543 lines
14 KiB
543 lines
14 KiB
from warnings import warn
warn("featureLib.py is deprecated.", DeprecationWarning)
This is work in progress, a fast moving target.
An attempt to get OpenType features written like Adobe's FDK
Feature descriptions to export into UFO and back. FontLab has
an interface for writing the features. FeatureLib offers some
tools to store the feature text, or to try interpretating it.
There seem to be no clever ways to make an interpreter for
feature speak based on abstract descriptions of the language:
No Backus Naur Form description is available.
No python interpreter
No C source code available to the public
So rather than go for the complete image, this implementation
is incomplete and probably difficult to extend. But it can
interpret the following features and write them back into the
right format and order:
feature xxxx {
} xxxx;
# lines with comment
@classname = [name1 name2 etc];
sub x x x by y y;
sub x from [a b c];
pos xx yy 100;
When interpret = False is passed as parameter it won't attempt to
interpret the feature text and just store it. Uninterpreted feature
text is exported as an url encoded string to ensure roundtripping
when the data is stored in a plist:
This makes the feature text safe for storage in plist form without
breaking anything.
Also, if interpretation fails for any reason, the feature text is stored
so data should be lost.
To do:
- make it possible to read a .fea file and spit into seperate items
- test with more and different features from fontlab.
DEBUG = True
__all__ = ["Feature", "FeatureSet", "many_to_many", "one_from_many",
"simple_pair", "extractFLFeatures", "putFeaturesLib", "getFeaturesLib"]
# substition types
# are there official opentype substitution titles for this?
many_to_many = 0
one_from_many = 1
# kern types
simple_pair = 0
# lib key for features
featureLibKey = "org.robofab.features"
class Feature:
"""Feature contains one single feature, of any flavor.
Read from feature script
Write to feature script
Read from simple dict
Write to simple dict
Parse some of the lines
Accept edits and additions
def __init__(self, name=None, text=None, data=None, interpret=True):
if name is not None:
self.name = name
self.name = DEFAULTNAME
self._sub = []
self._pos = []
self._comment = []
self._feature = []
self._classes = []
self._tab = " "*4
self._text = None
if text is not None:
self.readFeatureText(text, interpret)
elif data is not None:
def __repr__(self):
return "<Robofab Feature object '%s'>"%(self.name)
def addSub(self, itemsIn, itemsOut, subType=many_to_many):
"""Add a substitution statement"""
self._sub.append((subType, itemsIn, itemsOut))
def addPos(self, itemOne, itemTwo, offset):
"""Add a positioning statement"""
self._pos.append((itemOne, itemTwo, offset))
def hasSubs(self):
"""Return True if this feature has substitutions defined."""
return len(self._sub) > 0
def hasPos(self):
"""Return True if this feature has positioning defined."""
return len(self._pos) > 0
def readFeatureText(self, featureText, interpret=True):
"""Read the feature text and try to make sense of it.
Note: Should you want to preserve the actual featuretext
rather than the intrepreted data, set interpret = False
In case the feature text isn't properly interpreted
(possible) or because the feature text is hand edited
and you just want it to round trip to UFO.
if interpret:
if featureText is not None:
self._text = featureText
def parse(self, featureText):
"""bluntly split the lines of feature code as they come from fontlab
This doesn't by any means parse all of the possible combinations
in a .fea file. It parses the pos and sub lines defines within a feature.
Something higher up should parse the seperate features from the .fea.
It doesn't check for validity of the lines.
lines = featureText.split("\n")
count = 0
featureOpened = False
interpretOK = True
for l in lines:
# run through all lines
p = l.strip()
if len(p)==0:continue
if p[-1] == ";":
p = p[:-1]
p = p.split(" ")
count += 1
# plain substitutions
# example:
# sub @class496 by @class497;
# sub aring from [amacron aringacute adieresis aacute];
# sub s s by s_s;
if p[0] == "sub":
if "by" in p:
# sub xx by xx;
self.addSub(p[1:p.index("by")], p[p.index("by")+1:], many_to_many)
elif "from" in p:
# sub x from [zzz];
theList = " ".join(p[p.index("from")+1:])[1:-1].split(" ")
self.addSub(p[1:p.index("from")], theList, one_from_many)
# plain kerning
# example:
# pos Yacute A -215;
elif p[0] == "pos":
items = p[1:-1]
value = int(p[-1])
self._pos.append((simple_pair, items, value))
# comments
elif p[0] == "#":
