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2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
Module for dealing with 'gvar'-style font variations, also known as run-time
2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
The ideas here are very similar to MutatorMath. There is even code to read
MutatorMath .designspace files in the varLib.designspace module.
2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
For now, if you run this file on a designspace file, it tries to find
ttf-interpolatable files for the masters and build a variable-font from
2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
them. Such ttf-interpolatable and designspace files can be generated from
a Glyphs source, eg., using noto-source as an example:
$ fontmake -o ttf-interpolatable -g NotoSansArabic-MM.glyphs
Then you can make a variable-font this way:
2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
2017-02-22 14:46:23 -06:00
$ fonttools varLib master_ufo/NotoSansArabic.designspace
2016-04-15 13:56:37 -07:00
API *will* change in near future.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from fontTools.misc.py23 import *
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
from fontTools.ttLib import TTFont, newTable
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._n_a_m_e import NameRecord
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._f_v_a_r import Axis, NamedInstance
2016-04-27 00:21:46 -07:00
from fontTools.ttLib.tables._g_l_y_f import GlyphCoordinates
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
from fontTools.ttLib.tables.TupleVariation import TupleVariation
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
from fontTools.ttLib.tables import otTables as ot
from fontTools.varLib import builder, designspace, models
from fontTools.varLib.merger import VariationMerger, _all_equal
from collections import OrderedDict
import os.path
import logging
from pprint import pformat
log = logging.getLogger("fontTools.varLib")
class VarLibError(Exception):
# Creation routines
def _add_fvar_avar(font, axes, instances):
2016-09-02 17:29:22 -07:00
Add 'fvar' table to font.
axes is an ordered dictionary of DesignspaceAxis objects.
2016-09-02 17:29:22 -07:00
instances is list of dictionary objects with 'location', 'stylename',
and possibly 'postscriptfontname' entries.
assert axes
assert isinstance(axes, OrderedDict)
log.info("Generating fvar / avar")
fvar = newTable('fvar')
nameTable = font['name']
for a in axes.values():
axis = Axis()
axis.axisTag = Tag(a.tag)
axis.minValue, axis.defaultValue, axis.maxValue = a.minimum, a.default, a.maximum
axis.axisNameID = nameTable.addName(tounicode(a.labelname['en']))
# Replace previous line with the following when the following issues are resolved:
# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/930
# https://github.com/fonttools/fonttools/issues/931
# axis.axisNameID = nameTable.addMultilingualName(a.labelname, font)
2016-09-02 17:29:22 -07:00
for instance in instances:
coordinates = instance['location']
name = tounicode(instance['stylename'])
psname = instance.get('postscriptfontname')
2016-09-02 17:29:22 -07:00
inst = NamedInstance()
inst.subfamilyNameID = nameTable.addName(name)
if psname is not None:
psname = tounicode(psname)
inst.postscriptNameID = nameTable.addName(psname)
inst.coordinates = {axes[k].tag:axes[k].map_backward(v) for k,v in coordinates.items()}
avar = newTable('avar')
interesting = False
for axis in axes.values():
curve = avar.segments[axis.tag] = {}
if not axis.map or all(k==v for k,v in axis.map.items()):
interesting = True
items = sorted(axis.map.items())
keys = [item[0] for item in items]
vals = [item[1] for item in items]
# Current avar requirements. We don't have to enforce
# these on the designer and can deduce some ourselves,
# but for now just enforce them.
assert axis.minimum == min(keys)
assert axis.maximum == max(keys)
assert axis.default in keys
# No duplicates
assert len(set(keys)) == len(keys)
assert len(set(vals)) == len(vals)
# Ascending values
assert sorted(vals) == vals
keys_triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
vals_triple = tuple(axis.map_forward(v) for v in keys_triple)
keys = [models.normalizeValue(v, keys_triple) for v in keys]
vals = [models.normalizeValue(v, vals_triple) for v in vals]
curve.update(zip(keys, vals))
assert 0.0 in curve and curve[0.0] == 0.0
assert -1.0 not in curve or curve[-1.0] == -1.0
assert +1.0 not in curve or curve[+1.0] == +1.0
curve.update({-1.0: -1.0, 0.0: 0.0, 1.0: 1.0})
if not interesting:
log.info("No need for avar")
avar = None
assert "fvar" not in font
font['fvar'] = fvar
assert "avar" not in font
if avar:
font['avar'] = avar
return fvar,avar
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
# TODO Move to glyf or gvar table proper
def _GetCoordinates(font, glyphName):
"""font, glyphName --> glyph coordinates as expected by "gvar" table
The result includes four "phantom points" for the glyph metrics,
as mandated by the "gvar" spec.
