint" >RPoint</a>: a point on a Contour<a href="objects/bpoint.html" title="Keyword contour: bPoint" >bPoint</a>: a point on a Contour which behaves like a RoboFog point</p><h3>download installer</h3><p><a href="download/index.html" title="Keyword download installer: Download RoboFab" >Download RoboFab</a>: download options and installers.</p><h3>font</h3><p><a href="talks/robofab_session1.html" title="Keyword font: Font object, Info object" >Font object, Info object</a>: Introducti