# comment?
self._comment.append(" ".join(p[1:]))
# features beginning or feature within feature
elif p[0] == "feature":
# comment?
if not featureOpened:
# ah, it's a fully wrapped description
if len(p[1]) == 4 and p[2] == "{":
self.name = p[1]
print 'uh oh xxxxx', p
featureOpened = True
# it's an unwrapped (from fontlab) description
# feature ending
elif p[0] == "}" and p[1] == self.name:
featureOpened = False
# special cases (humph)
# special case: class definitions
elif "=" in p:
# check for class defenitions
# example:
# @MMK_L_A = [A Aacute];
# @S = [S Sacute Scedille]
equalOperatorIndex = p.index("=")
classNames = p[:equalOperatorIndex]
# get the seperate names from the list:
classMembers = " ".join(p[equalOperatorIndex+1:])[1:-1].split(" ")
self._classes.append((classNames, classMembers))
# we can't make sense of it, store the feature text instead then..
print "Feature interpreter error:", p
interpretOK = False
if not interpretOK:
"Couldn't interpret all feature lines, storing the text as well."
self._text = featureText
def writeFeatureText(self, wrapped=True):
"""return the feature as an OpenType feature string
wrapped = True: wrapped with featurename { feature items; }
wrapped = False: similar to that produced by FontLab
text = []
if self._text:
# if literal feature text is stored: use that
# XXXX how to handle is there are new, manually added feature items?
# XXXX should the caller clear the text first?
from urllib import unquote
return unquote(self._text)
if wrapped:
text.append("feature %s {"%self.name)
if self._comment:
text.append(" # %s"%(" ".join(self._comment)))
if self._feature:
for f in self._feature:
text.append(" feature %s;"%(" ".join(f)))
if self._classes:
# first dump any in-feature class definitions
for classNames, classMembers in self._classes:
text.append(self._tab+"%s = [%s];"%(" ".join(classNames), " ".join(classMembers)))
if self._pos:
# run through the list twice to get the class kerns first
for posType, names, value in self._pos:
text.append(self._tab+"pos %s %d;"%(" ".join(names), value))
if self._sub:
for (subType, stuffIn, stuffOut) in self._sub:
if subType == many_to_many:
text.append(self._tab+"sub %s by %s;"%((" ".join(stuffIn), " ".join(stuffOut))))
elif subType == one_from_many:
text.append(self._tab+"sub %s from [%s];"%((" ".join(stuffIn), " ".join(stuffOut))))
if wrapped:
text.append("} %s;"%self.name)
final = "\n".join(text)+"\n"
return final
def asDict(self):
"""Return the data of this feature as a plist ready dictionary"""
data = {}
data['name'] = self.name
if self._comment:
data['comment'] = self._comment
if self._sub:
data["sub"] = self._sub
if self._pos:
data["pos"] = self._pos
if self._feature:
data["feature"] = self._feature
if self._text:
from urllib import quote
data['text'] = quote(self._text)
return data
def fromDict(self, aDict):
"""Read the data from a dict."""
self.name = aDict.get("name", DEFAULTNAME)
self._sub = aDict.get("sub", [])
self._pos = aDict.get("pos", [])
self._feature = aDict.get("feature", [])
self._comment = aDict.get("comment", [])
text = aDict.get('text', None)
if text is not None:
from urllib import unquote
self._text = unquote(text)
class FeatureSet(dict):
"""A dict to combine all features, and write them to various places"""
def __init__(self, interpret=True):
self.interpret = interpret
def readFL(self, aFont):
"""Read the feature stuff from a RFont in FL context.
This can be structured better I think, but let's get
something working first.
for name in aFont.getOTFeatures():
print 'reading %s from %s'%(name, aFont.info.fullName)
self[name] = Feature(name, aFont.getOTFeature(name), interpret = self.interpret)
self.changed = True
def writeFL(self, aFont, featureName=None):
"""Write one or all features back"""
if featureName == None:
names = self.keys()
names = [featureName]
for n in names:
text = self[n].writeFeatureText(wrapped=False)
print "writing feature %s"%n
print '- '*30
print `text`
print `self[n]._text`
print '- '*30
aFont.setOTFeature(n, text)
def writeLib(self, aFont):
aFont.lib[featureLibKey] = self.asDict()
def readLib(self, aFont):
"""Read the feature stuff from the font lib.