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
glyf = font["glyf"]
if glyphName not in glyf.glyphs: return None
glyph = glyf[glyphName]
if glyph.isComposite():
coord = GlyphCoordinates([(getattr(c, 'x', 0),getattr(c, 'y', 0)) for c in glyph.components])
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
control = (glyph.numberOfContours,[c.glyphName for c in glyph.components])
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
allData = glyph.getCoordinates(glyf)
coord = allData[0]
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
control = (glyph.numberOfContours,)+allData[1:]
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
# Add phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions.
horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing = font["hmtx"].metrics[glyphName]
if not hasattr(glyph, 'xMin'):
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
leftSideX = glyph.xMin - leftSideBearing
rightSideX = leftSideX + horizontalAdvanceWidth
# XXX these are incorrect. Load vmtx and fix.
topSideY = glyph.yMax
bottomSideY = -glyph.yMin
coord = coord.copy()
coord.extend([(leftSideX, 0),
(rightSideX, 0),
(0, topSideY),
(0, bottomSideY)])
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
return coord, control
2016-04-27 01:17:09 -07:00
# TODO Move to glyf or gvar table proper
def _SetCoordinates(font, glyphName, coord):
glyf = font["glyf"]
assert glyphName in glyf.glyphs
glyph = glyf[glyphName]
# Handle phantom points for (left, right, top, bottom) positions.
assert len(coord) >= 4
if not hasattr(glyph, 'xMin'):
leftSideX = coord[-4][0]
rightSideX = coord[-3][0]
topSideY = coord[-2][1]
bottomSideY = coord[-1][1]
for _ in range(4):
del coord[-1]
if glyph.isComposite():
assert len(coord) == len(glyph.components)
for p,comp in zip(coord, glyph.components):
if hasattr(comp, 'x'):
comp.x,comp.y = p
2016-04-27 01:17:09 -07:00
elif glyph.numberOfContours is 0:
assert len(coord) == 0
assert len(coord) == len(glyph.coordinates)
glyph.coordinates = coord
horizontalAdvanceWidth = round(rightSideX - leftSideX)
leftSideBearing = round(glyph.xMin - leftSideX)
# XXX Handle vertical
2017-02-25 10:59:31 -08:00
font["hmtx"].metrics[glyphName] = horizontalAdvanceWidth, leftSideBearing
2016-08-09 20:53:19 -07:00
2017-05-31 19:00:33 -04:00
def _all_interpolatable_in_between(deltas, coords, i, j, tolerance):
assert j - i >= 2
from fontTools.varLib.mutator import _iup_segment
interp = list(_iup_segment(coords[i+1:j], coords[i], deltas[i], coords[j], deltas[j]))
2017-05-31 19:00:33 -04:00
deltas = deltas[i+1:j]
assert len(deltas) == len(interp)
return all(abs(complex(x-p, y-q)) <= tolerance for (x,y),(p,q) in zip(deltas, interp))
def _iup_contour_bound_forced_set(delta, coords, tolerance=0):
"""The forced set is a conservative set of points on the contour that must be encoded
explicitly (ie. cannot be interpolated). Calculating this set allows for significantly
speeding up the dynamic-programming, as well as resolve circularity in DP.
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
The set is precise; that is, if an index is in the returned set, then there is no way
that IUP can generate delta for that point, given coords and delta.
