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import unittest
from ufoLib.glifLib import GlifLibError, readGlyphFromString, writeGlyphToString
# -----------------
# Glyph and Support
# -----------------
class Glyph(object):
def __init__(self): = None
self.width = None
self.height = None
self.unicodes = None
self.note = None
self.image = None
self.guidelines = None
self.outline = []
def _writePointPenCommand(self, command, args, kwargs):
if args and kwargs:
return "pointPen.%s(*%s, **%s)" % (command, listToString(args), dictToString(kwargs))
elif args:
return "pointPen.%s(*%s)" % (command, listToString(args))
elif kwargs:
return "pointPen.%s(**%s)" % (command, dictToString(kwargs))
return "pointPen.%s()" % command
def beginPath(self, **kwargs):
self.outline.append(self._writePointPenCommand("beginPath", args))
def endPath(self):
def addPoint(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.outline.append(self._writePointPenCommand("addPoint", args, kwargs))
def addComponent(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.outline.append(self._writePointPenCommand("addComponent", args, kwargs))
def drawPoints(self, pointPen):
if self.outline:
py = "\n".join(self.outline)
exec py in {"pointPen" : pointPen}
def py(self):
text = []
if is not None:
text.append(" = \"%s\"" %
if self.width:
text.append("glyph.width = %s" % str(self.width))
if self.height:
text.append("glyph.height = %s" % str(self.height))
if self.unicodes is not None:
text.append("glyph.unicodes = [%s]" % ", ".join([str(i) for i in self.unicodes]))
if self.note is not None:
text.append("glyph.note = \"%s\"" % self.note)
if self.image is not None:
text.append("glyph.image = %s" % dictToString(self.image))
if self.guidelines is not None:
text.append("glyph.guidelines = %s" % listToString(self.guidelines))
if self.outline:
text.append("pointPen = glyph.getPointPen()")
text += self.outline
return "\n".join(text)
def dictToString(d):
text = []
for key, value in sorted(d.items()):
if value is None:
key = "\"%s\"" % key
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = dictToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
value = listToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
value = tupleToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
value = str(value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = "\"%s\"" % value
text.append("%s : %s" % (key, value))
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(text)
def listToString(l):
text = []
for value in l:
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = dictToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
value = listToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
value = tupleToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
value = str(value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = "\"%s\"" % value
return "[%s]" % ", ".join(text)
def tupleToString(t):
text = []
for value in t:
if isinstance(value, dict):
value = dictToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, list):
value = listToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, tuple):
value = tupleToString(value)
elif isinstance(value, (int, float)):
value = str(value)
elif isinstance(value, basestring):
value = "\"%s\"" % value
return "(%s)" % ", ".join(text)
def stripText(text):
new = []
for line in text.strip().splitlines():
line = line.strip()
if not line:
return "\n".join(new)
# ----------
# Test Cases
# ----------
class TestGLIF1(unittest.TestCase):
def assertEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
if isinstance(first, basestring):
first = stripText(first)
if isinstance(second, basestring):
second = stripText(second)
return super(TestGLIF1, self).assertEqual(first, second, msg=msg)
def glyphToGLIF(self, py):
py = stripText(py)
glyph = Glyph()
exec py in {"glyph" : glyph}
glif = writeGlyphToString(, glyphObject=glyph, drawPointsFunc=glyph.drawPoints, formatVersion=1)
glif = "\n".join(glif.splitlines()[1:])
return glif
def glifToPy(self, glif):
glif = stripText(glif)
glif = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" + glif
glyph = Glyph()
readGlyphFromString(glif, glyphObject=glyph, pointPen=glyph)
def testTopElement(self):
# not glyph
glif = """
<notglyph name="a" format="1">
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
def testName(self):
# legal
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
py = """ = "a"
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# empty
glif = """
<glyph name="" format="1">
py = """ = ""
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glyphToGLIF, py)
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
# not a string
py = """ = 1
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glyphToGLIF, py)
def testFormat(self):
# legal
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
py = """ = "a"
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# wrong number
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="-1">
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
# not an int
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="A">
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
def testBogusGlyphStructure(self):
# unknown element
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<unknown />
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
# content
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
Hello World.
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
def testAdvance(self):
# legal: width and height
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance height="200" width="100"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.width = 100
glyph.height = 200
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# legal: width and height floats
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance height="200.1" width="100.1"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.width = 100.1
glyph.height = 200.1
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# legal: width
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance width="100"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.width = 100
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# legal: height
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance height="200"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.height = 200
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# illegal: not a number
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance width="a"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.width = "a"
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glyphToGLIF, py)
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<advance height="a"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.height = "a"
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glyphToGLIF, py)
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
def testUnicodes(self):
# legal
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<unicode hex="0061"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.unicodes = [97]
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<unicode hex="0062"/>
<unicode hex="0063"/>
<unicode hex="0061"/>
py = """ = "a"
glyph.unicodes = [98, 99, 97]
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
# illegal
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
<unicode hex="1.1"/>
py = """ = "zzzzzz"
glyph.unicodes = ["1.1"]
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glyphToGLIF, py)
self.assertRaises(GlifLibError, self.glifToPy, glif)
def testNote(self):
glif = """
<glyph name="a" format="1">
py = """ = "a"
glyph.note = "hello"
resultGlif = self.glyphToGLIF(py)
resultPy = self.glifToPy(glif)
self.assertEqual(glif, resultGlif)
self.assertEqual(py, resultPy)
if __name__ == "__main__":
from robofab.test.testSupport import runTests