Rather than add all this to yet another file in the UFO,
just store it in the lib. UFO users will be able to read
the data anyway.
stuff = aFont.lib.get(featureLibKey, None)
if stuff is None:
print "No features found in this lib.."
def append(self, aFeature):
"""Append a feature object to this set"""
self[aFeature.name] = aFeature
print "..added %s to FeatureSet"%aFeature.name
def newFeature(self, name):
"""Add a new feature and return it"""
self[name] = Feature(name)
return self[name]
def update(self, aDict):
"""Accept a dictionary with all features written out as dicts.
Ready for data read from plist
for name, feature in aDict.items():
self[name] = Feature(data=feature, interpret=self.interpret)
def asDict(self):
"""Return a dict with all features also written out as dicts. Not the same as self.
Data is ready for writing to plist
data = {}
for name, feature in self.items():
data[name] = feature.asDict()
return data
# convenience functions
def extractFLFeatures(aFont, interpret=True):
"""FontLab specific: copy features from the font to the font.lib"""
fs = FeatureSet(interpret = interpret)
def putFeaturesLib(aFont, featureSet):
"""Put the features in the appropriate place in the font.lib"""
def getFeaturesLib(aFont, interpret=True):
"""Get the featureset from a lib."""
fs = FeatureSet(interpret = interpret)
return fs
if __name__ == "__main__":
# examples
print "-"*10, "sub many by many"
# a regular ligature feature
dligtext = """feature dlig {
# Latin
@MMK_L_A = [A Aacute];
sub I J by IJ;
sub i j by ij;
sub s s by s_s;
} dlig;
feat1 = Feature(text=dligtext)
print feat1.asDict()
print feat1.writeFeatureText()
print "-"*10, "sub one from many"
# aalt one from many substitution
aalttext = """feature aalt {
sub aring from [amacron acircumflex adblgrave a agrave abreve acaron atilde aogonek aringacute adieresis aacute];
sub utilde from [umacron uring uacute udieresisacute ucircumflex uhorn udblgrave udieresis uhungarumlaut udieresisgrave ugrave ubreve uogonek ucaron u];
sub Hcircumflex from [H.sc Hcedilla.sc Hcircumflex.sc Hdotaccent H Hcedilla Hdieresis Hdieresis.sc Hdotaccent.sc];
sub pdotaccent from [p pacute];
} aalt;
feat2 = Feature(text=aalttext)
print feat2.asDict()
print feat2.writeFeatureText()
print "-"*10, "kerning"
# kern and positioning
kerntext = """ feature kern {
# Latin
pos Yacute A -215;
pos Yacute B -30;
pos Yacute C -100;
pos Yacute D -50;
pos Yacute E -35;
pos Yacute F -35;
pos Yacute G -80;
pos Yacute H -25;
# -- kerning classes
@MMK_L_A = [A Aacute];
@MMK_R_C = [C Ccedilla];
} kern;
feat3 = Feature(text=kerntext)
print feat3.asDict()
print feat3.writeFeatureText()
print "-"*10, "something with groups in it"
# references to groups are treated like any other
grouptext = """ feature smcp {
# Latin
sub @class496 by @class497;
} smcp;
# Feature doesn't interpret the text in this example
# when interpret = False is given as parameter,
# the feature code is stored and reproduced exactly.
# But then you have to specify the name of the feature
# otherwise it will default and overwrite other features
# with the same default name.
feat4 = Feature(name="smcp", text=grouptext, interpret = False)
print feat4.asDict()
print feat4.writeFeatureText()
print "-"*10, "store the feature set in the lib"
# now create a feature set to dump all features in the lib
set = FeatureSet()
from robofab.world import NewFont
testFont = NewFont()
print testFont.lib[featureLibKey]
print "-"*10, "read the feature set from the lib again"
notherSet = FeatureSet()
for name, feat in notherSet.items():
print name, feat