assert len(delta) == len(coords)
forced = set()
# Track "last" and "next" points on the contour as we sweep.
nd, nc = delta[0], coords[0]
ld, lc = delta[-1], coords[-1]
for i in range(len(delta)-1, -1, -1):
d, c = ld, lc
ld, lc = delta[i-1], coords[i-1]
for j in (0,1): # For X and for Y
cj = c[j]
dj = d[j]
lcj = lc[j]
ldj = ld[j]
ncj = nc[j]
ndj = nd[j]
if lcj <= ncj:
c1, c2 = lcj, ncj
d1, d2 = ldj, ndj
c1, c2 = ncj, lcj
d1, d2 = ndj, ldj
# If coordinate for current point is between coordinate of adjacent
# points on the two sides, but the delta for current point is NOT
# between delta for those adjacent points (considering tolerance
# allowance), then there is no way that current point can be IUP-ed.
# Mark it forced.
force = False
if c1 <= cj <= c2:
if not (min(d1,d2)-tolerance <= dj <= max(d1,d2)+tolerance):
force = True
else: # cj < c1 or c2 < cj
if c1 == c2:
if d1 == d2:
if abs(dj - d1) > tolerance:
force = True
if abs(dj) > tolerance:
# Disabled the following because the "d1 == d2" does
# check does not take tolerance into consideration...
pass # force = True
elif d1 != d2:
if cj < c1:
if dj != d1 and ((dj-tolerance < d1) != (d1 < d2)):
force = True
else: # c2 < cj
if d2 != dj and ((d2 < dj+tolerance) != (d1 < d2)):
force = True
if force:
nd, nc = d, c
return forced
def _iup_contour_optimize_dp(delta, coords, forced={}, tolerance=0, lookback=None):
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
"""Straightforward Dynamic-Programming. For each index i, find least-costly encoding of
points i to n-1 where i is explicitly encoded. We find this by considering all next
explicit points j and check whether interpolation can fill points between i and j.
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
Note that solution always encodes last point explicitly. Higher-level is responsible
for removing that restriction.
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
As major speedup, we stop looking further whenever we see a "forced" point."""
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
n = len(delta)
if lookback is None:
lookback = n
costs = {-1:0}
chain = {-1:None}
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
for i in range(0, n):
best_cost = costs[i-1] + 1
costs[i] = best_cost
chain[i] = i - 1
if i - 1 in forced:
for j in range(i-2, max(i-lookback, -2), -1):
cost = costs[j] + 1
if cost < best_cost and _all_interpolatable_in_between(delta, coords, j, i, tolerance):
costs[i] = best_cost = cost
chain[i] = j
if j in forced:
return chain, costs
def _rot_list(l, k):
"""Rotate list by k items forward. Ie. item at position 0 will be
at position k in returned list. Negative k is allowed."""
n = len(l)
k %= n
if not k: return l
return l[n-k:] + l[:n-k]
def _rot_set(s, k, n):
k %= n
if not k: return s
return {(v + k) % n for v in s}
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
def _iup_contour_optimize(delta, coords, tolerance=0.):
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
n = len(delta)
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
# Get the easy cases out of the way:
# If all are within tolerance distance of 0, encode nothing:
if all(abs(complex(*p)) <= tolerance for p in delta):
return [None] * n
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
# If there's exactly one point, return it:
if n == 1:
return delta
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
# If all deltas are exactly the same, return just one (the first one):
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
d0 = delta[0]
if all(d0 == d for d in delta):
return [d0] + [None] * (n-1)
2017-05-31 19:20:53 -04:00
# Else, solve the general problem using Dynamic Programming.
forced = _iup_contour_bound_forced_set(delta, coords, tolerance)
# The _iup_contour_optimize_dp() routine returns the optimal encoding
# solution given the constraint that the last point is always encoded.
# To remove this constraint, we use two different methods, depending on
# whether forced set is non-empty or not:
if forced:
# Forced set is non-empty: rotate the contour start point
# such that the last point in the list is a forced point.
k = (n-1) - max(forced)
assert k >= 0
delta = _rot_list(delta, k)
coords = _rot_list(coords, k)
forced = _rot_set(forced, k, n)
chain, costs = _iup_contour_optimize_dp(delta, coords, forced, tolerance)
# Assemble solution.
solution = set()
i = n - 1
while i is not None:
i = chain[i]
assert forced <= solution, (forced, solution)
delta = [delta[i] if i in solution else None for i in range(n)]
delta = _rot_list(delta, -k)
# Repeat the contour an extra time, solve the 2*n case, then look for solutions of the
# circular n-length problem in the solution for 2*n linear case. I cannot prove that
# this always produces the optimal solution...
chain, costs = _iup_contour_optimize_dp(delta+delta, coords+coords, forced, tolerance, n)
best_sol, best_cost = None, n+1
for start in range(n-1, 2*n-1):
# Assemble solution.
solution = set()
i = start
while i > start - n:
solution.add(i % n)
i = chain[i]
if i == start - n:
cost = costs[start] - costs[start - n]
if cost <= best_cost:
best_sol, best_cost = solution, cost
delta = [delta[i] if i in best_sol else None for i in range(n)]
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
return delta
def _iup_delta_optimize(delta, coords, ends, tolerance=0.):
assert sorted(ends) == ends and len(coords) == (ends[-1]+1 if ends else 0) + 4
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
n = len(coords)
ends = ends + [n-4, n-3, n-2, n-1]
out = []
start = 0
for end in ends:
contour = _iup_contour_optimize(delta[start:end+1], coords[start:end+1], tolerance)
assert len(contour) == end - start + 1
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
start = end+1
return out
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
def _add_gvar(font, model, master_ttfs, tolerance=0.5, optimize=True):
2016-08-09 20:53:19 -07:00
assert tolerance >= 0
2016-08-09 20:53:19 -07:00
log.info("Generating gvar")
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
assert "gvar" not in font
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
gvar = font["gvar"] = newTable('gvar')
gvar.version = 1
gvar.reserved = 0
gvar.variations = {}
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
allData = [_GetCoordinates(m, glyph) for m in master_ttfs]
allCoords = [d[0] for d in allData]
allControls = [d[1] for d in allData]
control = allControls[0]
if (any(c != control for c in allControls)):
log.warning("glyph %s has incompatible masters; skipping" % glyph)
2016-04-14 23:55:11 -07:00
del allControls
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
# Update gvar
gvar.variations[glyph] = []
deltas = model.getDeltas(allCoords)
supports = model.supports
assert len(deltas) == len(supports)
2017-05-08 15:42:57 -06:00
# Prepare for IUP optimization
origCoords = deltas[0]
endPts = control[1] if control[0] >= 1 else list(range(len(control[1])))
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
for i,(delta,support) in enumerate(zip(deltas[1:], supports[1:])):
if all(abs(v) <= tolerance for v in delta.array):
var = TupleVariation(support, delta)
if optimize:
delta_opt = _iup_delta_optimize(delta, origCoords, endPts, tolerance=tolerance)
2017-05-18 16:08:36 -07:00
if None in delta_opt:
# Use "optimized" version only if smaller...
var_opt = TupleVariation(support, delta_opt)
2017-05-18 16:08:36 -07:00
axis_tags = sorted(support.keys()) # Shouldn't matter that this is different from fvar...?
tupleData, auxData = var.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
unoptimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
tupleData, auxData = var_opt.compile(axis_tags, [], None)
optimized_len = len(tupleData) + len(auxData)
2017-05-18 16:08:36 -07:00
if optimized_len < unoptimized_len:
var = var_opt
def _add_HVAR(font, model, master_ttfs, axisTags):
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
log.info("Generating HVAR")
2016-08-09 20:53:19 -07:00
hAdvanceDeltas = {}
metricses = [m["hmtx"].metrics for m in master_ttfs]
for glyph in font.getGlyphOrder():
hAdvances = [metrics[glyph][0] for metrics in metricses]
# TODO move round somewhere else?
hAdvanceDeltas[glyph] = tuple(round(d) for d in model.getDeltas(hAdvances)[1:])
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
# We only support the direct mapping right now.
supports = model.supports[1:]
varTupleList = builder.buildVarRegionList(supports, axisTags)
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
varTupleIndexes = list(range(len(supports)))
n = len(supports)
items = []
zeroes = [0]*n
for glyphName in font.getGlyphOrder():
items.append(hAdvanceDeltas.get(glyphName, zeroes))
while items and items[-1] is zeroes:
del items[-1]
advanceMapping = None
# Add indirect mapping to save on duplicates
uniq = set(items)
# TODO Improve heuristic
if (len(items) - len(uniq)) * len(varTupleIndexes) > len(items):
newItems = sorted(uniq)
mapper = {v:i for i,v in enumerate(newItems)}
mapping = [mapper[item] for item in items]
while len(mapping) > 1 and mapping[-1] == mapping[-2]:
del mapping[-1]
advanceMapping = builder.buildVarIdxMap(mapping)
items = newItems
del mapper, mapping, newItems
del uniq
varData = builder.buildVarData(varTupleIndexes, items)
varStore = builder.buildVarStore(varTupleList, [varData])
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
assert "HVAR" not in font
HVAR = font["HVAR"] = newTable('HVAR')
hvar = HVAR.table = ot.HVAR()
hvar.Version = 0x00010000
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
hvar.VarStore = varStore
hvar.AdvWidthMap = advanceMapping
hvar.LsbMap = hvar.RsbMap = None
_MVAR_entries = {
'hasc': ('OS/2', 'sTypoAscender'), # horizontal ascender
'hdsc': ('OS/2', 'sTypoDescender'), # horizontal descender
'hlgp': ('OS/2', 'sTypoLineGap'), # horizontal line gap
'hcla': ('OS/2', 'usWinAscent'), # horizontal clipping ascent
'hcld': ('OS/2', 'usWinDescent'), # horizontal clipping descent
'vasc': ('vhea', 'ascent'), # vertical ascender
'vdsc': ('vhea', 'descent'), # vertical descender
'vlgp': ('vhea', 'lineGap'), # vertical line gap
'hcrs': ('hhea', 'caretSlopeRise'), # horizontal caret rise
'hcrn': ('hhea', 'caretSlopeRun'), # horizontal caret run
'hcof': ('hhea', 'caretOffset'), # horizontal caret offset
'vcrs': ('vhea', 'caretSlopeRise'), # vertical caret rise
'vcrn': ('vhea', 'caretSlopeRun'), # vertical caret run
'vcof': ('vhea', 'caretOffset'), # vertical caret offset
'xhgt': ('OS/2', 'sxHeight'), # x height
'cpht': ('OS/2', 'sCapHeight'), # cap height
'sbxs': ('OS/2', 'ySubscriptXSize'), # subscript em x size
'sbys': ('OS/2', 'ySubscriptYSize'), # subscript em y size
'sbxo': ('OS/2', 'ySubscriptXOffset'), # subscript em x offset
'sbyo': ('OS/2', 'ySubscriptYOffset'), # subscript em y offset
'spxs': ('OS/2', 'ySuperscriptXSize'), # superscript em x size
'spys': ('OS/2', 'ySuperscriptYSize'), # superscript em y size
'spxo': ('OS/2', 'ySuperscriptXOffset'), # superscript em x offset
'spyo': ('OS/2', 'ySuperscriptYOffset'), # superscript em y offset
'strs': ('OS/2', 'yStrikeoutSize'), # strikeout size
'stro': ('OS/2', 'yStrikeoutPosition'), # strikeout offset
'unds': ('post', 'underlineThickness'), # underline size
'undo': ('post', 'underlinePosition'), # underline offset
#'gsp0': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[0].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[0]
#'gsp1': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[1].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[1]
#'gsp2': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[2].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[2]
#'gsp3': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[3].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[3]
#'gsp4': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[4].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[4]
#'gsp5': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[5].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[5]
#'gsp6': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[6].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[6]
#'gsp7': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[7].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[7]
#'gsp8': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[8].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[8]
#'gsp9': ('gasp', 'gaspRange[9].rangeMaxPPEM'), # gaspRange[9]
def _add_MVAR(font, model, master_ttfs, axisTags):
log.info("Generating MVAR")
store_builder = builder.OnlineVarStoreBuilder(axisTags)
records = []
lastTableTag = None
fontTable = None
tables = None
for tag, (tableTag, itemName) in sorted(_MVAR_entries.items(), key=lambda kv: kv[1]):
if tableTag != lastTableTag:
tables = fontTable = None
if tableTag in font:
# TODO Check all masters have same table set?
fontTable = font[tableTag]
tables = [master[tableTag] for master in master_ttfs]
lastTableTag = tableTag
if tables is None:
# TODO support gasp entries
master_values = [getattr(table, itemName) for table in tables]
if _all_equal(master_values):
base, varIdx = master_values[0], None
base, varIdx = store_builder.storeMasters(master_values)
setattr(fontTable, itemName, base)
if varIdx is None:
log.info(' %s: %s.%s %s', tag, tableTag, itemName, master_values)
rec = ot.MetricsValueRecord()
rec.ValueTag = tag
rec.VarIdx = varIdx
assert "MVAR" not in font
if records:
MVAR = font["MVAR"] = newTable('MVAR')
mvar = MVAR.table = ot.MVAR()
mvar.Version = 0x00010000
mvar.Reserved = 0
mvar.VarStore = store_builder.finish()
mvar.ValueRecord = sorted(records, key=lambda r: r.ValueTag)
2016-07-01 15:31:00 -07:00
def _merge_OTL(font, model, master_fonts, axisTags):
log.info("Merging OpenType Layout tables")
merger = VariationMerger(model, axisTags, font)
merger.mergeTables(font, master_fonts, ['GPOS'])
store = merger.store_builder.finish()
GDEF = font['GDEF'].table
assert GDEF.Version <= 0x00010002
except KeyError:
font['GDEF']= newTable('GDEF')
GDEFTable = font["GDEF"] = newTable('GDEF')
GDEF = GDEFTable.table = ot.GDEF()
GDEF.Version = 0x00010003
GDEF.VarStore = store
2016-08-15 11:14:52 -07:00
def load_designspace(designspace_filename):
ds = designspace.load(designspace_filename)
2017-04-12 15:39:05 -07:00
axes = ds.get('axes')
masters = ds.get('sources')
if not masters:
raise VarLibError("no sources found in .designspace")
instances = ds.get('instances', [])
standard_axis_map = OrderedDict([
('weight', ('wght', {'en':'Weight'})),
('width', ('wdth', {'en':'Width'})),
('slant', ('slnt', {'en':'Slant'})),
('optical', ('opsz', {'en':'Optical Size'})),
# Setup axes
class DesignspaceAxis(object):
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__dict__)
def _map(v, map):
keys = map.keys()
if not keys:
return v
if v in keys:
return map[v]
k = min(keys)
if v < k:
return v + map[k] - k
k = max(keys)
if v > k:
return v + map[k] - k
# Interpolate
a = max(k for k in keys if k < v)
b = min(k for k in keys if k > v)
va = map[a]
vb = map[b]
return va + (vb - va) * (v - a) / (b - a)
def map_forward(self, v):
if self.map is None: return v
return self._map(v, self.map)
def map_backward(self, v):
if self.map is None: return v
map = {v:k for k,v in self.map.items()}
return self._map(v, map)
axis_objects = OrderedDict()
if axes is not None:
for axis_dict in axes:
axis_name = axis_dict.get('name')
if not axis_name:
axis_name = axis_dict['name'] = axis_dict['tag']
if 'map' not in axis_dict:
axis_dict['map'] = None
axis_dict['map'] = {m['input']:m['output'] for m in axis_dict['map']}
if axis_name in standard_axis_map:
if 'tag' not in axis_dict:
axis_dict['tag'] = standard_axis_map[axis_name][0]
if 'labelname' not in axis_dict:
axis_dict['labelname'] = standard_axis_map[axis_name][1].copy()
axis = DesignspaceAxis()
for item in ['name', 'tag', 'labelname', 'minimum', 'default', 'maximum', 'map']:
assert item in axis_dict, 'Axis does not have "%s"' % item
axis.__dict__ = axis_dict
axis_objects[axis_name] = axis
# No <axes> element. Guess things...
base_idx = None
for i,m in enumerate(masters):
if 'info' in m and m['info']['copy']:
assert base_idx is None
base_idx = i
assert base_idx is not None, "Cannot find 'base' master; Either add <axes> element to .designspace document, or add <info> element to one of the sources in the .designspace document."
master_locs = [o['location'] for o in masters]
base_loc = master_locs[base_idx]
axis_names = set(base_loc.keys())
assert all(name in standard_axis_map for name in axis_names), "Non-standard axis found and there exist no <axes> element."
for name,(tag,labelname) in standard_axis_map.items():
if name not in axis_names:
axis = DesignspaceAxis()
axis.name = name
axis.tag = tag
axis.labelname = labelname.copy()
axis.default = base_loc[name]
axis.minimum = min(m[name] for m in master_locs if name in m)
axis.maximum = max(m[name] for m in master_locs if name in m)
axis.map = None
# TODO Fill in weight / width mapping from OS/2 table? Need loading fonts...
axis_objects[name] = axis
del base_idx, base_loc, axis_names, master_locs
axes = axis_objects
del axis_objects
log.info("Axes:\n%s", pformat(axes))
# Check all master and instance locations are valid and fill in defaults
for obj in masters+instances:
obj_name = obj.get('name', obj.get('stylename', ''))
loc = obj['location']
2017-05-18 13:08:50 -07:00
for axis_name in loc.keys():
assert axis_name in axes, "Location axis '%s' unknown for '%s'." % (axis_name, obj_name)
for axis_name,axis in axes.items():
if axis_name not in loc:
loc[axis_name] = axis.default
v = axis.map_backward(loc[axis_name])
2017-05-18 13:08:50 -07:00
assert axis.minimum <= v <= axis.maximum, "Location for axis '%s' (mapped to %s) out of range for '%s' [%s..%s]" % (axis_name, v, obj_name, axis.minimum, axis.maximum)
# Normalize master locations
normalized_master_locs = [o['location'] for o in masters]
log.info("Internal master locations:\n%s", pformat(normalized_master_locs))
2017-04-12 21:56:49 -07:00
# TODO This mapping should ideally be moved closer to logic in _add_fvar_avar
internal_axis_supports = {}
for axis in axes.values():
triple = (axis.minimum, axis.default, axis.maximum)
internal_axis_supports[axis.name] = [axis.map_forward(v) for v in triple]
log.info("Internal axis supports:\n%s", pformat(internal_axis_supports))
normalized_master_locs = [models.normalizeLocation(m, internal_axis_supports) for m in normalized_master_locs]
log.info("Normalized master locations:\n%s", pformat(normalized_master_locs))
# Find base master
2017-04-12 16:08:01 -07:00
base_idx = None
for i,m in enumerate(normalized_master_locs):
if all(v == 0 for v in m.values()):
2017-04-12 16:08:01 -07:00
assert base_idx is None
base_idx = i
assert base_idx is not None, "Base master not found; no master at default location?"
2017-04-12 16:08:01 -07:00
log.info("Index of base master: %s", base_idx)
return axes, internal_axis_supports, base_idx, normalized_master_locs, masters, instances
def build(designspace_filename, master_finder=lambda s:s):
Build variation font from a designspace file.
If master_finder is set, it should be a callable that takes master
filename as found in designspace file and map it to master font
binary as to be opened (eg. .ttf or .otf).
axes, internal_axis_supports, base_idx, normalized_master_locs, masters, instances = load_designspace(designspace_filename)
log.info("Building variable font")
log.info("Loading master fonts")
basedir = os.path.dirname(designspace_filename)
master_ttfs = [master_finder(os.path.join(basedir, m['filename'])) for m in masters]
master_fonts = [TTFont(ttf_path) for ttf_path in master_ttfs]
# Reload base font as target font
vf = TTFont(master_ttfs[base_idx])
2016-09-05 19:14:40 -07:00
# TODO append masters as named-instances as well; needs .designspace change.
fvar,avar = _add_fvar_avar(vf, axes, instances)
del instances
# Map from axis names to axis tags...
normalized_master_locs = [{axes[k].tag:v for k,v in loc.items()} for loc in normalized_master_locs]
#del axes
# From here on, we use fvar axes only
axisTags = [axis.axisTag for axis in fvar.axes]
2016-08-15 16:29:21 -07:00
# Assume single-model for now.
model = models.VariationModel(normalized_master_locs)
2016-08-15 16:29:21 -07:00
assert 0 == model.mapping[base_idx]
2016-08-09 20:53:19 -07:00
log.info("Building variations tables")
_add_MVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
if 'glyf' in vf:
_add_gvar(vf, model, master_fonts)
_add_HVAR(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
_merge_OTL(vf, model, master_fonts, axisTags)
return vf, model, master_ttfs
def main(args=None):
from argparse import ArgumentParser
from fontTools import configLogger
parser = ArgumentParser(prog='varLib')
2016-11-02 20:54:50 -07:00
options = parser.parse_args(args)
# TODO: allow user to configure logging via command-line options
designspace_filename = options.designspace
finder = lambda s: s.replace('master_ufo', 'master_ttf_interpolatable').replace('.ufo', '.ttf')
outfile = os.path.splitext(designspace_filename)[0] + '-VF.ttf'
vf, model, master_ttfs = build(designspace_filename, finder)
log.info("Saving variation font %s", outfile)
2016-04-14 00:31:17 -07:00
2016-04-13 23:51:54 -07:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2016-04-14 00:31:17 -07:00
import sys
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
import doctest
2016-04-13 23:51:54 -07:00